Update On 80% Receiver Confiscations
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 1 month ago
We previously discussed the ongoing tribulations of Polymer80 here and here. I told you the real intent behind all of this was to locate buyers of the kits. As it turns out, I was right.
The reader stated that on the afternoon of December 10, 2020, they were visited by the ATF and were requested to surrender any Polymer80 kits. The ATF took custody of the Buy Build Shoot Kit and provided them with a receipt for the property. In the “Basis for Transfer or Seizure of Items” box, the ATF agent wrote “Polymer80, Inc. Investigation”. The email to TFB stated:
They are also going after customers. Had ATF at my house approximately 1pm yesterday telling me I need to surrender my P80 or he would return to raid my house with a warrant. Enclosed is my surrender sheet for proof. If anyone purchased a “Buy, Build, Shoot” kit from them they will probably be hearing from the ATF as well.
In my previous more amusing post (taken from reddit/firearms) on the ATF statement, one reader had a question on this and more explanation is required.
The ATF has allowed / will allow / no one knows if they will allow 80% receivers to be sold as non-firearms. They have also allowed other required other parts to be sold that the builder needs to turn this into a firearm.
Apparently, the ATF doesn’t like the parts being sold as a kit (“Not a firearm becomes a firearm if in the same box as other not a firearm. The status is unknown until your dog is dead”). Those who purchased them separately (it is presumed) will not receive a visit from the ATF. Thus, the reference in the cartoon to contradiction and paradox, with the subject being Schrödinger’s dog rather than Schrödinger’s cat, since the ATF likes to kill dogs in raids.
On December 15, 2020 at 9:04 am, Fred said:
With red flag laws they can simply come take your guns. Now they just get the 4473 and come get them. Pretty soon they’ll come take your internal combustion car and any other unapproved items, and then your children, and then haul you off to the camps.
On December 15, 2020 at 9:25 am, ragman said:
Time to read “Unintended Consequences” again and start thinking about killing some hogs.
On December 15, 2020 at 2:31 pm, Steve Miller said:
I am reading The Burning Tigris right now (about the Armenian massacres 1890-1920) and have read countless such books about murderous “governments” and also recently, saw the 2007 Polish movie Katyn. Disarmament of course, is the precursor to such events. Mike Vanderboegh said it best I believe:
LESSON NO. 2: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and confiscate your firearms — kill him. The disarmament of law-abiding citizens is the required precursor to genocide.