I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
About the same time as Kyle turned himself into the police on 26 August, CAIR Chicago was mobilizing a political campaign urging the political powers in Kenosha to prosecute him. They named Kyle and urged a phone and email campaign.
But that should come as no surprise. CAIR is Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood, and wants to dominate the world. They are all terrorists.
They should have been kicked off of American soil a long time ago. But for the petrol-dollar and the U.S. alignment with the House of Saud, a whole lot of things would have been done a long time ago.
Here’s the reaction of an eyewitness to the ambush of two Deputies shot in the head in #Compton. The victims are in the background. No one is going to help them. Vote like your life depends on it. #BlueLivesMatterpic.twitter.com/tE8NH5YZvm
California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed legislation changing the state’s sex offender law to allow judges to have a say on whether to list someone as a sex offender for having oral or anal sex with a minor.
The bill expands discretion already granted to judges to decide if a man should be on California’s sex offender registry, but the existing discretion had applied only to a man who had vaginal intercourse, The Associated Press reported.
The legislation Newsom signed Friday permits judges to use the same discretion when the case involves voluntary oral or anal sex.
He would love nothing better than to shut down good men like John MacArthur. The church lost its most recent fight in court, and today they had worship services in defiance of his obscene governor. This isn’t his sermon from today, but in this short video he catalogs the incredibly onerous requirements placed on his church.
In Presbyterian parlance, MacArthur is a “teaching elder” (I realize his church is independent). Paul says, “Let elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor.” But with that honor, there is risk.
If you have led the flock astray, if you have failed to preach the unmitigated Word of the Lord, if you have succumbed to “Critical Race Theory” or any other faddish notion like N.T. Wright’s advocacy of works salvation, so-called German “Higher Criticism” of the Scriptures (Form, Source or Redaction criticism), or any other Marxist teaching like liberation theology or race-guilt, you will be judged doubly or even worse.
The notion of “calling” to preach the Gospel in the Scriptures is a serious thing, involving first of all a drive and motivation to do it, and second a recognition by the congregation that God has indeed gifted you with the intellectual and spiritual tools to do the job.
In other words, you have sought the job. The job didn’t seek you. This is something you wanted. The weight of the souls of His people is on your shoulders and heart. If you fail at your job, the weight of eternity will be on you in the worst sort of way.
If you are unwilling to do what John MacArthur did, that is, to defy the political authorities because of your commitment to the Lord, if you are unwilling to put your hands behind your back and be carted off to prison for your faith, then give up your ordination immediately.
You are a false teacher. You are a fraud. You are a fake. You are an impostor. God has commanded His people to worship him (Heb 10:25). If you do not do that, you are obeying men rather than God. Your worry should be for your own salvation rather than your flock. And since that is the case, the sermons you have preached should be shunned by the Christian community given that you are a fraud, and you’re nothing more than a carnival barker.
The next step, and the one that will probably not be taken by the elders Grace Community Church, is that the men of the church should begin bringing rifles to worship with them (in the best tradition of American history), encircle the physical plant, and make it clear to law enforcement that they intend to do lethal battle to prevent their pastor from being cuffed and spirited off to prison.
MacArthur should be willing to go to prison. Apparently, he is. The men of the church should be willing to shoot to ensure that doesn’t happen. I doubt they will. Thus the church will continue to be run over like a road bump.
That’s lying in wait to take a life, and the Scriptures categorize it as murder. So what did Antifa/BLM do?
They thought it was just special.
The Sheriff’s Office put out on social media that protesters were blocking the entrances to the hospital and ambulances and paramedics were having difficulty getting through.
To the protesters blocking the entrance & exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling "We hope they die" referring to 2 LA Sheriff's ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES & EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People's lives are at stake when ambulances can't get through.
Antifa/BLM dress trashy and dirty. They allow their bodies to become trashy because of lack of personal hygiene. Their choice of clothing is trashy. Their speech is trashy. The people they hang with are all trashy. Their intent is trashy. Their world and life view is trashy.
Yes it’s true that they are all communists, and that makes them loathsome anyway. But beyond that, they’re all trashy people. Their mug shots look awful, they’re all ugly, they have done rude things to their bodies, their women try to make themselves look terrible, their men try to make themselves look like women, and it’s obvious that they hate themselves as well as others.
With the focus being work, looking for deals and purchasing ammunition, and watching the rapid disintegration of the American project in front of our very eyes, it’s easy to forget basic things.
Don’t forget PT. I know it has been easy for me to forget it. I suffered today on the trail because of lack of diligence.
“There’s no voting our way out of this,” the more bellicose voices on gun boards and in blog comments sections will declare. “Molon labe!”
Ya gotta wonder how many of these would-be warriors have ever actually involved themselves in using the remarkable system bequeathed by the Founders before deciding that “Civil War 2” will be the less demanding course of action. If that turns out to be the case, ya also gotta wonder how many anonymous chatroom tiger talkers, who won’t lift a finger while things are still easy, will prove to have what it takes when they become cataclysmic.
Readers know that I’ve always made my own philosophy clear. Never turn in your weapons. Never. Ownership of firearms is a God-given right.
Also, vote for the candidate who best represents your philosophy. We never get the choice of the perfect candidate – we haven’t in my entire lifetime, and that even includes Ronald Reagan. Reagan appointed O’Conner to the Supreme Court, withdrew the Marines from the ME after having been attacked, and opened the borders due to the first amnesty. On the second issue, the argument can be made that the Marines should never have been there to begin with, and while that may be true, they were, and allowing them to be attacked without retaliation was the weakest thing I’ve ever seen a president do, with the exception of leaving good men to perish in Benghazi.
I would still vote for Reagan today over any democratic candidate.
Perfection in a candidate is never one of our options. But I’ll tell you what. You know the platform of the democrats, and it includes passing children through the fire, i.e., sacrificing them to Baal.
I’ve never been quite able to understand men who can go to worship services and drive away from the parking lot with “Obama” stickers on their bumper, except for awful pastors who won’t teach the truth.
Doing this or doing that, voting or refusing to turn over firearms, is not an either-or choice. It is a both-and choice.
Trump has been awful on firearms ownership. President Kamala Harris would be worse.