Delusional Men And False Teachers
BY Herschel Smith
As Christians move toward the annual celebration of Christ’s birth, it is vital we all reclaim Isaiah’s prayer of faith. We are Christians first, period. If we are Americans, first, Democrats first, or Republicans first, there will be no hope. If we place items like flags and guns, ideologies such as rights and perspectives on abortion, or trust in economics or defense of rights first, there will be no hope. Our hope comes in surrendering to God and being Christians in the service of our Creator. Ours is to serve Christ, and Christ alone.
I see. So let me make this as clear as you tried to make your screed.
If you support the murder of unborn infants, you are not a Christian. Period. And if you won’t let a man defend his home and hearth against rapists, murderers and thieves, you’re no better than a child molester or a rapist yourself.
I hope that’s clear enough for you.
On December 10, 2020 at 1:28 am, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
Something something sheep’s clothing something wolf.
We were warned about this kind of crap.
On December 10, 2020 at 8:00 am, ragman said:
I believe one of Trump’s biggest failures(and there are many) was not federally de funding the infanticide industry. I’m talking planned infanticide. Why would The Father bestow his graces on a country that officially sanctions and funds infanticide?
On December 10, 2020 at 9:41 am, Fred said:
How do you get to slap Reverend in front of your name and still be an infant Christian? There are no rights except those duties to Holy God upheld by men of God. We don’t have rights. We have duties, from which our rights flow. Man I do wish sometimes that Jefferson would have used the word duties instead of rights, but everywhere him and others used the word right, look carefully, for it is duty to God and nothing less.
God is the creator of all these things (medical know-how, tools such as firearms, trade one with another, etc.) and when a man uses them in support of the duties Holy God has given in His revealed Law the use thereof is just. When misused, it is sin, by the man, not the thing(s). Things don’t sin. All these are precious and beautiful gifts of Father God, who I thank but less than I should, that we may have means and ability to provide in love of God a service one to another; family, neighbors, church, tribe, nation. I thank my God for all these things, for medicine at the hand of God has saved my life prior to even being saved Jesus Christ and knowing God, and the threat of firearms use against government gives me freedom of movement within my locality and wider to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ abroad openly and in public even with police presence and not in secret and not in fear.
Think about that; preaching the Gospel with police looking not at you, but for criminals, not shutting you down, not carting you off, not arresting you, but in boredom standing around. This is a precious, oh so precious thing the just use of firearms has wrought for our nation and a wonderful gift Holy Father God gave us, because men, known of God, fought, died, killed, and won. The historical norms are persecutions the which are too terrible speak. What a thing!!!
These are a precious and fleeting moment in history and silly little men seek to throw them away. How many blessings of God and how much hard work did it take to get Western Civilization? The author knows not what he prays. I want that God almighty would never take these things from our ability, hands, and hearts.
Oh, and on a practical note:
The guy is a commie or they wouldn’t have printed his OPINION in a USA Today network (Gannett) newspaper which is a propaganda arm of the CIA. Anybody who tells you that God doesn’t desire for you to have functioning economics is a commie and liar, holy judgement aside. I wonder if the Reverend has a 401k?
On December 10, 2020 at 5:04 pm, blake said:
I read through the, well, whatever it was, and, it wasn’t much more than, “We are united in Christ, regardless of opinions on abortion, defending the family against criminals, etc.”
That isn’t theology. It’s feel good pablum with a patina of Christianity hiding the tasteless salt underneath.
On December 12, 2020 at 4:10 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
“Our hope comes in surrendering to God”
Surrendering to God? Pretty sure there’s a name for that: Islam.