Election 2020: More Evidence Of Voter Fraud
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 2 months ago
Dogs who vote.
So when you say liberals are bitchez, it's literal now!
FFS these commies got us all f'd up, deliberately so. https://t.co/FWq6nlWx3N
— Time4SumAxShun (@Time4SumAxShun) November 10, 2020
And in case anyone claims to you that there is no evidence, when someone swears an affidavit in court, that’s a big deal. They are risking prison time for perjury if they are lying.
In a new sworn affidavit, a whistleblower with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada claims Nevada poll workers fabricated proof of residence data for illegal voters. So far, Nevada Attorney General @AaronDFordNV has taken no action to investigate credible fraud claims. pic.twitter.com/GVdBiRHlGq
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 9, 2020
Detroit Poll watcher: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 "tens of thousands of ballots" delivered from out-of-state
"Unlike the other ballots, these boxes were brought in from the rear of the room"
"I specifically noticed every ballot I observed was cast for Joe Biden" pic.twitter.com/wFHhGsxEWS
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) November 10, 2020
On November 10, 2020 at 10:54 pm, TC said:
Excuse me. I need to go find that extra bottle of Hoppe’s #9.
On November 11, 2020 at 2:35 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
That affidavit is irrelevant and also burned in a fire that I will light 5 minutes after this hearing ends.
– The judge hearing the claim
On November 11, 2020 at 3:40 am, George_Banner said:
The evidence of fraud and The Steal if overwhelming.
The moral nature of the lefto-puke beast that is causing it all is consistent with the behavior.
All the anomalies and all the glitches point only in one direction.
They have been advertising they would do it for months.
It could not be any more clear than it is.
The fact that The Steal is being defended by the left is proof of the weakness of all those who oppose them.
This election should have been annulled within the first 24 hours of the evidence having been made available.
“HIS FLATULENCY joe The Gropester” could not have confessed any more clearly when he said recently “we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”
How much spoon feeding do we need?
We are not toddlers!
But it doesn’t really matter to the left because he’s just a religious icon one is supposed to kneel and worship, not analyze.
They had done it before, in previous elections.
They weren’t punished in those previous instances thus encouraging more of the same by guaranteeing impunity.
Why wouldn’t it work better this time?! . . . it worked before! . . .
The left is a religion and shows all the signs of the fanaticism and bloodthirstiness and bigotry an emerging religion is been known to show by the very definition of the phenomenon.
Their permanent witch hunts are consistent with the norms of religious persecutions.
Their “cancel culture” is just their version of the old notions of excommunication and ostracism.
People fail to understand the religious nature of the left.
Their whole edifice is built on mysticism and aggression seen countless times before in the history of mankind religious phenomena.
Like a petulant and tantrum throwing child that is never punished or corrected they double down at every contest expecting to win . . . once more.
The majority of the people who oppose them, an heterogeneous and disorganized bunch, don’t understand their true nature.
The majority of the people who oppose them have no organization and most are low key individuals minding their own lives and woefully unprepared for the philosophical, moral, religious and cultural war being waged against them.
And being conservative, as many of them are, with little inclination for the risks of guerrilla warfare.
The GOP is a traitorous party of evil and conniving mafiosi who want to be left alone to continue to steal the taxpayer’s dole.
The left, quite on the other hand, has many veritable experts and a strong and effective organization paid for by their prospective slave’s taxes.
The left is the utmost expert at stealing and using their foes resources and at weaponizing their foes virtues into tools for their defeat.
Beginning with the Frankfurt School and their many precursors, collaborators and contributors through the ages.
Like the maws of some reptiles, the left is built so that the struggles of their victims often lead to their defeat.
The more you try and struggle against the left, the better they devour you.
Feminazism is not given enough recognition as one of the main weapons in the left’s panoply as one of the most effective ever weaponizations of an enemy’s weaknesses.
And let it be recognized that a vast majority of females fell for it, hook, line and sinker as was built in, in the nature of the weapon.
And by appealing to the weaknesses of their victims it makes females prefer to go down in flames than to recognize how wrong it is and how unhappy it makes them.
What the left represents is like a legion of demons as old as time and as effective as the first day they were created out of pure evil.
Theirs is a ratcheting game.
They seldom lose.
They already have more than 90% of America defeated at their feet and unable to function and defend its values.
We can’t even have an effective election.
The left has had more than a century of uncontested brainwashing, propagandizing, being left utterly alone to build, corrupt, cajole, fool and con and play with the young’s gullibility being as they have, in charge of education (neat trick, mostly done by leftist feminazi females) and in the course of The Long March Through the Institutions has managed to infect and very effectively gatekeep most, if not all, of the cultural and political mores of the country.
Most people use the left’s language, the left’s basic premises, the left myriad of lies and so are defenseless to fight them.
The left juggernaut marches on, basically uncontested.
Except for Trump . . . and Trumpism.
Trump is a “NO!!!” to the left, the “NO!!!” of all those who support him.
That’s enough for a start.
But only a start.
If Trump survives -A-N-D- Trumpism develops . . . there may still be a chance to keep America alive.
Otherwise . . . not.
On November 11, 2020 at 10:03 am, Fred said:
The Left is making it happen in meatspace and the Right is (still) whining on the internet.
The Left makes long term plans, funds the plans, and implements the plans in meatspace; including burning cities, installing whole police forces and DA’s, installing governors, importing armies, “retraining” and intimidating police and dot mil, compromising and blackmailing Right and Left politicians, infiltrating every level and department of governments nationwide, and now it is installing presidents. On and on I could go.
Look, the days of “winning the war of ideas” is over!!! This war has moved from the mind of the voter to the those who dare to make history in real time.
The Right is losing for a reason, and that reason undeniable, it won’t fight.
There are no rules in war. The only rule is to WIN. Losing a war because you won’t fight is despicable, it’s dishonorable, and those who won’t fight deserve the camps they will get.
Voting is not a legitimate strategy, and hasn’t been for decades now. YOU ALREADY KNEW THAT!!! And did nothing.
On November 11, 2020 at 2:03 pm, John said:
Dems poisoned the election thereby invalidating their man. They are sure they can
use their media minions to lie their way through but it looks like there are way too
many angry Republican vote casters for their old dirty game to work this time.
Example: Look at what happened to the numbers for FOX viewership after calling AZ
much too early for the Pedo and ignoring the heavy turnout for Pres. Trump.
If the courts don’t make things right be ready for a very rough ride.
On November 11, 2020 at 3:56 pm, Randolph Scott said:
“If the courts don’t make things right be ready for a very rough ride.”
Hi Yo silver, and away!
Let’s ride!
On November 12, 2020 at 12:17 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
@ Fred: “The Right is losing for a reason, and that reason undeniable, it won’t fight.”
How dare you, sir? How dare you! Whenever the Left attacks you, we will join them! We will fight tooth and nail to stop you mundanes from trying to do anything to protect yourselves!
– The GOP, Conservative, Inc., and all others in any position of leadership on the Right
On November 12, 2020 at 8:38 am, Ned said:
Jimmy the Saint – Democrats have been stealing elections that I’ve been aware of since they kept “finding” enough votes to beat Bob Dornan in California in the 90s.
Last election the same damn thing happened in Arizona – Republicans lost a senate seat because they kept “finding” Democrat votes. Republican leadership in Arizona did nothing except “trust the system.” Happened again this time in Arizona, and the Republican Neocons are a part of the equation. Nothing will happen.
It’s total bullshit that Arizona turned “blue.”
The fraud is real, and the entrenched right is divvying up the spoils with the globalist.
If you’re waiting for the leadership on the right to save you, you haven’t been paying attention.
On November 14, 2020 at 9:27 am, JoeFour said:
Sidney Powell says Trump won in a landslide–there has been massive fraud…”