ATF Pistol Brace Desist Letter And Reversal A Political Maneuver
BY Herschel Smith
One source confirmed the AmmoLand article by John Crump on 8 October was “on the money”. It was claimed Associate Deputy Director Marvin Richardson was quite upset with John Crump’s AmmoLand article.
In the article, sources inside the ATF state Acting Director Regina Lombardo is “not loyal to the president”. They state Associate Director Marvin Richardson believes pistol braces “violate the NFA”.
An Acting Director of the ATF is not required to be personally loyal to a President, but they should be expected to follow DOJ directives.
Lombardo was next in line after Acting Director Thomas B. Brandon retired at the end of April of 2019. The simplest thing to do was to make her Acting Director while waiting for approval of a direct appointment by President Trump.
GOA actively worked to prevent the appointment of Chuck Canterbury. That meant Lombardo continued on as Acting Director, at least through the election. The Giffords organization, which seeks numerous restrictions on gun ownership and use, approved of Lombardo’s appointment as acting director.
Don’t take at least part of the blame off Trump. He didn’t have to nominate controller Canterbury. He also didn’t have to do the “easy” thing and nominate this traitor Lombardo to head the ATF, even in the interim.
Trump could stop listening to his awful aids, Wayne LaPierre, and everyone else who is either (a) ignorant on how a nominee will affect the gun community, or (b) wants ill affects on the gun community and a reduction of liberty.
But give a controller and inch, and she’ll take a mile. Part of the blame goes to Lombardo, as well as the fact that life bureaucrats cannot be fired. This is the administrative state at its worst.
The comments are interesting, from people who blame Trump (in which they are at least partially correct) to others who are willing to make concessions (Fudds, we would call them).
Ok, so I have read all the responses and most are ban the ATF and other alphabet organizations. How about this. Lets just make it law that all hand held firearms are legal so long as they are not automatic. If you want auto, get the stamp, pay the fees and make your AR AK auto, no more of this bullshit law about how it has to have been made before a certain date. That was just another ploy to keep them out of the hands of commoners like me. I can’t afford 15,000 for a fully auto and there are so few that they go for more than that and the rich people are the only ones that can afford them.
This is a mind-numbingly daft comment. So the infringements are what caused the elevated prices he complains about, causing him the complete inability to obtain fully automatic weapons (1986 GCA).
That follows the first part, where he is willing at a moment’s notice to give up (” … all hand held firearms are legal so long as they are not automatic”). In other words, as long as I have gotten used to the infringements on my liberty, we’ll keep those going forward as long as you spare me a few crumbs of freedom.
How about this.
Eradicate the alphabet agencies, which have no basis or legitimacy in the constitution.
On October 16, 2020 at 8:04 am, Fred said:
A quote from the article: “An Acting Director of the ATF is not required to be personally loyal to a President, but they should be expected to follow DOJ directives.”
Follow DoJ directives? What oath? What Constitution? What freemen? DoJ directives? So, all the DoJ has to do is make a directive to ban something and that’s it, that directive is LAW and must followed?
My response is the same and I stand by my statement:
“What’s been done here is to remove any doubt that the office of the President now sees gun control by executive action as legitimate. You are being set up, and not just by Democrats, you are being manipulated into surrendering your rights to the Executive.
You are warned: They are coming for your guns by executive fiat, regardless of party affiliation or election outcomes.
I do not recognize any executive in any capacity whatsoever as having authority over my duty to arms before Holy God. All such actions are a direct act of war, by the Government of United States’ own definitions of an act of war.
I will never vote Republican again, ever.
Trump is a wicked and perverse spiritual cripple.”
And PS, I don’t even have a TV. Stop telling about TV.
On October 16, 2020 at 12:19 pm, MTHead said:
Or as the old pastor told me. Give her an inch, she thinks she’s a ruler!
On October 16, 2020 at 8:05 pm, Sanders said:
All I see is, “Put this off until after the election.”
What I don’t see is, “Who’s responsible for this unconstitutional bull crap? I want them fired right now!”
On October 17, 2020 at 7:42 am, MMinAR said:
We are so far off the rails it’s beyond pointless to argue at all. Forestalling this or that latest infringement doesn’t hide the plain fact of the relentless march by the communists in our government to disarm us.
At some point in the near future there will be a law or EO or some bullshit that will compel law abiding citizens to surrender their weapons.