Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Black Bear Attacks Hunter In Virginia, Tearing Softball-Sized Chunk From His Leg

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

News from Virginia.

A Virginia hunter was attacked by a black bear, with the animal taking a softball-sized chunk out of his leg.

Ronnie Dalton, 68, from Carroll County had been out hunting on Saturday in Hillsville and was about to pack up for the day when the incident occurred, The Carroll News reported.

Dalton was in his hunting tree stand when he noticed a black bear cub nearby. After scanning the area for the mother and failing to find her, he decided it was safe to climb down.

But when he reached the floor, he spotted her and the animal rushed towards him in an aggressive manner.

“When my feet hit the ground I saw her. She looked up and saw me and when that happened she made a beeline at me as hard as she could come. I tried waving my hand like they say on a black bear, but I guess that doesn’t work if they have cubs and feel threatened,” Dalton told The Carroll News.

Dalton decided in the moment the the best chance of saving himself was to climb back up into the tree stand. But he was not able to escape the bear’s reach.

“I thought maybe I would have a chance. When I tried to climb the tree stand, I got about three or four rungs up and she made a lunge on me and grabbed my right side. She bit me on my right calf and jerked me out of the stand,” he said.

The bear took a softball-sized chunk of Dalton’s leg, and left three or four large teeth marks. It also caused him to fall around 7-8 feet out of the tree, temporarily knocking hum unconscious.

“When I came to and got to my senses and looked, she was already leaving with her two cubs, thank goodness,” Dalton said. “And so then I looked down and saw my britches was tore and my leg gashed open. I said to myself, ‘I have to get out of here.’ I grabbed my bow and took off toward the house.”

Dalton thinks that being knocked out may have actually saved his life, because the bear may have no longer considered him a threat to her cubs.

Bad situation.

Question.  Did you have a large bore handgun with you?  This could have ended far worse than it did.

Remington Lays Of 585 Workers

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Times Union.

ILION — Despite finding a new buyer, the bankrupt Remington Outdoor Compay laid off 585 employees on Monday and said their benefits would expire later in the week, without severance pay, according to the union that represents them.

Some of the workers, though, may be called back to work in the coming months.

“This outrageous action by Remington Outdoor company is a slap in the face,” said Cecil Roberts, president of the United Mine Workers of America, which represents most of the more than 700 people who work at the gun factory. He said the union is exploring legal options to fight the layoffs and lack of severance pay.

“We are now working with the new company to get the plant reopened and start putting our members back to work. But the old, failed Remington had one more kick in the pants for our members,” he said.

[ … ]

The company is expected to hire back 200 workers within 60 days, according to state Sen. James Seward’s office, whose district includes Ilion. It wasn’t immediately clear, however, if the new workers would be represented by the UMW as the company is emerging from bankruptcy.

United Mine Workers of America.

That’s one reason Remington is bankrupt.  Combine collective bargaining with awful management, poor foresight and engineering second rate products that no one wants, the Remington 700 fiasco, and being behind the development and innovation curve, and this is what you’ve got.

Bushmaster had to compete with Daniel Defense, Rock River Arms, LaRue Tactical, BCM, and a hundred other brands.  Remington 700 had to compete with Bergara, Tikka, Savage, Ruger and a hundred other brands.

In Case You Wondered About Where Social Media Stands On Censorship

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago


Mrgunsngear did a video on Biden’s gun plan. It was as honest and factual as all his videos are. He only used information from the ATF and Biden’s website to describe what the gun plan would mean for Americans.

Youtube SHUT IT DOWN. Here is a link to Mrgunsngear’s facebook page.

I actually watched the video. It wasn’t controversial. It literally was just him explaining Biden’s gun plan.

Edit: Here is a link to the video that was posted on YouTube. You can judge for yourself. There is nothing controversial about it.

Ha!  Until Fakebook takes it down.

A long, long time ago, American patriots should have seen this coming and planned for a different social media platform.

This is our own fault for relying on the communists.

The Father Of Controlled Starvation: How We Came To Worship The Environment And Destroy Western Civilization

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Make sure to watch all of this video (sent to me by one of my sons).  This explains a lot about the globalism the powerful and wealthy worship today.

Politics Tags:

Paul Harrell: Shooting Positions For Deer Hunting

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Leftist Rioters Are Not Just Antifa Wackos, They’re Normal Suburban Kids

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

I don’t like the article title, but I was true to the original author’s lede.

“[M]ost arrested in protests aren’t leftist radicals,” headlined an Associated Press analysis published Oct. 20. Of those arrested this summer during the nation’s largest outbreak of riots in 30 years, “Very few of those charged appear to be affiliated with highly organized extremist groups, and many are young suburban adults from the very neighborhoods Trump vows to protect from the violence in his reelection push to win support from the suburbs,” the article’s second paragraph says.

These nice young people throwing Molotov cocktails and setting police cars on fire are basically the kids next door, the article implies. It is clear from the article’s framing the AP intends it to be another entry into the “move along, nothing to see here” genre employed against facts that make the left look bad and are impossible to ignore. In reality, however, the article makes things look even worse than the reality it is meant to counter.

The AP doesn’t show or explain how it came to the conclusion that most of the 286 people being federally prosecuted for crimes in connection with this summer’s Black Lives Matter riots are the young, suburban, “not leftist radicals” its article claims. If this is true, however, it suggests violence has become uncomfortably normalized among those who identify on the political left.

If the AP characterization is accurate, tolerance for violence in the service of political ends is not just concentrated in fringe outliers like Antifa cells. It is attracting middle-class people who grew up in comfortable suburbia. People whose parents are aware that their children are politically intoxicated to the point of arson and still bail them out of jail and hire them lawyers. This is not comforting at all.

The article does give information about age, race, and sex. A plurality of those charged with federal crimes in connection with summer riot violence are white; most are men, and seven in 10 are under 30: “More than 40% of those facing federal charges are white. At least a third are Black, and about 6% Hispanic. More than two-thirds are under the age of 30 and most are men. More than a quarter have been charged with arson, which if convicted means a five-year minimum prison sentence.”

[ … ]

The article also contains nearly no evidence for its headline claim, that “most arrested aren’t leftist radicals.” Instead, it says the AP reporters were unable to find evidence in court documents that the majority of the 286 people whose cases they reviewed are part of Antifa or formally affiliated with similarly “radical” groups.

The AP article tries ever so hard to justify their character and give reason for their actions, but they remain thugs and communists nonetheless.

The point is that this represents a large portion of the kids in college today and who have been graduated from college in the last decade.  They are trained communists, and they are intent on the overthrow of the Western system and the destruction of the middle class.  They have been infected with self-hatred.

The reader who sent this points out that a non-trivial portion of them (see the link) were arrested with charges of possession of firearms illegally.  He says that will change his own ROE.

Make your own decisions about that.

So What Does A Coyote Do, After All?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

This is not a joke.  These are some of the real tweets by communists after Trump said that “Coyotes” transport children across the Southern border.

In addition to being terrible people, they’re literally stupid.  Who doesn’t know this?  Who’s that out of touch with reality?

Gun Control In Virginia

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

News from Virginia.

The General Assembly’s action would have been considered a rousing success if the goal was to increase, rather than decrease, the number of firearms in the commonwealth. But since there are now more than a half million more of these weapons in Virginia than there were before the Democrats’ highly-touted gun control bills passed, one can only conclude that the effort was a total flop.

Oh, I don’t think it was a total flop.  It had the affect of making it more difficult on FFLs, which was one of the goals.

Charges Against The First Shooter In Kenosha Have Been Dropped

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Well, not completely.  The charge of disorderly conduct remains, but if they charged him with unlawful carrying and discharge of a firearm, they would undermine their case against Kyle Rittenhouse.

These people are terrible and creepy.

13:30 and forward.

Americans Are Frantically Buying Military Gear Before The Election

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago


Conflict is on America’s streets in 2020, and “tactical apparel” has become a lifestyle industry serving militarized law-enforcement agents and the freelance gunmen who emulate them. Less than two weeks before Election Day, orders are rolling in. Since last year, online purchases have driven a 20-fold jump in sales of goods like the $220 CM-6M gas mask — resistant to bean-bag rounds — for Mira Safety of Austin, Texas. “It doesn’t matter who gets elected,” founder Roman Zrazhevskiy said of his new customers. “They think that no matter who wins, Biden or Trump, there are going to be people who are upset about the result.”

Not long ago — perhaps a generation — dressing like you’re going to war was for the veteran who never quite made it back from Vietnam or the angry young men who obsessed over gas masks and combat boots at the military surplus store. (Every American town seemed to have one, and only one.) A shift became apparent with this spring’s Black Lives Matter protests and bitterly resented pandemic lockdowns. Now the gear is everywhere, from camouflage-clad antifa supporters to right-wing extremists who appeared at Michigan’s capitol even after men were arrested in a plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

In some suburban and rural settings, it’s become everyday wear. A retail chain called 5.11 Tactical, which traces its roots to a friend of President Donald Trump’s adult sons, is even trying to turn the survivalist look into a fashionable national brand. It’s racking up annual sales of almost $400 million with stores in places including Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the U.S. Army’s Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. Across the country, gun and ammunition sales have surged as well.

And this is news?  I don’t think these writers have ever even visited the South.

5.11 makes good gear.  And America knows something important about the state of affairs of its people and government.

The bureaucratic state wants to destroy the middle class, and Antifa/BLM and many millions more want you in camps.

But the picture at Bloomberg has a guy wearing NODS equipment.  Not many people can afford good NODS.  Most people are going to be cash-limited to firearms and ammunition, and the next step is going to be med kits, tactical gear (like holsters, battle belts, etc.), and then the next step will be tactical vests and body armor.

And most people can only afford the first steps, which is why we see the rush on firearms and ammunition.

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