Just Another Tactic To Destroy Firearms Manufacturers
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 4 months ago
How Anderson Manufacturing “should have known” that a private party who legally acquired one of their products would then transfer it to the killer is not explained, because it can’t be. It would require psychic powers. The plaintiffs and their lawyer are looking to blame a party with deeper pockets than the dead killer’s “estate,” and they want the court to ignore the separation of powers and usurp authority by legislating from the bench. They’re also trying to end private sales and overturn PLCAA, major gun-grabber goals as per the Democrat Party platform …
It would be laughed out of court if someone stole or purchased an F150 and then ran into a sidewalk jogger, and Ford ended up in court under the claim that they should have known their truck was going to be used to kill someone.
But that’s exactly what these fools would have a jury believe, and juries are stupid enough to go along with it.
That’s why, in general, I do not trust any aspect of the American “justice system.” It’s more than just that prosecutors have too much discretion, and it’s more than the fact that anything you say to police that exonerates you is inadmissible in court as “hearsay.”
Even if something does go to the jury, a jury is a cross section of America, at best, and therefore cannot generally be trusted to administer justice.
The PLCAA should never have even been necessary. It is so because the American public is stupid and gullible, but even with it, some idiotic jury might still be swayed by a pit viper in a suit.
On September 6, 2020 at 9:20 pm, George 1 said:
Adams: ” Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the governance of any other.”
We seem to have an abundance of the “any others”.