Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Meme Of The Week

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

Via SurvivalBlog, eventually via Notes From The Bunker.

Control Feed Versus Push Feed

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

His presentation this time is a bit quirky, but if you can get past the quirks, it’s an informative video.

Michigan Election Tabulating Software “Glitched”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

News from Michigan.

The Republican Party of Michigan held a press conference Friday afternoon and revealed six thousand Republican votes were calculated for Democrats after a software glitch. That software was used in dozens of counties around the state.

“In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.’ Since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox said.

Software does not “glitch.”  That is a lie.

In order to set the stage for what I’m about to say, let me divert for a moment to an analogy.  A former colleague of mine, a fellow registered professional engineer like me, was sitting before attorneys and being questioned for jury duty.  Apparently, the attorney was working a case where, I guess, someone took Otis elevator to court over an elevator malfunction (I don’t know of other elevator companies, so I just threw in Otis).

The attorney asked my colleague, “Do you believe that elevators can fall for no reason?”  My colleague replied, “No.  There will always be a reason for what happens.  It might be a brake malfunction due to failure of some component, poor maintenance, or something else.  It might take a formal root cause analysis to ascertain the reason for the failure.  But an elevator cannot fall for no reason.”  My colleague was dismissed until the attorney found enough jurors who believed that elevators can fall for no apparent reason.

The mathematics of ballot counting is simple.  We’re not solving differential equations in Python (something I’ve done).  This is addition, and elementary school children learn to do it at a young age.

Furthermore, let’s assume that the software is written in Python (it could be another language, but this will suffice for the purpose).  If a programmer wrote a piece of code that said of some given data set, for every ballot for candidate A, sumA += 1, it cannot possibly be interpreted as for every ballot cast for candidate A, sumB += 1.  It doesn’t work that way unless it is intentional.

Ah, you say, but Python doesn’t compile.  The coding could have been written in C++.  Okay, but any C++ compiler that produced a result like this would have been found out within a day of releasing the compiler and would have been panned by the engineering and scientific community.  The company doing something like that would go bankrupt.  Compilers don’t produce errors like that.  Problems that severe are worked out long before release of the new version.

Things in coding that produce wrong answers aren’t called “glitches.” They are called bugs, and coders work very hard to fix code bugs.  Many times, code doesn’t compile with bugs.  But if it does and an incorrect computation makes its way into the coding, this is the fault of the coder.

A coder would not make the error of adding the sum of A to the sum of B unless it was intentional.  What the county clerk wants you to believe is that coding has “glitches,” or hiccups, or has anthropomorphic characteristics like “bad hair days.”  For no obvious reason, it just does something wrong.  Or for no apparent reason, it does things one way today, and another way tomorrow.  The county clerk wants you to believe that elevators can just fall for no reason.

There is no such thing as a “computer glitch, twitch, scratch, sneeze, bad hair day,” or otherwise.  It doesn’t work that way.  The people promulgating that myth think you’re stupid and that coding doesn’t work right unless it has had its coffee that morning.

Bad Omen For Ammunition Sales

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

This is not good news.

At the same time that gun sales have skyrocketed as more Americans reach for a firearm to protect themselves from threats real and perceived, warning shots abound that should have gun rights advocates on edge.

The latest is the court ruling allowing a lawsuit against the Cabela’s store in Cheektowaga to proceed after it sold ammunition to then- 19-year-old Jake Klocek, who used it in a handgun to accidentally kill 19-year-old Anthony King, a friend he’d invited over while housesitting for an Elma couple.

The suit by the victim’s family contends that Cabela’s – a defendant along with Klocek and the Elma couple – “knew or should have known its failure to use reasonable care” in selling the ammunition to someone like Klocek would result in serious injury or death.

But that claim hinges on the fact that Klocek, under 21 at the time, could not legally buy handgun ammunition.

However, he could legally buy long gun ammunition. And as Cabela’s attorneys point out, the ammunition in question – .45 ACP – can be used in both handguns and rifles. If the clerk asks and the buyer says it’s for a rifle, how is the store supposed to know, short of having a polygraph machine at every register?

Nevertheless, the fact that both a State Supreme Court justice and an appellate court allowed the case to proceed is likely to ripple through the retail firearms industry. If the case makes it to trial and King’s parents win, it’s easy to envision it precipitating more of the types of marketplace constrictions that anti-gun politicians can only dream about.

[ … ]

If this case proceeds to trial and Cabela’s is found liable, I would expect it – and parent company Bass Pro Shops – to join the list of businesses making it harder or impossible for law-abiding shooters to find the guns and supplies they want.

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) doesn’t matter to these courts because no one will enforce it.  Federal Marshals won’t be dispatched to arrest local judges who let stupid things like this go forward, and the Supreme Court hasn’t the balls to take up something like this.  So lower courts do what they way to do, unencumbered by any rules or social mores.

As if things could get any worse for gun owners and ammunition buyers (guns won’t work without ammunition), keep this in mind for the future.

Election Fraud Part 2

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

Another day, another refusal to count ballots by the states in play.  This isn’t differential equations.  This is addition.  It’s elementary school mathematics.  They know how to do it.  They’re working hard to engineer the outcome the deep state wants so it can green light largesse to failed states, the global reset, de-cashing, forced vaccines, and their laundry list of controls.

The mask hasn’t just slipped off.  They tore it off and don’t care if you know.  Election officials in Michigan and Wisconsin have refused to explain the hockey stick vote tally where hundreds of thousands of Biden votes suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Ballot counters in Detroit are covering up windows with cardboard so that watchers can’t see what they’re doing.

The Philadelphia Sheriff is not enforcing court orders for poll observers.  The election fraud is literally everywhere it matters.  In my own home state of N.C., they’ve forgotten how to add, and the result has been stagnant for days now.

The good news is that the GOP has shown just what a party of pit vipers and demons they really are.  Very few republican congressmen are willing to back Trump on charges of election fraud.

I was watching Newsmax TV a few minutes ago and heard Ted Cruz make very strong statements on election fraud and also supporting Trump, but virtually no one else.  The masks have come off in the republican party too.

The constitution doesn’t mandate open elections to determine the presidency.  But when laws have been passed that mandate such things, failure to adhere to those laws is oath-breaking.  God abhors oath-breaking, and He will not bless this country – this country that has turned from a true republic into a banana republic worthy of Hugo Chavez or Nicolas Maduro.

Oh, make sure to note that Mitch McConnell has already said he is looking forward to “working with” president Joe Biden.  You heard that right.

One final thing to note.  I hate virtually any television, but if pressed to watch it, there are only two channels left worthy of my time: Blaze TV and Newsmax TV.  I just got finished watching Greg Kelly Reports at Newsmax TV.  If you don’t mind what I say too much, you’ll like Greg Kelly, a former Marine, unleashed from his awful chains at Fox News.

Matt Bracken On The State Of The Coup

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 3 months ago

I’m not as positive as he is.  But it’s Matt Bracken, and he’s always worth listening to.  I do share his disgust with the GOP establishment.

The soul of the democratic party is wickedness.  The GOP simply lacks a soul.  They’re just absent of everything except self-serving laziness.  They believe in nothing.

The Anti-Trump Coup

Election Fraud

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

The AP called Michigan for Bidden.

Of course, there is the issue of the “hockey stick” in vote count that no one is stupid enough to believe.

Then there is the fact that Project Veritas has exposed fraud in Michigan.

[TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.—Nov. 4, 2020] An U.S. Postal Service Insider told Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe his supervisor instructed mail carriers at his work site here that all new ballot envelopes should be segregated in bins, so that postal clerks could fraudulently hand-postmark them as received Nov. 3.

Then Wisconsin has its own hockey stick vote count that no one is stupid enough to believe.

Not to be outdone by the corrupt bastards in Michigan and Wisconsin, Arizona has its own nefarious behavior.  To compound sin on top of sin, they gave sharpie markers to voters to use on ballots, and then threw the ballots out for use of sharpie pens.

My prediction: good men and women work jobs, raise families, go to worship and live their lives from the perspective of non-interference with others.  Until this changes and good men and women take up positions in local and state governments, wickedness will reign.  Trump loses this war.

The problem isn’t the democrats.  The problem isn’t corrupt politicians.  The problem isn’t the deep state.  The problem is that while the great commission says to make disciples in all arenas of life, good men and women have sat and done little to nothing to make that come to pass in the academy, politics, the arts, science and the public square.

Where there is a vacuum of righteousness, wickedness will swoop in and occupy.

Kenosha District Attorney, Michael Graveley, Is A Black Lives Matter Apparatchik

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

News from Kenosha.

The public now has access to newly released records that show Kenosha District Attorney, Michael Graveley texting with Whitney Cabal, AKA Billy Violent, a violence-inciting Black Lives Matter activist.

In the weird exchange, both text back and forth over the span of nearly 6 weeks, sometimes after 10:00pm.

In the many messages, it seems like Graveley is giving Cabal updates on the WI DOJ investigation into the Kenosha Police shooting of Jacob Blake and taking advice on how to handle the Kenosha riots.

In one message, Cabal warns Graveley that “KPD is gonna burn out.”

In another message, the two seem to make breakfast plans. It should be noted that Graveley is married.

This exchange is a very bizarre one, especially for Kenosha County’s top prosecutor.

Similar to the Portland DA, Mike Schmidt, who is aligned with Antifa, Graveley is a tool for BLM.

This is weaponized government, and it’s why the democrats are so good at it.  They believe in spending time and effort to control other men, whereas real men and women just go to work, raise families, go to worship, and live life.

It will be this way until God-fearing men and women get involved in local and state politics again and do it with righteousness instead of wickedness.

And Kyle Rittenhouse, while innocent, will not be able to get a fair trial in this location (or maybe any location).

Quote Of The Day

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Via SurvivalBlog.

“If we look back to the riots and tumults, which at various times have happened in England, we shall find, that they did not proceed from the want of a government, but that government was itself the generating cause; instead of consolidating society it divided it; it deprived it of its natural cohesion, and engendered discontents and disorders, which otherwise would not have existed.” – Thomas Paine

Election Day 2020

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Tomorrow (maybe today when you read this) is election day.

I know how my readers feel, at least the ones who comment.  I won’t tell you what to do.  You wouldn’t listen anyway, not that you should.

My own philosophy is that I don’t have Grover Cleveland or Calvin Coolidge to vote for.  They aren’t on the ballot.  The obviously small government, non-interventionist, closed border candidate won’t be named on the paper in front of me.  That’s not my fault.

I will vote.  I consider that my duty.  I will vote how my conscience dictates.  I will not vote for self-proclaimed communists, regardless of how much I dislike some of the infringements on the other side.

I can do nothing more, and nothing less, with what I’ve been given.  My station in life dictates how much authority and power I have.  I’m satisfied with what God has given me.  I will neither ask nor demand any more than what I’ve been given.  The rest is in His hands.

This is a simple post.  I am a simple man.

See you on the other side men.

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