Continuing Election Corruption In Georgia
BY Herschel Smith
The Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is corrupt and likely in the pocket of the CCP.
“I am not sure the secretary of state has the backbone for this,” Fulton County poll manager Suzi Voyles said. “We have turned in thousands of unlawful voters and not one of them has been prosecuted.”
Brown agreed that Raffensperger may be out of his depth, noting that “this is his first political office.”
“He is a little bit afraid, politically, and buckled a little more than he should have to Abrams, who’s trying to stir up racial discord,” he said. “That’s why he printed up all those absentee ballot [request] forms and sent them to people who hadn’t asked for them — which was just a terrible action, because it creates all kinds of problems with double voting and other fraud — and that’s why he agreed to install all those drop boxes, which just opens the door for illegal ballot harvesting.”
Notice that I don’t give him the latitude to simply be incompetent. I think he’s as corrupt as the Georgia governor.
Lin Wood currently has a complaint before the supreme court. In it, he says this.
Finally, there is a runoff election scheduled in January 2021 for two U.S. senatorial seats in Georgia, and if the challenged procedures are employed, it will further aggravate the Petitioner’s continuing constitutional injury. The constitutional violation will repeat without having been reviewed. Accordingly, this controversy is not moot.
The point is that the corruption there on election day in November, will be there for the runoff election, and not a single court in the land has stepped in to stop the corruption. Nor have any state assemblies had the courage and moral scruples to do what’s necessary to save fair and free elections in America.
Via WRSA, Zero Hedge has this statement by Newt Gingrich.
“We need to win by a bigger margin than the left can steal. So we need to get every single conservative out.”
I don’t think he understands how math works. If you take every vote for Biden and multiply it by 1.20, and every vote for Trump and multiply it by 0.8 (or similar for senators), you simply increase the margin of fraud.
Here is a prediction: the corruption stands, and two more democratic senators get added to the rolls. The number of GOP votes will have nothing whatsoever to do with the outcome.
I hope I’m wrong.
On December 13, 2020 at 11:08 pm, ambiguousfrog said:
I’m in GA. I guess I have choice to make.
On December 14, 2020 at 8:08 am, ragman said:
Have the mother and daughter team that were caught on video perpetrating voter fraud in Fulton county been prosecuted? Or have they even been removed from their official positions? If not, why on earth would any thinking person believe that the outcome of the senate races would be any different than the outcome of the presidential race?
On December 14, 2020 at 5:36 pm, eamon said:
He, like the other squishes, is fearful of riotiing.
btw, rumor has it Justice Roberts is afaid of the same thing hence the reason SCOTUS dropped Texas.