Trucker Strike
BY Herschel Smith
There’s a group on Facebook (for now – we all know how it goes on Facebook) called Stop the Tires Truckers that is organizing the strike. As of the writing of this article, more than 15,000 people had joined the newly formed group.
Our message is simple and hopefully effective. We fully intend to exercise our rights, and will not have politicians making crippling decisions, that will negatively affect our future and the future of our children.
President Trump has worked diligently for four long years to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans, and very importantly the blue-collar workers of this country. The blue-collar workers are literally the ones that make the wheels turn! Without truck drivers this country could not survive for long. Our intention is not to harm anyone. We would like to make a point that we do NOT wish for any companies or private truck drivers, supplying any kind of medical supplies and/or services, to participate in our movement.
“We will not participate in the leftist, Biden/Harris Green New Deal. We do not support the banning of fracking. The United States of America operates as a capitalistic economy and OIL is the fuel she survives on. With this being said, we will STOP ALL TIRES for 24 hours on Veterans Day 11/11/20. If this is not effective and our leaders do not respect that blue-collar truck drivers are having to face domestic terrorism, primarily in democrat run cities all over the United States, and that we do not support the banning of fracking in any way, then we will have our second STOP OF TIRES for FOUR full days 11/26/20-11/29/20.
We are calling for all patriots to share this all over the country. We may not last long on Facebook, but please do not be deterred, and continue to share this on any social media or other outlets, that you have available to you.”
Thank you & God Bless America (source)
And as of this writing, the group has over 31,000 members.
The threat is real, prepare your logistics beforehand.
On November 10, 2020 at 12:10 am, BRVTVS said:
Back in the 70s, our parasites were planning a national 45mph speed limit for us. It was the truckers who decided to cut off the big cities from their supplies in protest. Thanks to them, we were stuck with the less bad 55mph limit.
On November 10, 2020 at 7:31 am, Randolph Scott said:
I’ll support the shutdown. Show the filth in the large cities and DC that they are not in charge of everything.
BTW, we stocked up a long time ago.
On November 10, 2020 at 8:40 am, Wes said:
Heh, logistics & “stuff.” Pesky things. Excellent.
Many are probably set up with non-expendables they had for the Viral Chicanery.
Let it (not) roll.
Because Big Loads Matter™
On November 10, 2020 at 8:54 am, WDS said:
Once the election is certified and if God forbid, the American way does not prevail, the trucker’s strike should take place the week before, the week during and week after the
bogus inauguration. Why hurt America and Americans now?
On November 10, 2020 at 9:12 am, George_Banner said:
If enough truckers get in on it that would work if it holds to the bitter end.
On November 10, 2020 at 9:17 am, Ned2 said:
It might be more effective to shut down Fakebook and Twit for a week. Most would hurt more from that, and some might actually wake up.
On November 10, 2020 at 9:47 am, DMV GRINGO said:
“We would like to make a point that we do NOT wish for any companies or private truck drivers, supplying any kind of medical supplies and/or services, to participate in our movement.”
Really, the organizers of the STT strike don’t want other American citizens similarly aggrieved (medical supply & service truckers), by the fallout and ramifications of a stolen election to participate, because they’re worried (at this late hour) that their political and social adversaries/enemies will make them ALL look bad in the court of public opinion. Okay, go right ahead, put countless hours of irreplaceable planning, resources, and work into a guaranteed loss.
Please, for the love of God, don’t strike to lose, STRIKE TO WIN!
On November 10, 2020 at 10:33 am, revjen45 said:
“It might be more effective to shut down Fakebook and Twit for a week. Most would hurt more from that, and some might actually wake up.”
Unfortunately we aren’t a big enough %age to shut them down.
It’s gonna get weirder before it gets better.
On November 10, 2020 at 10:49 am, George_Banner said:
Well . . . there’s a reason the Morlocks eat the Eloi and not the other way around.
If I may adapt an old saying:
Tough men with balls create safe societies by killing the cannibals. (The Founding Fathers.)
Safety engenders weak men with no balls and no experience in cannibals. (End of WW2 to the present.)
Weak men with no balls turn societies weak by tolerating new cannibal infestations instead of killing them when the killing is easy. (Today.)
Weak societies engender cannibal tyrannies that start eating people, again. (Tomorrow.)
So, lest we find our balls in a hurry and become like the Founding Fathers and start killing cannibals in large numbers . . . we are going to be in the menu.
On November 10, 2020 at 11:25 am, Joe Blow said:
I think its about time to invoke rule 308 on some of these media types.
Don’t tell me someone cant find a concealed location within 1000 yds of Dorsey, etc.
On November 10, 2020 at 11:39 am, Fred said:
Forget about social media. the future belongs to those in meatspace. I’m convinced of this.
On November 10, 2020 at 1:08 pm, Saml Adams said:
Was just thinking the same thing the other day. A simple “je refuse”. What if that plumber that the limo leftists around here denigrate decided “I’m not coming out at 2am to fix your basement full of turds?” Or the electrician or appliance repairman? Truckers could put NYC into full blown panic in three days. What are they going to do? Have State Troopers hold a gun to their heads? Ask National Guardsmen drawn from the same demographic, mostly in rural areas of these states to drive the trucks?
On November 10, 2020 at 1:37 pm, Stealth Spaniel said:
I have friends who are truckers, and they are all over this like white on rice. For the uninformed: you would be surprised how many truckers/plumbers/electricians/etc….. have advanced college degrees. They simply enjoy being their own boss. The old story; I have never NEEDED A POLITICIAN, but I have needed my plumber, electrician, and trucking friends.
I Will Not Comply
I Will Not Lie Down
I Will Not Go Quietly
I Will Not Submit
I Will Not Roll Over
I Will Not Shut Up
No Arguments
No Apologies
No Explanations
On November 10, 2020 at 1:59 pm, John said:
Radar Love:
Starve them to death.
“Meatspace.” And they go hungry.
On November 10, 2020 at 2:14 pm, Swrichmond said:
Truckers declared terrorists in 3…2…1…
On November 10, 2020 at 4:53 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
And in line with Swrichmond’s comment,
GOP to issue strong statement against truckers and demanding their arrest, in 5…4…3…
On November 10, 2020 at 5:15 pm, Dirk said:
Fred, your point is solid, I’m stumped regarding just how many freedomesta’s use the tools of our enemies, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Gab, etc etc.
Once was a gent on WRSA, who taught anybody willing to learn, this. If you speak the language of your enemies, use their tools,,,,,, you have become “them.” That’s sage wisdom.
These tools are ALL compromise hopelessly.
Admittedly I don’t know if DuckDuckGo ” my choice” a VPN thru an Onions any good. They tell me it is. Who knows.
On November 11, 2020 at 9:37 pm, Ron Bass said:
Right now UPS has farmed out their New York City Brooklyn, Queens service for their freight deliveries. I spoke to the guy Monday that is doing their deliveries. Don’t have all the details on this. Number of years ago in the 80s or 90s when things were getting very spicy in the Boros UPS, Fedex and other truckers just flat out stopped delivering and they paid attention and straightened up their act. So what is being discussed I have seen in action in those years. I just signed up at Stop the Tires on Facebook. You got a great site here Captain.
On November 12, 2020 at 10:59 am, Artorius Brutus Maximus said:
I wonder if enough of them stopped yesterday to be noticed. I just tried their FB page and the group is now private so I wasn’t able to look in and ask that question.
On November 12, 2020 at 1:04 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I wonder if it had any affect. I heard an estimate that only 9% of truckers in America are independent. The rest are Mexican drivers hired by corps. Sad.