I had seen this piece before and honestly felt robbed of the five minutes of my life it took to digest and then regurgitate this drivel. But since David links it and makes some comments it brought the acid reflux back and I decided to post on it.
Concerning “boomers.”
Sacrificial Lamb nobly attempts to explain to the Boomers why they are, and will probably remain, the most despised generation in recorded human history, before they pass from the stage…
This sounds like a first grade class in a temper tantrum. I want it all, and I want it now, now, NOW, NOW!
First of all, as we’ve explained before, sins do not redound to guilt of those who did not commit them.
” … the Biblical doctrine is, as Deuteronomy 24:16 makes clear, one of individual responsibility … guilt cannot be shifted to others or passed on to the people around a man. Guilt is non-transferable; a disposition or nature can be inherited, but not guilt.”
So before posting such idiotic tripe again, the author should go do some study.
Second, there is historical misunderstanding in this tripe. “Boomers” … whatever that is, are not per se responsible for the mess in which America finds itself. Someone has been asleep.
This all began long ago, with Horace Mann, who decided that the state owned your children rather than you, and that you are unqualified to educate them in either mathematics or morals.
Social Darwinism took hold many years ago, and invaded the church. The manifestation of the project at that point was to jettison the creeds and councils of the early church in favor of falsehood. Communists infiltrated institutions of education, and mathematics and physics were jettisoned in favor of social management. Those graduates taught the children who taught the children who taught the children who today teach your children in centers of communist indoctrination.
Wicked men brought premillennial dispensationalism to the American church, in which the church decided to sit back, wait on the “rapture” (which isn’t taught in the Scriptures), and turn over sports, Hollywood, entertainment, scholarship, and government to the evil one.
You see, this project has been ongoing just about since the beginning of the republic, and in fact, this project has been going on since Genesis Chapter 3. Every individual who didn’t do what God commanded is guilty in some way, but let me make it clear, individuals are guilty and will answer for their own actions. Generations are not guilty.
I can recommend some very good studies in the American project, how it started well, and how it was hijacked. You can begin with many of the books and papers R.J. Rushdoony wrote, beginning with “This Independent Republic” (you could also study C. Gregg Singer [Theological Interpretation of American History] and Douglas Kelly [The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World]), but let me make this one final thing clear. You need to read thousands of pages in order to understand it.
Misunderstanding theology and history (the title of this post) occurs because you don’t know theology and history. You’re an impostor, not a scholar.
Writing about a first grader temper tantrum is unseemly and embarrassing to the authors, even if they’re too stupid to know it.