Texas, et. al., Before The Supreme Court On Election 2020 Fraud
BY Herschel Smith
By now you’ve seen that the case of Texas versus the four states has been docketed and a response has been obtained from Pennsylvania. In it, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro pulled his pants to his ankles and mooned Texas, the Supreme Court, and indeed every honest citizen in America.
Using strong language rarely seen in Supreme Court filings, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro told the justices that they should “not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated.”
Seditious, he says. Pennsylvania’s corruption and theft isn’t seditious, one must conclude. Because reasons, so shut up.
Via WRSA, here is a list of pointers about the lawsuit that makes it unique. As I’ve said before, anyone who believes that Biden legitimately won the vote is as dumb as a bag of rocks.
Here is a prediction: None of this will matter. The Supreme Court is more likely to recognize that there are important issues, but point out that the state legislatures are tasked to supervise the electoral process, and they will be loath to step in because they’re cowards. Of course, the state legislatures are all filled with cowards too, hence the necessity of the lawsuit to begin with. America is a nation of cowards.
Thus ends the last attempt at an honest and fair election in America in your lifetime. The electoral college meets soon, and after that, prepare at first for president Biden, and then soon after that, president Harris.
And after that, massive trouble.
On December 11, 2020 at 8:45 am, Mike O’Steen said:
I must disagree with your conclusion. The court has signaled it’s position regarding unconstitutional actions by the states based on the pandemic panic.
Unpredictable as SCOTUS has been in recent years, I am more than hopeful they will rebuke these lawless states and their crooked electoral processes, and uphold Texas’ complaints. How this will effect the outcome is anyone’s guess, but it will, I think, trigger much unrest among the leftist rabble.
Those of us who understand what’s afoot in our nation, are willing to resist, but we are not well organized and funded as is the opposition.
The leftist in the media are running a very successful disinformation campaign regarding the “irregularities” of the election. Many of us are on the sidelines, happy to remain above the fray, as long as feigned ignorance will allow.
The court’s decision will come soon and we’ll know a lot more about where we are and where we’re going.
I am not carrying yet, but I will if things get sticky.
Let us pray to Almighty God for His guidance. He has not forgotten us though many of our countrymen have forgotten Him.
On December 11, 2020 at 9:03 am, Ned2 said:
There’s going to be trouble regardless of who occupies the Oval Office next month.
On December 11, 2020 at 8:42 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
And the Supreme Court did exactly as you said. It’s not a good move. The Senate runoff in Georgia will be interesting – as in “may you live in interesting times”…
On December 11, 2020 at 8:57 pm, 173dVietVet said:
Unfortunately you are 100% spot on in your prediction of the cowardice that the Supremes were to display.
Alito and Thomas wanted the hear the case and the other three supposedly conservative COWARDS failed in their duties.
The Constitution is crystal clear as is a Congressional statute, that cases between states must be brought before the Supreme Court and nowhere else.
Thinking they will not be the cause of the start of America’s Third Civil War, these three cowards: Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett will be the ones that light the match that sets of the conflagration !!
It didn’t have to be this way, but now that it is, the fury of the Awakened Saxon will be unleashed (see Kipling’s poem).
May Almighty God Have Mercy On All Of Our Souls !!!!!!!!!
On December 11, 2020 at 10:25 pm, Ron Bass said:
POTUS has shown a weakness in appointments to his administration and the SCOTUS. Most of those appointments have eventually given him the big finger. Sec. of Defense Esper and now Justice Barrett and Justice Kavanaugh to name a few. When all else fails the Constitution says the power is in the hands of the people. The key to this, as it is not over yet, may be coming from Gen. Flynn and what happens tomorrow on the streets of DC. A report just came in that the proud boys have rented over 800 hotel rooms in DC for tomorrows events. if you count at a minimum 2 to a room, you have at least 1600 of them on the streets of DC tomorrow. This “election steal” is a Coup and all those who side with the “stealers” are guilty of treason and cowardice which had previously been mentioned.
On December 12, 2020 at 7:52 am, Mike O’Steen said:
Yep, you were exactly right.
What can the citizens of the states in question be thinking? The cowards on the court have just kicked the ball back to them. Time to rise up, or just bend over and take it.