Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

What A Terrible Situation For Remington And Its Workers

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

News from NY.

ILION — Following complaints by the union as well as U.S. Rep. Anthony Brindisi and Sen. Chuck Schumer, investigators from the National Labor Relations Board  launched a probe into the outgoing owners of Remington Arms, which laid off nearly 600 employees ahead of selling the 206-year-old firearms plant in a bankruptcy proceeding.

United Mine Workers of America, Local 717, has complained of what they say are unfair labor practices when the company in October laid off 585 employees without severance pay or continuing health care coverage, which the union says is in their labor contract.

“Our career experts in region 3, Buffalo, have begun an investigation,” NLRB Congressional Liaison Kevin Petroccione wrote in an email on Monday.

One of the allegations contends that “Within the previous six months, the Employer unlawfully dominated or controlled the operations of a labor organization,” and the “the Employer failed and refused to recognize the union as the collective bargaining representative of its employees.”

In a better world, Remington’s previous management would not have sold out to Cerberus Capital, “financial engineers” who had no intention other than to fleece all capital out of the company and leave it in shambles.  Good men don’t do that to a company, no matter how much they are paid to do it, no matter how many homes on the beach and in the mountains they are promised.

In a better world, workers would not be in a collective bargaining agreement anywhere, because that means there is no right to work by other men who need to feed their families.  They are blocked.  They cannot cross the line into the plants.  There is no competition between men.  The competition is between companies, and Remington got destroyed by that.

This is all a failure to live life by Biblical principles, whether on the part of the management or the workers, or both.  In the mean time, quality went down, innovation stopped, design ideas stayed on the drawing board or never even made it that far, and men simply worked their shift while the management got rich.

How sad for everyone.

Masks Don’t Work

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

This link at Insty drove me to read the comments.  One in particular by someone named Doctormhl1 states the following.

Face masks offer insufficient protection against Covid-19.infection. It has been demonstrated that the virus can enter the conjunctiva of the eye. Once on the conjunctiva, tears wash the virus into the back of the nasopharynx via the nasal-lacrimal duct. Thus eye protection in the form of tight-fitting goggles is also a necessary requirement. Eyeglasses and facial shields are also inadequate protection because they fail to completely seal off the eyes.

Why has Dr. Fauci failed to warn about proper eye protection in the prevention of Covid-19 infection?

Well, that’s just another means for viruses to enter the human body.  We can’t stop it, whatever it is, and however effective it is against the human body.  We may as well drive through it.  I’ve said that from the beginning.

I’ve already discussed this in detail.  Filters work (primarily) in one of two ways.  (1) particle interception because the filter fibers are closer together than the particle diameter, or (2) electrostatic capture.

The virus is smaller than the distance between the two fibers.  Next, the virus in question (SARS-CoV-2) is non-polar.  You may as well try to capture a mosquito with a chain link fence.

So this doctor’s pathway is just another reason to listen to what I’ve said before.  In order to be effective, you would have to wear an OSHA-approved, fit tested full face respirator, including both a HEPA filter and a charcoal filter.  The HEPA may be good for viruses contained within water droplets (until evaporation by the air stream), but the charcoal is the only real chance of particle interception.

Anything else is a sham.  Anything else is a hoax.  I’ve also told you what I would find necessary to believe that anything else would be a successful strategy: full testing and calculations (to develop models) performed by physicists and engineers, assessing particle sizes and their distribution, filters and their efficiency, retention time, an assessment using CFD (computational fluid dynamics) to assess the diminution of effectiveness due to air flow versus face velocity and benchmarking against empirical data, and full disclosure of mathematical and physics models for public review.

No.  Not by doctors and epidemiologists.  They know nothing about this sort of thing.  By engineers and physicists.

To date, no one has proposed anything even approaching this level of analysis, much less actually done it.

I stand by everything I’ve said.  And by the way, I don’t wear masks.

Stay Away From Crowds

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

This is perhaps an even more dangerous situation than being in an automobile and being attacked by these monkeys.

In my opinion what occurs in this video is assault and battery, and warrants the use of deadly force to stop.

The problem, of course, is that the police would come after you, not the perpetrators.  The police know it, the monkeys perpetrating the violence know it, and you know it.  No one cares about your loved ones or your safety except you.

Therefore, staying away from these people – or if you find yourself in the middle of something like this, getting away as fast as possible – is the best option.

Kamala Harris: Communist

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

The problem with this video, other than the fact that it outright promotes communism because Kamala Harris is a communist, is that she uses the word “compete.”  There is no compete if everyone ends up at the same place.

But consistency has never been a strong suit of the controllers.

The Last Word On Lever Guns?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

Will that time ever come?  Should it even come?

Lever guns have (thankfully) become increasingly popular of late.  Don’t get me wrong – as readers know my favorite gun is the Stoner pattern rifle.  But there’s just something about a lever action gun that makes me want to get it, from the aspect of fun, to the utility of having a carbine and a wheel gun in the same caliber, with the rifle putting that extra zip on it.

TFB published this video about ten months ago (that I embedded before), but it’s worth watching again.

Then this very recent video by Chris Baker at Lucky Gunner (“Are Lever Action Rifles Reliable?), the latest in his series on lever guns, explains a lot of reasons why it can be a temperamental gun to own and operate.  So be aware of what you’re purchasing.

This Is One Good Reason There Is No More Remington

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

After everything else Remington has been through – the Sandy Hook lawsuit, awful management, the Remington 700 trigger system failures and their refusal to own the design and correct it – there has to be this.

ILION, N.Y. — Workers at the sprawling Remington factory in this upstate New York village took pride in a local gunmaking tradition stretching back to the days of flintlock rifles. Now they’re looking ahead with uncertainty.

Jacquie Sweeney and her husband were among almost 600 workers fired by the company this week, a few months after Remington Outdoor Co. sought bankruptcy protection for the second time in two years.

Successful bidders for the idled plant in bankruptcy proceedings have said they plan to restart at least some production, though details remain scarce.

There are high hopes for a successful reload of the plant that dominates the local economy. But these hopes are tempered by questions about how many workers will come back, and when.

“My husband, he’s looking for work, just like everybody else. And I plan on going back to college unless I find a job before I start that up,” said Sweeney, recording secretary for the local unit of the United Mine Workers of America. “That’s all we can really do. We can’t sit around and wait for forever.”

It’s common for people here to say that Ilion is Remington and Remington is Ilion. Company founder Eliphalet Remington started making flintlock rifles on his father’s forge near here in 1816, and the Ilion factory site dates to 1828. Though the company moved its headquarters to Madison, North Carolina, the old factory dominates — literally and figuratively — a village that has long depended on workers making rifles and shotguns to power the economy.

Union signs reading “United We Stand with Remington Workers” are in the windows of local businesses that sell everything from pizza slices to steel-toed boots. At Beer Belly Bob’s beverage center across the street from the plant, Bob McDowell recalled the sales bump on Thursdays and Fridays after shifts ended at 3 p.m.

Remington’s recent history has been a roller coaster ride with a lot of drops. Layoffs have been common. The plant, which employed around 1,200 people eight years ago, was down recently to about 600 union workers plus an estimated 100 or so salaried workers. The company began moving two production lines to a new plant in Huntsville, Alabama, in 2014.

[ … ]

Roundhill pledged in court documents to bring back at least 200 workers. They could eventually add hundreds more, but details are not clear.

Well, that was an idiotic thing to do.  This is why.

Local officials believe a number of pieces need to be in place before production starts, from a collective bargaining agreement with the union to a new federal firearms license.

The UMW said it has held “productive discussions” with Roundhill. Meanwhile, it also has excoriated the outgoing owners for terminating 585 workers this week along with their health care and other contractual benefits. The union said the company is refusing to pay severance and accrued vacation benefits, sparking pickets in Ilion this week.

Legally, I agree with them on the issue of paid vacation.  I agree with them morally on the issue of severance.

Collective bargaining helped kill the plant and company.  You have a right to be a member of any organization you wish.  What you don’t have a right to do is prevent another man from working your job.

Don’t repeat the mistakes.

What Does Hunter Biden’s Form 4473 Show?

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

David Codrea.

“A source with knowledge of the situation has revealed … that in October 2018, Hunter Biden’s handgun was taken from his vehicle without his knowledge by Hallie Biden — the widow of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Beau — and she placed it in a garbage can outside a Delaware supermarket,” The Blaze reported Thursday.

[ … ]

Further, we are told “agents from the United States Secret Service as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives visited the shop where Hunter Biden purchased the gun” and that they “asked the shop owner for the file on Hunter Biden’s gun purchase — and that a copy was provided.”

Hmm … let’s see.  What happens if you’re a crack addict and sign form 4473 trying to buy a firearm?

I have no doubt this report is true based on everything else we know about this duo of demons.

On to another item.  This one an update on Kyle Rittenhouse, which I don’t know to be true at all based on how carefully they’re controlling the flow of information (even to Kyle’s lawyers).

Police interviewed Rittenhouse’s 18-year-old friend, who told them he bought the rifle at an Ace Hardware in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, using money Rittenhouse had given him. The friend said the rifle was only supposed to be used for hunting and that he stored it in a safe at his stepfather’s house in Kenosha.

We don’t know the details of the alleged transaction, but you can be sure they’ll prosecute this as a straw purchase.

Kyle and his friends had a naive trust in the police (I say had hopefully, rather than have).  Someone should have told both of them never to talk to the police.

So one of these crimes will never be charged, and the other alleged crime will certainly see the inside of a courtroom.

Because justice is just-us.

Muzzle Loader Gel Test

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 4 months ago

A reader sends this.  That seems like a lot of gel to go through.

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