Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Armed Citizens Must Defend Their Communities

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Matt Bracken.

So let me be very clear: if Democrat Party governors, mayors and DAs have hamstrung their police for political reasons, and won’t allow them to protect the lives and property of their local citizens using all required force, abandoning their primary mission in order to bow to the ABR mob, then it is time for their undefended citizens to apply the clear intent of the Second Amendment. There should be deep regret about the abandonment of the Rule of Law by the Democrat Party political ruling class, but there should be no moral quibbles or hesitation by American citizens concerning the legitimacy of armed community self defense, in the absence of expected law enforcement protection.

Therefore, it is my carefully considered opinion that black-clad and masked ABR mobs, rampaging and terrorizing innocent citizens under the cover of darkness in the style of the KKK of old, may morally and ethically be taken under preemptive fire by armed citizens at any level necessary to drive them out of their peaceful neighborhoods and away from their businesses, before the terrorists can reach their targets and throw their Molotov cocktails and other explosive and incendiary devices.

I agree with all of this, for reasons not mentioned.

First, in today’s America, I believe in the right of lethal action to defend property.  In OT times, robbers became slaves to the ones from whom they stole, until they paid back the debt in multiples.  Failure to honor that obligation of debt would get the robbers thrown into a pit at the edge of town and rocked to death.

Today in America, the FedGov sees debts as to society, and the offended never gets relief.  Insurance doesn’t even come close.  The laws and rules under which we currently live were intended for people who no longer exist.

Second, and perhaps most important, I would turn you to an article I wrote in which I cataloged an elderly couple whose home had been invaded, and after plundering the home, the invaders doused the couple with gasoline and set them on fire, killing both of them.  I won’t bother to find the link.

You cannot entrust your safety to an assumption.  You do not know the intent of the invaders, and maybe they don’t even know their intent.

Third, even if the rioters don’t intend to douse you with gasoline and set you on fire, there can be unintended consequences and collateral damage.  It’s extremely dangerous to have rioters and looters rampaging through neighborhoods.

Regardless of intent (which can’t be known anyway), women and children can perish.  Men cannot allow that to happen.  Men cannot allow increased danger to come to their loved ones if they can stop it.

Having said all of that, be careful.  Your enemy isn’t just Antifa/BLM.  Your enemy is the state as well, who will prosecute you for self defense.  They did with Kyle Rittenhouse, and they did with the McCloskeys.  They’ll do it to you too.

I’m Not Trying To Start Yet Another Caliber War, But …

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

I hate to do this, and I don’t want to be charged with starting yet another caliber war only to be told to stop in the comments.  Really, I’m not warring on anything – I’m just observing.  You can make your observations without insulting the author of the post or the other commenters.

First up there is this incident.

Then there is this incident.

So count them.  Eleven rounds for the first incident to stop the threat.  Seven rounds in the second incident to stop the threat.

The upshot is that if you carry a 9mm pistol, your magazine can hold a lot of more rounds than, say, a magazine full of .45 ACP, due to the cartridge size.

But the downside is that you’re more likely to need them.  I usually carry .45 ACP.  I think that’s probably enough.  In a circumstance like this one, if there was a good way to conceal it (say, a 4″ barrel), I’d almost rather have a .44 magnum wheel gun.

Like I said, I’m not trying to start another caliber war.  But I didn’t make up the events in the videos.

Gun shortage excludes hunting weapons, for now, as demand for hunting grows

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

News from Fargo.

Mike Price, general manager at Bill’s Gun Shop and Range, said their inventory is only a quarter full for guns and ammunition.

He said during the pandemic their shipments can’t keep up with sales.

A number of boxes of ammunition on orders that haven’t come in yet that I was expecting two weeks ago,” Price said.

During the past three months, every handgun safety class has been full.

“A large percentage of business that’s been coming in has been new gun owners,” he said.

The dramatic increase has been in tactical and defense style weapons.

“It could be the pandemic, it could be the fact that you see all of these protests going on, the movement to defund the police, etc.” Price said.

On top of the increase in defense weapons, North Dakota is seeing an earlier and bigger interest in hunting season.

[ … ]

Bill’s Gun Shop and Range have been able to keep up with hunting demand.

“It’s hard to tell, either way, but as of right now I don’t see any shortage of hunting ammunition,” Price said.

That’s basically what I’ve seen.  Pistol ammunition is scarce as hen’s teeth, 5.56mm is just about like that, and there are plenty of nice bolt action guns for the same price as before, nice optics to be had, and plenty of 30-06, 7mm Magnum, 300 Win Mag, and 6.5mm Creedmoor.

I had always wanted to procure some more rather esoteric rounds like Buffalo Bore +P, personal defense, Double Tap pistol rounds, etc., as well as stock up on various brands of PD pistol rounds (instead of just buying lots of range rounds).  They’re more expensive but serve a purpose.

If you can’t buy what you’ve always been buying, then buy what you’ve neglected.

How many of the rioting ‘protesters’ come from super-rich families?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

American Thinker.

Clara Kraebber, 20 years old, the school-smart, life-dumb, over-educated, under-knowledgeable daughter of wealthy, highly accomplished parents, recently profiled on this blog for her protest demonstration temper tantrum for over six years, is currently confined in her family’s second mansion — complete with four fireplaces to complement the ecologically correct heating system — in an upscale Connecticut suburb, awaiting the next step for damages caused in a riot in which she participated.

Elsewhere, some of her peers are also suffering similar fates.

Elliot Rucka, 20, nabbed in the same riot (I repeat, not “peaceful protest”!) as Kraebber “that caused at least $100,000 in damages, authorities said,” is also the offspring of prominent parents …

Meanwhile, shed some tears — perhaps of laughter — as Natalie Van Norman, from the comfortable California beach suburb of Redondo Beach, sobbingly wants to know “Where the f— are my rights?” as she is arrested up north in Portland.  Not so amazingly, she showed no concern for the rights of the average Portland citizens whose lives and businesses have been upended in the 100 days — count them; they did — of violence as she dashed from the taxpayer-funded ambulance where police placed her to be treated, at taxpayer expense, for injuries sustained while she resisted arrest.

Loewy Malkovich, a software engineer in Portland and son of noted actor John Malkovich, joined other rioters as they violently protested against the middle-class police trying to protect their union building and other middle-class businesses.

Andy Ngo notes yet another.

I said in an earlier post that “This is just a bunch of bourgeois, trust fund white kids being supported by their parents.”

I was partially right.  It’s a combination of those and the very poor.  The very rich and the very poor have aligned to take down the middle class.

That’s you and me.  They want to destroy the middle class.  All communists do.

Politics Tags: ,

DOJ Dismisses Indictment of Machine Gun Prosecution

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Via David Codrea, this interesting analysis at Reason.

Why did the SG take this strange course? The Affordable Care Act litigation may have played a role in its decision. In Texas v. U.S., the federal government argues that the ACA, which no longer raises revenue, cannot be construed as imposing a tax. The National Firearms Act no longer raises revenue, because the government won’t collect the payment.  Bronsozian argued that his provision cannot be sustained under NFIB v. Sebelius. As a result, the DOJ would have had to argue that the National Firearms Act, which raises no revenue must be construed as imposing a tax. There is a tension between the two positions. Perhaps the easier path was to simply dismiss the indictment to sustain the Obamacare case.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.  Hoist with their own petard, as it were.

National SARS-CoV-2 Profile

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago


Cuomo.  Murderer of the elderly, the very ones God says to honor (Leviticus 19:32).

Vortex Optics: First Focal Plane Versus Second Focal Plane

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

BLM Takes Over Store In Pittsburgh

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Because the mob apparently owns McDonald’s too.

When he touched him, that was assault.  He should be hunted down and thrown (back) in prison.

Psychological And Character Test For Firearms Ownership

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Via David Codrea, JPFO.

A plain reading—not “analysis”—of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s gun bill, now in both houses of Congress, will require current and future gun owners to pass psychology and character tests to continue owning the firearms they already legally possess. When asked, legal experts have been unable to describe how this would be legal, Biden has not commented. America has 100 million gun owners by most estimates. That has grown dramatically by sales to people terrified amidst urban rioting, who can’t get police protection, during the corona-virus pandemic.

The first line of the identical bills, HR5717 and S3254, requires a federal license for any American to legally “purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition.” This is de facto infringement.

To obtain this license you would need to prove to unelected officials that you are of “sound mind and character,” you do not “potentially create a risk to public safety,” and you meet “any other requirements the State determines relevant.” No standards or guidelines are provided. Assuming anyone could qualify, authorities, “make a determination of suitability,” for your possession and ownership of firearms, including any you currently own.

Ah, I see we’re back to this again.  In order to defeat the second amendment, they’ve renewed their fealty to the community witchdoctors, except that the community witchdoctors are just bureaucrats, and thus, communist witchdoctors.

Washington State Troopers Remove BLM Road Blocks

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 6 months ago

Via Ken.

This robs men and women of their time, potentially puts people in life threatening situations (think here babies being delivered on the roadway, heart attack victims who perish on the highway because they can’t get to the hospital, etc.), and I would say the same thing if this was a protest to repeal the NFA (which of course I support).

Get off the highway jerk!  You’re endangering me.

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