Will It Be Reeducation Camps Or Firing Squads For You?
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 3 months ago
Via David Codrea, this little zinger from a communist.
The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission. https://t.co/PopsRhmKvz
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) October 6, 2020
And then another communist ups the ante.
How about truth and no reconciliation?
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) October 6, 2020
When your enemy tells you who he is and what he intends to do, it’s best to believe them.
On October 8, 2020 at 9:44 pm, Ed said:
Trump calls for Biden, Obama to be indicted in ‘greatest political crime in history’
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vojJOU3GClg&feature=emb_logo [2:48]
On October 8, 2020 at 10:05 pm, Randolph Scott said:
The truth and reconciliation program should be applied to Biden, Harris and Oblackass.
On October 9, 2020 at 12:07 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Herschel
Re: “When your enemy tells you who he is and what he intends to do, it’s best to believe them.”
That’s not just hyperbole, either. The late Elie Wiesel, the scholar, Holocaust survivor, author and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, was once asked in an interview if he could summarize in only a sentence or two what surviving the concentration camps had taught him. He thought a moment, paused and then said: “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them”
On October 9, 2020 at 1:09 am, skybill said:
The Gloves are off!!!!!! Never mind saying “Molon Labe, Bring It, Come and take them or any thing else!!! JUST SHOOT THE BASTARDS!!!! If you can’t figure it out by now, you are dead meat!!!!!,
Audentes, Fortuna, Ivat!!!,
On October 9, 2020 at 6:23 am, Old Bill said:
It seems to me we are fast approaching the point Skybill describes. There is already a case to be made for targeted assassinations of communist organizers. An extreme, but (I contend) effective measure short of all-up civil conflict. Anyone engaging in it would be putting themselves firmly in many different cross-hairs (communist, legal, media, fudd, etc), but there will also come a point at which that becomes ineffective. Where to draw that line? Your guess is as good as mine.
On October 10, 2020 at 8:55 am, Sanders said:
Oh, I believe them. What is coming will make the Spanish Civil War look like a Sunday church picnic baseball game. But things won’t turn out the way they seem to think they will.
See, we’ve had disagreements in this country before, but a majority of folks were God-fearing Christians and many tempered their response. This country is lacking a strong Christian foundation. Folks have little or no self-control and operate on their feelings. There will be many heinous atrocities on both sides in the coming festivities. It truly will resemble Bosnia x Rwanda, as Mr. Bracken frequently mentions.
I do not look forward to it, for my children’s sake.