Black Lives Matter Thuggery
BY Herschel Smith
In Pittsburgh.
A raucous contingent of Black Lives Matter protesters harassed white diners over the weekend in Pittsburgh, hurling insults before one demonstrator stole a drink off one pair’s table.
Cellphone footage posted on Twitter shows the protesters converge on a restaurant’s outdoor dining area Saturday in the Steel City.
“F–k the white people that built the system,” one demonstrator could be heard yelling at the patrons, some of whom grabbed their belongings and walked away.
The group approached an older man and woman who stayed put, with a female protester clad in a shirt reading “Nazi Lives Don’t Matter” reaching onto their table, grabbing a drink, downing it and walking away as the patrons look on in disbelief.
A second video shows demonstrators smacking a white bicyclist. The protesters then faced off against police outside the home of Mayor Bill Peduto, according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
— SuperCop Dr RollerGator PhD from G.A.G.E. (@drrollergator) September 6, 2020
Let’s see – assault, disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, theft, and trespassing – none of which will ever be charged by prosecutors. None of these criminals will ever see court over any of this.
And it continues. Generations of hate. The people to whom this is being done will hate for generations, and generations, and generations. Grandparents and parents will tell children about this event and those of its kind, and they will pass it down to their children to the third and fourth generations.
Once this spigot has been opened, it’s nearly impossible to close it.
And every bit of this is planned by the deep state.
On September 7, 2020 at 11:14 pm, 41mag said:
Ah Bill Peduto. This is the asshole who usurped state preemption law is it not?
Hows that support for the left working out for you, people of Pittsburg?
On September 7, 2020 at 11:39 pm, The Dark Lord said:
not sure even bear spray would have stopped that big ‘en …
On September 8, 2020 at 2:39 am, Hudson H Luce said:
They do a pretty good job of picking their targets, they don’t venture out into rural areas, they don’t try their stuff with country people, they don’t assault biker bars or places where outlaw bikers hang out. It would be interesting to see them try the above stunt in predominantly Italian or Mexican/Hispanic neighborhoods. They haven’t, so far. They pick victims who aren’t likely to be armed, number one, or are constrained by ideas of the role of government as protector of freedom, number two, or both. And when they do come in, they come in with overwhelming force, so that any attempts at unarmed hand-to-hand combat will not succeed – as in the ten guys who beat up that 79-year-old who attempted to fight them off with nothing else but his fists, and with no help from anyone else.
And they’ve been allowed to maintain the initiative, no one has attempted to interdict them at the points where they coordinate their forces. They very definitely have leaders, they’re easy to spot – usually people with the megaphones, who lead the call-and-response chants, and who direct the action. They have scouts going forward on bicycles, and they have people who gather intel – the ones marked out as “Press”. They’re probably in the leadership cadre as well. These guys are Maoists, and they use Maoist techniques, and they probably know Sun Tzu by heart.
From the horse’s mouth: “Maoism is an extension and development of Marxism-Leninism applicable to the present era. It was developed by Mao during the course of the Chinese Revolution, in the process of socialist construction, in the fight against modern revisionism and particularly during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Maoism’s contributions include: the theory of contradictions, the development of the theory of knowledge and the formulation of the mass line of ‘from the masses, to the masses’; the theory of new democracy, the formulation of the path of revolution for the colonies and semi-colonies, and the formulation regarding the three magic weapons of the revolution – the party, people’s army and the united front; the theory of protracted people’s war and the development of the principles of military warfare; the development of the organisational principles of the proletarian party through the understanding of two-line struggle, rectification campaigns and criticism and self-criticism; the development of the political economy of socialism on the basis of the Soviet and Chinese experience and the dialectical understanding of the process of socialist construction as the correct handling of contradictions in the process of transition to socialism; and finally and most importantly, the theory and practice of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat to consolidate socialism, combat modern revisionism and prevent the restoration of capitalism, and its concrete expression in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.”
So these guys are all about warfare, they’re not interested in “peaceful protest” except as cover and camouflage for their true intentions. Ignore the words they put out for public consumption, those words are weapons, too – look at what they *do*.
And here’s a short synopsis of what they *do*: “Guerrilla war is the war of the broad masses of an economically backward country standing up against a powerfully equipped and well trained army of aggression. Is the enemy strong? One avoids him. Is he weak? One attacks him. To his modern armament one opposes a boundless heroism to vanquish either by harassing or by annihilating the enemy according to circumstances, and by combining military operations with political and economic action; no fixed line of demarcation, the front being wherever the enemy is found.
Concentration of troops to realize an overwhelming superiority over the enemy where he is sufficiently exposed in order to destroy his manpower; initiative, suppleness, rapidity, surprise, suddenness in attack and retreat. As long as the strategic balance of forces remains disadvantageous, resolutely to muster troops to obtain absolute superiority in combat in a given place, and at a given time. To exhaust little by little by small victories the enemy forces and at the same time to maintain and increase ours. In these concrete conditions it proves absolutely necessary not to lose sight of the main objective of the fighting that is the destruction of the enemy manpower. Therefore losses must be avoided even at the cost of losing ground. And that for the purpose of recovering, later on, the occupied. territories and completely liberating the country.”'s_War,_People's_Army
And most of *that*, above, is straight out of Sun Tzu – – and this applies: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
On September 8, 2020 at 5:01 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
“The people to whom this is being done will hate for generations, and generations, and generations.”
Some will, sure. More than we care to admit believe that they had it coming because slavery only ever existed in the US, and was the worst possible thing ever, and even if they personally aren’t racist in thought, word, or deed, they know somehow, deep down, that they are racist and can never, ever, no matter what they do, ever grovel enough to be forgiven for it.
On September 8, 2020 at 6:41 am, Tom said:
Steel curtain as fallen I say again steel curtain as fallen.
On September 8, 2020 at 6:42 am, Tom said:
On September 8, 2020 at 7:34 am, Herschel Smith said:
No. I’m saying that the people TO WHOM THIS IS BEING DONE (the victims in the video) will hate for generations.
On September 8, 2020 at 8:05 am, Longbow said:
Coincidental to your above post, WRSA linked to this piece, which goes hand in hand.
From Fred Reed…
On September 8, 2020 at 8:59 am, Matt Bracken said:
It’s your shop, but AFAIC, we should never spell out or say “Black Lives Matter.” This is using enemy agitprop terminology, just like using “Anti Fascist” for another group of revolutionary Communist goons. I just say or write BLM, and sometimes I’ll say Burn Loot Murder, but never “Black Lives Matter.” (They don’t care about the thousands of blacks killed by blacks every year, only the tiny number of black (and usually criminals) killed while resisting arrest by a white officer.
On September 8, 2020 at 9:10 am, Herschel Smith said:
I don’t disagree, but one has to choose a post title. Readers have found other complaints about post titles as well. This isn’t the first time.
Honestly, titling posts is the hardest thing I do. The rest is easy compared to title.
So if one of the goals to to reach readers who wouldn’t otherwise come, getting indexed by Google, Duck Duck Go, Bing, etc., ends up being important. I saw Andrew Exum title a post “Well, well, well!” one time. That’s a ridiculous post title, and won’t redound to page reads for any time except the moment he wrote it.
Notice the strategy though. Black Lives Matter is in the same post title as the word “Thuggery.”
On September 8, 2020 at 11:24 am, Bad_Brad said:
Normally I would agree, however in our current situation I disagree. Here’s why. How many of those Rochester White Libtards are thinking, wow, I sure am glad we have a progressive and racial diverse mayor, city council, and chief of police, as they are fleeing the restaurants.
Same thing applies with the residents and business owners of Portland, Seattle, Etc, Etc.
Identify exactly who’s doing the damage, and who’s allowing it to happen. These peoples votes caused the problem. So let them stew, and make sure they know why.
I’m convinced Trumps dragging his feet in any effort to rescue these areas just for this specific reason. If it works, he could literally destroy the Democrat Party.
On September 8, 2020 at 2:50 pm, X said:
If they ever try that to me they’re going to get a chair busted over heads and a steak knife in the throat.
On September 8, 2020 at 5:26 pm, Randolph Scott said:
Good plan X. I and mine plan to use a bit more.
If we are harassed it will most likely be the last time the perps try it in on me in my state. We have a very good ‘stand your ground’ law that that works outside of a citizens property. i.e. ‘I feel threatened, I and the wife shoot and get to go home alive.