Chief Health Officer Tyranny
BY Herschel Smith
From reader Joefour, Zerohedge.
Authored by Alan Hamilton via,
“On at least 3 or 4 occasions in the past week we’ve had to smash the windows of people in cars and pull them out of there so they could provide their details – because they weren’t telling us where they were going; they weren’t adhering to the chief health officer’s guidelines, they weren’t providing their name and their address.”
“Show me your papers!”
You can replace the word “pandemic” with “excuse for tyranny,” and you’ll understand the last eight months.
It’ll go on until LEOs get shot pulling stunts like this. Oh, wait. The Aussies turned them in. Never mind.
On September 17, 2020 at 12:23 am, Papa said:
How does one become such an order follower?
On September 17, 2020 at 8:46 am, Johno said:
The guns were not “turned in”, they were confiscated, please get it right. All gun registration, of any stripe at all, is merely delayed confiscation. When the cops know where the guns are, who has them, how many are brave enough to stand against the gun crushers?
On September 17, 2020 at 8:47 am, James said:
Depending on different reports/polls ect. seems probably only about 30% @ most of firearms in citizens hands were turned in,be a good time to get em out of the attic ect.
On September 17, 2020 at 9:09 am, Longbow said:
First, it would seem the Common Law has been completely abrogated in Australia. In order to resurrect it, The People MUST assert it. The problem with The People, is that someone has to do it FIRST. This takes balls. It take determination. It takes not giving a fuck anymore. Lastly, it takes vision, in short, Leadership.
Second, this is a concrete lesson that cops will, when ordered to by the people who pay them, do what they are ordered to do, no matter how egregious and injurious to the Rights of The People. Remember, Cops DID confiscate guns from peaceful citizens during Hurricane Katrina when they were ordered to do so.
Third, in reference to the first point. One has no Rights unless he asserts them. To be a Free Man, one must first DECIDE to BE free. This is not anarchy, because God is still the author of all Law. The Ten Commandments and the Common Law go hand in hand. Don’t Steal. Don’t Murder. Don’t covet your neighbor’s wife or property. Don’t adulterate. This is simple stuff.
On September 17, 2020 at 4:03 pm, Ned said:
Ditto Longbow.