Armed Citizens Must Defend Their Communities
BY Herschel Smith
So let me be very clear: if Democrat Party governors, mayors and DAs have hamstrung their police for political reasons, and won’t allow them to protect the lives and property of their local citizens using all required force, abandoning their primary mission in order to bow to the ABR mob, then it is time for their undefended citizens to apply the clear intent of the Second Amendment. There should be deep regret about the abandonment of the Rule of Law by the Democrat Party political ruling class, but there should be no moral quibbles or hesitation by American citizens concerning the legitimacy of armed community self defense, in the absence of expected law enforcement protection.
Therefore, it is my carefully considered opinion that black-clad and masked ABR mobs, rampaging and terrorizing innocent citizens under the cover of darkness in the style of the KKK of old, may morally and ethically be taken under preemptive fire by armed citizens at any level necessary to drive them out of their peaceful neighborhoods and away from their businesses, before the terrorists can reach their targets and throw their Molotov cocktails and other explosive and incendiary devices.
I agree with all of this, for reasons not mentioned.
First, in today’s America, I believe in the right of lethal action to defend property. In OT times, robbers became slaves to the ones from whom they stole, until they paid back the debt in multiples. Failure to honor that obligation of debt would get the robbers thrown into a pit at the edge of town and rocked to death.
Today in America, the FedGov sees debts as to society, and the offended never gets relief. Insurance doesn’t even come close. The laws and rules under which we currently live were intended for people who no longer exist.
Second, and perhaps most important, I would turn you to an article I wrote in which I cataloged an elderly couple whose home had been invaded, and after plundering the home, the invaders doused the couple with gasoline and set them on fire, killing both of them. I won’t bother to find the link.
You cannot entrust your safety to an assumption. You do not know the intent of the invaders, and maybe they don’t even know their intent.
Third, even if the rioters don’t intend to douse you with gasoline and set you on fire, there can be unintended consequences and collateral damage. It’s extremely dangerous to have rioters and looters rampaging through neighborhoods.
Regardless of intent (which can’t be known anyway), women and children can perish. Men cannot allow that to happen. Men cannot allow increased danger to come to their loved ones if they can stop it.
Having said all of that, be careful. Your enemy isn’t just Antifa/BLM. Your enemy is the state as well, who will prosecute you for self defense. They did with Kyle Rittenhouse, and they did with the McCloskeys. They’ll do it to you too.
On September 10, 2020 at 1:04 pm, Lori G said:
Has anyone noticed that people bent on destruction tend to wear black? Antifa, BLM, swat teams, etc. Makes one think.
On September 10, 2020 at 1:12 pm, June J said:
“ Your enemy is the state as well, who will prosecute you for self defense.”
If the state agents don’t just shoot you.
On September 10, 2020 at 2:08 pm, blake said:
I’d also point out that one needs to be prepared to deal with consequences of using deadly force.
The state isn’t much going to care how justified one might have been.
Mentally prepare for and accept the possibility if not probability.
On September 10, 2020 at 3:16 pm, Ron Bass said:
I got a letter from a reader of my weekly UPA Report who has lived in the US for 30 years and was born and raised in an unnamed communist country. Her advise to Americans, in no uncertain terms, was to stop talking and start shooting.
On September 10, 2020 at 3:21 pm, PaulB said:
I remember Aesop wrote up a story wrapped around a battle plan to dissuade such mobs. Used about 5 guys and some ruger 22’s. He chose the ruger as the barrel can be swapped quickly and the 22 for the difficulty in tracing the bullet. Shots were to wound not kill.
Sounded like a pretty good plan to me
On September 10, 2020 at 3:40 pm, Steady Steve said:
After quashing the riot, your secondary targets should be the local prosecuter, mayor, city council, and management level police. You have made your local accountability files, haven’t you. These files should contain names, addresses (home and work), and known associates. Tertiary targets would be county level if they are stupid enough to say anything.
On September 10, 2020 at 5:28 pm, Trope said:
While in the cities the rioters: looted businesses then threw Molotov cocktails inside to burn them to the ground, launched fireworks at police, beat people who dared disagree with them, blocked and shot those fleeing in vehicles, and killed a man who came to pray.
When they head into the neighborhoods there can be no delusion about their intentions. But then it would involve burning homes with children asleep in their beds. That’s not something most would allow if they had the means to stop it, evil prosecutors be damned.
On September 10, 2020 at 6:03 pm, James said:
This article reminds me of a great comment(unsure of author),”The first could cost you your monies/your freedoms/your life,after that,they are all free!
On September 10, 2020 at 6:13 pm, JB said:
Money! ——-
“Regardless of intent (which can’t be known anyway), women and children can perish. Men cannot allow that to happen. Men cannot allow increased danger to come to their loved ones if they can stop it.”
Having said all of that, “be careful. Your enemy isn’t just Antifa/BLM. Your enemy is the state as well, who will prosecute you for self defense.” They did with Kyle Rittenhouse, and they did with the McCloskeys. They’ll do it to you too.
On September 10, 2020 at 6:40 pm, Bad_Brad said:
ANTIFABLM or what ever you want to label them, are quite clearly the foot soldiers, the brown shirts, of the people that plan on stealing this up coming election. Disfranchising our vote. De-legitimizing the entire process and killing the Republic. That’s worth fighting against. That has to be fought against.
On September 10, 2020 at 8:49 pm, Ozark Redneck said:
Home invasion link where they burned couple in their car:
On September 11, 2020 at 7:30 am, Matt Bracken said:
Here is the link to my hour guest-hosting the Alex Jones Show on Sep 10, 2020.
I read my AmPart piece on armed community defense at the beginning.
In it, I strongly suggest that arsonists should be shot on sight.
Here is the original column in American Partisan:
On September 11, 2020 at 11:53 am, Archer said:
Your enemy isn’t just Antifa/BLM. Your enemy is the state as well, who will prosecute you for self defense. They did with Kyle Rittenhouse, and they did with the McCloskeys. They’ll do it to you too.
And Michael Strickland, Portland, OR. Charged and convicted of 21(?) counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and sentenced to 50 years in prison. He drew his legally-concealed Glock on a group of Antifa “protesters” that had already verbally threatened and physically assaulted him, and were chasing him down the street. NO SHOTS WERE FIRED. Police were on-site and did nothing. He had his camera running the whole time; it’s all recorded.
He is, of course, appealing his convictions. All Oregon courts (including the state Supreme Court) have upheld. Next is the federal courts.
On September 11, 2020 at 10:08 pm, Sheepdog said:
I would suggest that we are surrounded by foreign and domestic enemies both public and private.
The Framers knew these events would come to pass so gave us the Second Amendment.
The Constitution has become woefully inadequate for the near majority of people now inhabiting this land.
TRADs are unique in history, Americans for whom the love of the Lord, family and country mean everything.
They sure do to this American and a great many more who will not willingly sacrifice their children’s future without a determined fight.