Chinese Virologist Whistleblower On The Origin Of SARS-CoV-2
BY Herschel Smith
I’m sure all of those highly educated and brilliant PhD microbiologists and virologists at Google will take down this video because they know that her facts are wrong.
Uh … er … I guess Google doesn’t have any highly educated and brilliant microbiologists or virologists. But I guess they’ll take this down anyway.
On September 16, 2020 at 12:00 am, StillSworn said:
Watched it tonight. I’m not crazy. Adds facts and logic to what I have believed.
On September 16, 2020 at 7:35 am, ApoloDoc said:
By April, we knew this to be the case. The blog “” was written by someone in English and Chinese, and the discussion in the comments section has been incredible. I’m assuming some of those involved the author of this paper. I do question the idea of an intentional release, as it appears to have been handled as an accident + cover-up. It seems that while this is a highly transmissible virus, they didn’t quite get its lethality very high … I could easily see the ChiComs using a biological weapon on a particular continent where they are vastly expanding operations and see an I creadible wealth of natural resources.
On September 16, 2020 at 9:30 am, George 1 said:
The Chinese are being defended on all fronts by the media, the democrats and all of the other usual suspects. In fact the Cabal will label anyone who suggests that the virus was man made/modified as a crackpot conspiracy theorist. They censor statements of anyone who voices such an opinion as quickly as they censor conservatives on social media. Fauci and the medical establishment will tell you the Chinese have been completely cooperative and transparent with the whole affair. Why?
Trump is attempting to reign in the Chinese and their policies of theft and exploitation of our markets. He is the only American politician that ever cared to try. The cabal is the mortal enemy of Trump. TPTB will literally burn down America to get Trump. We also know that the CCP would have no problem with millions of their citizens being killed, especially their elderly citizens.
Since the evil of the Cabal knows no bounds and the facts seem to allow for it, I have no trouble accepting the possibility that the entire virus pandemic may have been planned from the ground up to get Trump. The CIA may have even been involved in it with the Chinese from the beginning.
Remember Herschel told us sometime ago that the evidence strongly suggested the virus was man-made/modified in a lab. I will trust his science more than Fauci, the CDC, WHO or any of the other agenda driven organizations.
On September 16, 2020 at 10:24 am, Recon Scout said:
@ George 1,
The enemedia/mil/intelligence complex is CCP owned and RED down to their core.
By MIL I mean the leaders and not the average grunt on a base somewhere in the boonies.
Covid-1984 was discussed several years ago by Fraudski and the Event 201 simulation happened about a year ago.
What a coincidence that it all came to pass a few months later.
Plan accordingly.
On September 16, 2020 at 11:27 am, George 1 said:
@Recon Scout. Thanks. Interesting stuff. So it seems the Chinese are and will play an important role in the communist overthrow of America. They certainly have many allies in positions of power here.
On September 16, 2020 at 11:30 am, Ned said:
FWIW, if anyone doesn’t know, if you open the video on YouTube, look down the screen next to the right of the “save” icon and you will find three dots. Click on that and chose the “transcript” option. A transcript then opens to the right of the video screen.
It’s often helpful to be able to read the transcript when sound is compromised or a person in the video has a thick accent.