Attorneys Prepare Defamation Lawsuit After Joe Biden Accuses Kyle Rittenhouse Of Being White Supremacist
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 3 months ago
In addition to suing Facebook for being falsely accused of being mass murderer, Kyle Rittenhouse has defamation claim against Joe Biden for falsely accusing him of being white supremacist & militia member responsible for violence in Kenosha.
Candidate Biden = Defendant Biden.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) September 30, 2020
Go get ’em. Take them for as much as you can get. And don’t forget about that threatened lawsuit against Jack Dorsey.
And free Kyle Rittenhouse. He did nothing wrong.
On October 2, 2020 at 1:12 pm, Fred said:
Kyle Rittenhouse is a political prisoner.
Free Kyle!!!
On October 2, 2020 at 1:31 pm, John said:
Dems have no heart or conscience so the only pain they really feel is when they lose money.