It Is Our Responsibility To Do Everything In A Manner Worthy Of Our Calling
BY Herschel Smith
“There’s no voting our way out of this,” the more bellicose voices on gun boards and in blog comments sections will declare. “Molon labe!”
Ya gotta wonder how many of these would-be warriors have ever actually involved themselves in using the remarkable system bequeathed by the Founders before deciding that “Civil War 2” will be the less demanding course of action. If that turns out to be the case, ya also gotta wonder how many anonymous chatroom tiger talkers, who won’t lift a finger while things are still easy, will prove to have what it takes when they become cataclysmic.
Readers know that I’ve always made my own philosophy clear. Never turn in your weapons. Never. Ownership of firearms is a God-given right.
Also, vote for the candidate who best represents your philosophy. We never get the choice of the perfect candidate – we haven’t in my entire lifetime, and that even includes Ronald Reagan. Reagan appointed O’Conner to the Supreme Court, withdrew the Marines from the ME after having been attacked, and opened the borders due to the first amnesty. On the second issue, the argument can be made that the Marines should never have been there to begin with, and while that may be true, they were, and allowing them to be attacked without retaliation was the weakest thing I’ve ever seen a president do, with the exception of leaving good men to perish in Benghazi.
I would still vote for Reagan today over any democratic candidate.
Perfection in a candidate is never one of our options. But I’ll tell you what. You know the platform of the democrats, and it includes passing children through the fire, i.e., sacrificing them to Baal.
I’ve never been quite able to understand men who can go to worship services and drive away from the parking lot with “Obama” stickers on their bumper, except for awful pastors who won’t teach the truth.
Doing this or doing that, voting or refusing to turn over firearms, is not an either-or choice. It is a both-and choice.
Trump has been awful on firearms ownership. President Kamala Harris would be worse.
On September 13, 2020 at 11:03 pm, Chuck Connors said:
I’ve heard the admonishment that if you ‘don’t start no stuff, there won’t be no stuff’ and in general I’ve found that to be true. What if, for reasons of their own, someone (or ones) start some ‘stuff’ with you or those who are following the Rule of Law without provocation? What if what these others start is life threatening?
My belief is that if those of us who cherish the Rule of Law, the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights follow Mike Vanderboegh’s Three Percent Catechism we will eventually have to respond with an appropriate level of force to these antifa/blm/RevCom’s. Otherwise, we will be forced to bow to barbarism. JMHO
On September 14, 2020 at 7:43 am, BOB in NC said:
Herschel – I agree completely. I have also become weary of voting for the lesser of two evils, but I cannot agree with those (some in my own family) who choose to abdicate the responsibility and privilege of voting.
If for no other reason, we should take an anti-nausea pill and vote because of the countless Americans who have fought and died to secure that freedom for us.