Chad Wolf, Nominee For Secretary Of Homeland Security, Declares White Supremacists To Be The Most Persistent Threat In U.S. Politics
BY Herschel Smith
After seeing trillions of dollars blown by a farcical pandemic threat and hundreds of thousands of small businesses destroyed, and after witnessing nearly a half year of looting, rioting, arson, beatings and killings by BLM/Antifa, it might interest you to know what your new secretary of Homeland Security thinks.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told a congressional hearing on Wednesday that white supremacists are the most persistent extremist threat in U.S. politics, but in Portland, Oregon the local federal courthouse was specifically targeted by protesters who had “this anarchist sort of ideology.”
That means either Trump is in on the stupidity, or that he is such a bad judge of character and so out of touch with what the deep state thinks and how they undermine the republic that he rubber stamps whomever they bring to him for approval.
On September 23, 2020 at 11:34 pm, Jorge said:
Somehow all the destruction and chaos caused by openly communist groups is… the fault of Richard Spencer.
They will blame anyone and everyone other than the actual culprits, which to my mind shows you whose side they are on.
On September 23, 2020 at 11:53 pm, George1 said:
For as long as I can remember I have been hearing about the grave threat that the evil white supremacists pose. Well I think we obviously have much bigger threats to worry about.
Mr. Wolf has to be aware of the true threats to the country and that means he is a liar.
On September 24, 2020 at 1:56 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
“That means either Trump is in on the stupidity, or that he is such a bad judge of character and so out of touch with what the deep state thinks and how they undermine the republic that he rubber stamps whomever they bring to him for approval.”
Maybe; however, it may also mean that he has to put up a clown like that for the same reason Eskimos like blubber – it’s the only thing on the menu. Stalin was wrong: the guy who counts the votes is also irrelevant; it’s the guy who selects the candidates who has the real power. If the only choices a president has are BLM stooges, then a BLM stooge will get the job.
On September 24, 2020 at 6:47 am, John said:
Yet another deepster commisar worming in.
On September 24, 2020 at 7:21 am, Wes said:
Find the people, lower down in the heirarchy, who briefed this vulnerable fool upon him coming aboard & you will find a layer of poisonous embedded deep-state. Then clean them out. Those are the folks who routinely trot out the old Napolitano data that created her choreographed national threat assessment (still in use as you can see). When in doubt, invoke the ghosts of McVeigh and a returned Soldier or Marine with bona fide PTSD.
That’s the thing the communists rely on to feed their Propaganda Ministry on the airwaves & networks, and it’s the thing that informs appointed cabinet heads who can’t judge for themselves. And it’s still in play & working. You can see it in the daily statements from the Democrats (Mayor on up) that still say there are peaceful protests and that it’s the right-wing provocateurs that are instigating the violence.
The level of purge necessary to mitigate this is beyond most people’s willingness to admit.
On September 24, 2020 at 7:36 am, MN Steel said:
Most zionist president, by word and deed, ever.
How’s that kosher sandwich tasting?
On September 24, 2020 at 8:51 am, Fred said:
Trump has more CFR members in his staff than Obama. Trump has more Zionists in his staff than Obama. Trump is globalist trash.
On September 24, 2020 at 9:40 am, -Snap said:
Trump needs to dump this fool.
Obviously he gets his information from msnbc and not from any reality based evidence.
On September 24, 2020 at 10:31 am, Sisu said:
Troubling. Very troubling. … Just like his actions (not statements) re: Second Amendment infringements (ERPO; bump stocks; …), involving Ivanka and Jared. … But, at present Trump is the best hope we have. … The other side of the argument is Trump has been fooled by others and summarily dumped them – perhaps another Wolf to be eradicated.
On September 24, 2020 at 11:46 am, Ron W said:
I guess they have to help Joe Biden who can only hearken back to 2017 in Charlottesville in an attempt to dredge up a supposed single “white supremacist” crime, while Antifa and the Communist, racist, terrorist hate group, BLM have and are on the rampage daily for months and months.
On September 24, 2020 at 12:46 pm, Bram said:
How did nobody ask him for the body count? Who have all these white supremacists killed? What neighborhoods have they burned down?
On September 24, 2020 at 2:16 pm, Frank Clarke said:
If he answered honestly: that the greatest threat is the U.S.Congress, they probably wouldn’t confirm him.
OTOH, this might simply be what you get when year after year, election after election, decade after decade, you vote for the lesser of evils because “this is the most important, most consequential election in American history”.
How many times do you have to be Vaselined before you admit that your strategy hasn’t worked, isn’t working, and probably never will work?
On September 24, 2020 at 7:43 pm, Danny said:
So freefor bruvs, why dont we become the manifestation of their worst White Supremacist nightmares? Arent we already tagged and bagged as such? So lets embrace that fearmongering manifestation and make them fear us? I am not saying going on the offensive – yet. But when tyranny or despotism or anarchy comes to your neighborhood – push back, and hard. We have seen U toob vids of neighborhood folks in locales us Southrons would not expect literally chasing the Pantifa fags out of town
Colorado, Ohio, stand up. Make your neighborhood a No Go Zone. Take old TV dishes and line them with foil as a laser countermeasure. Buy star gazing dielectric mirrors as laser countermeasures. This is 4GW and just because it hasnt reached your slice of bucolic heaven doesnt mean it wont.
On September 24, 2020 at 8:02 pm, Randolph Scott said:
Consider this; Wolfe was given the opportunity to crush the riot in Portland. He took agents to Portland and did NOTHING, nothing t ll. No heads cracked, no arrests just agents standing and watching the riots and violence.
On September 24, 2020 at 8:20 pm, MTHead said:
Sense every white, red blooded American is considered a white supremacist by the government. Ya, we are the only threat to the government of total control. You don’t think all this crap-talk about making blacks equal will amount to anything more than stupid excuse do you? REVCOM is the government. At least a big part of it.
We are the last line of freedom left in the world. Reagan told us that back in the 60’s. So, get ready. Bohica is the future. He’s just ginning up his side for the fight of a life time. Their outnumbered, and surrounded remember? Keep that in mind. Their afraid.
On September 24, 2020 at 8:52 pm, Ozark Redneck said:
He is just following the playbook written by the leftwing goons who run his department. Hershel spelled it all out in his 9-11-20 post on DHS. The problem is no matter who Trump appoints unless you clean house (ie: fire everyone of the Obama appointees) you are just pissin’ in the wind.
On September 25, 2020 at 4:33 am, Tom said:
From Texas of all places. Cornered animals are indeed very dangerous.
On September 26, 2020 at 1:22 pm, T said:
Show us the facts Mr. Wolfe. Show us the figures. Antifa/ blm riots have cost property damage in excess of $1 billion dollars since May, with 3 more months in the year it’s likely to hit $2 billion. What damage are white supremists doing? Groups like the Proud Boys are multi-racial which hardly qualifies as “white” supremists just American Pride supremists. They finish the fight that antifa starts and then go drink beer, so the only damage is to their wallets and livers and bar-owning property owners seem to be good with that. So again Mr. Wolfe, show us some fucking facts to back up your statement or shut your fucking hole.
On September 30, 2020 at 6:09 pm, Jaque said:
You hear this parroted by both sides in congress and by the agency heads. They say the FBI and SPLC tells them so, so it must be true. But we know that it aint white guys in hoods or cammies doing the looting and burning. But none of the talking heads of television challange the propaganda. Despite Russiagate people still believe whatever the FBI says. To hear Wray testify that ANTIFA is an idea, and White men he calls supremacists are the biggest threat to America tells me he should be fired months ago.
Its clear to a blind man that there is a master plan in effect to turn America into a communist white minority, and either re-educate or murder the whites of America. If you dont conform its the gulag. Posess a banned gun its the gulag. Fly the Colors and its the gulag. The communist takeover will happen must sooner than most believe. And the communists will kill the president if he doesn’t step down. History is the best teacher.
So as a American white man I must choose now my response to a communist takeover. There is little time left. For those who prepared for the day America turns communist then your in good shape. Top off the stocks and update the will. We may not succeed in saving the Republic but the alternative is not an option.