Sidney Powell On Dominion Voting And Election Fraud
BY Herschel Smith
Sidney Powell is a great attorney and she has terrific investigators. She is the one, of course, who exonerated Michael Flynn of any wrongdoing and worked the FISA court over for fraud itself.
Having said that, where is this mountain of evidence? Time is short. Why isn’t this mountain of evidence in the hands of the American public? Why hasn’t a lawsuit been taken to the Supreme Court yet? Has such lawsuits made their way through the state and been rejected by the corrupt state supreme courts, as they will?
I have no doubt she is engaging in some truth-telling to power. The problem is that they don’t care any more. That’s how deep the corruption runs. This may be too little, too late. In fact, the failure to see that this was going to happen and stop it before the election may have made all of this moot.
On November 15, 2020 at 9:53 pm, JoeFour said:
Excellent questions, Captain Smith, each and every one!
I would venture that the fix is in and every (corrupt) institution in this country (from the FBI to the Justice Dept. to the Pentagon and, of course, the media) is in on the scam … so…too little, too late? Most likely…Yes.
As you intimate, the fight should have been fully engaged much, much earlier. The horses have all left the barn at this point. I did hear Sidney say she thought the magnitude of the fraud was so great that even if a Biden-win was certified by the States those certifications would be overturned. She obviously still has faith in our legal system. I have none. That said, I’m praying for Divine Intervention.
On November 16, 2020 at 1:42 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
@JoeFour: “That said, I’m praying for Divine Intervention.”
You misspelled “Retribution”.
On November 16, 2020 at 2:22 am, Steve Parker, M.D. said:
My gut feeling is that she is telling the truth.
I’m no attorney but can well understand why her team is dotting all their i’s and crossing their t’s. I’ve been sued too many times. The election was only 13 days ago. They’re not going after the small fry who took a $5000 bribe to look the other way. They’re going after the higher-up criminals in large-county, state, and federal governments. Putting the fear of prison into some of these folks may cause them to confess to Trump’s team, to save their hides or lighten their sentences.
Yeah, maybe I’m naive. But I’m a smidge optimistic.
On November 16, 2020 at 9:05 am, Randolph Scott said:
Bring back the ‘Rendition’ program, use special operator teams that are loyal to USA.
On November 16, 2020 at 9:20 am, Ned2 said:
Be patient, we have until Dec 14th before we all need to push the panic button.
On November 16, 2020 at 10:20 am, George 1 said:
Wish her and others involved in putting light on the fraud well. But, in the end, the deep state is not going to find fault with itself. The reputation of America is at stake don’t ya know. Ha Ha. It’s for the children.
Epstein didn’t kill himself. Biden lost… Everyone knows it.
On November 16, 2020 at 1:35 pm, Roger J said:
The elites are so sure of themselves they are even hiding the fraud, only using their media lapdogs to deny it. With Biden in the WH the CCP will not be punished for Covid, but rewarded for making the coup possible.
On November 16, 2020 at 1:41 pm, Roger J said:
Should say “elites are NOT even hiding the fraud”