Washington State Troopers Remove BLM Road Blocks
BY Herschel Smith
Via Ken.
BLM: “I can be right the F here.”
Cop: “No, you can’t so stand back. You’re illegally on the freeway. Did you know that?”
BLM: “I have the right to peacefully protest in Seattle.”
Cop: “This isn’t Seattle. This is the freeway. Read. You’ll learn.”
— Kelb Hull (@CalebJHull) September 4, 2020
This robs men and women of their time, potentially puts people in life threatening situations (think here babies being delivered on the roadway, heart attack victims who perish on the highway because they can’t get to the hospital, etc.), and I would say the same thing if this was a protest to repeal the NFA (which of course I support).
Get off the highway jerk! You’re endangering me.
On September 8, 2020 at 12:12 pm, Ron Bass said:
Time to reset America.
Its a nice thing to see LE actually enforcing the law. Starting in 1960, the free speech movement at Berkeley and Columbia University in NYC started breaking down the respect for authority; thus began the 60 year march to where we are now. Throw in political correctness and we’ve had nothing but rolling anarchy
since then. We failed to enforce our border laws and our interior immigration laws. It still is illegal to hire illegal aliens. We have to reset America just like we have to reset our mobile phones when things get messy. That means all crimes small and large have to be enforced. That is how Rudy Guliani rescued NYC when he was Mayor. We need to put insane people in sanatoriums, homeless in shelters, drug addicts in rehab and criminals in jail. Last point. When people mess with people who are dining they should be arrested for disorderly conduct.
On September 8, 2020 at 6:48 pm, Archer said:
The “protesters” believe — wholeheartedly — that they have the right to protest any way they see fit. If that includes blocking streets, blocking emergency services, looting, rioting, assault, arson, and murder, then all those things must be protected by the First Amendment.
Trouble is, that ain’t so. 1A doesn’t protect the “right to protest”, let alone the “right” to loot, riot, assault, set stuff on fire, or murder.
It protects the right “peaceably to assemble”. That could apply to a protest, but the key word is “peaceably”.
IOW, if you get violent and/or destructive, 1A protection no longer applies. They’d know all this, if schools still taught civics.
Or maybe they do know all this, and they’re challenging peaceable citizens (including LEOs) to see what they can get away with. (I’d bet this one, if I were a betting man.)
If this doesn’t stop, at some point that challenge will be taken up, and the “protesters” will discover that “poking the sleeping bear” really wasn’t such a good idea.
On September 8, 2020 at 10:27 pm, BRVTVS said:
Archer: “They’d know all this, if schools still taught civics.”
The problem is that they often still do, but most of the time by a leftist teacher who slants things to his agenda.
On September 9, 2020 at 1:08 pm, Ned2 said:
“Starting in 1960, the free speech movement at Berkeley and Columbia University in NYC started breaking down the respect for authority”
Culminating in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which made everyone a victim and thus entitled to everything.