Kamala Harris Invokes Sandy Hook
BY Herschel Smith
Today marks 8 years since 20 first-graders and 6 educators were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
To honor the lives lost in this terrible tragedy, it’s past time we implement common-sense gun safety reforms to keep our children safe. pic.twitter.com/YmsIWM6dDG
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) December 14, 2020
But then there’s this.
On December 16, 2020 at 9:30 am, GenX said:
Well as a candidate she did say, repeatedly, that she would take executive action on various forms of gun control on day 1 of her administration. I think we all know that even if inaugurated, JB *will not* be acting POTUS, it will be the 3rd term of BHO, carried out on his behalf by Biden appointed agents loyal to BHO and his marxist, socialist, communist anti-America agenda. This includes KH. Fwiw, BHO stated that the biggest dissapointment of his presidency was his inability to affect gun control measures. Using Biden as proxy, BHO will not make the same mistake twice. The price on ammo from bb’s on up are going to sky rocket if JB actually takes the oath.
On December 16, 2020 at 10:20 am, George 1 said:
We don’t need a crystal ball to predict some things. How many here believe that during the first few months of the new regime it is likely that a terrible mass shooting event will occur?
All you really need is a sense of pattern recognition.
On December 16, 2020 at 12:07 pm, GenX said:
@George1…..what if the “event” was a successful assassination of JB? Assume he takes office, they already hold the House, albeit barely, then they take the Senate after the runoffs next month. Hell even if they don’t get the Senate back, do you think for 1 second that McConnell would lift a finger to thwart any gun control legistation if the newly elected POTUS were to be killed after the most contested election in the nations history?? It would be a 3-fer, old, senile JB would be gone, a young, vibrant *healthy* KH, who can face the media without looking like she’s a zombie would take the reigns, and finally a “sorrowful” national call for enacting GUN CONTROL, and God only knows what else to go with it. The media insanity will be off the charts and the conspiracy theories alone will dwarf the ones about Oswald.
On December 16, 2020 at 1:51 pm, X said:
Funny how they memory-holed the Las Vegas shooting, isn’t it?
Considering that the alleged perpetrator was a) a former government employee, b) his girlfriend was on the payroll of the FBI, c) the supposed “fact” that the alleged perpetrator made his “living” as a gambler is an obvious lie, d) the fact that he had a computer with no hard drive in his room, e) the fact that his home was “burglarized” after the FBI supposedly searched it and the burglars were never caught, f) the official explanation given by the FBI is “we cannot determine a motive.”
On December 16, 2020 at 3:38 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
The Second Amendment can be repealed, but the underlying right still exists, that action just means that that government is in rebellion against Nature and its Creator. Such a repeal destroys the legitimacy of that government, it does not and cannot touch the right, because that right pre-existed the government, and will exist as long as Nature does.
The notion that rights come from the state is something that was drilled into people from elementary school, that the government somehow granted us our Constitutional rights, and that it was the protector of them, that somehow the Constitution “guaranteed” us our rights. This was solidly in the beliefs of the great majority of Americans, and in the beliefs of lawyers long before they took the first step into law school, and for the most part was inculcated by the public schools, the mass media, and nearly every church in the land after about 1940 or so. And I ran solidly into this in my Constitutional Law class, and argued against it; it may be the reason I got a C+, one doesn’t lightly argue with one’s professors.
Rights proceed from Nature and its Creator, privileges and licenses are created by governments. The Bill of Rights in the Constitution is a list, an enumeration, not exhaustive as per the Tenth Amendment, of natural rights *pre-existing* that document and the government created by it. Privileges may be granted and withdrawn, licenses are permission to do acts generally prohibited by law, but rights are absolute. The Second Amendment can be repealed, but the underlying right still exists, that action just means that that government is in rebellion against Nature and its Creator. Such a repeal destroys the legitimacy of that government, it does not and cannot touch the right, because that right pre-existed the government, and will exist as long as Nature does.
On December 16, 2020 at 3:57 pm, Curtis said:
I have thought all along that JB must indeed BE senile or he would they would have had to threaten him into accepting the job assignment in some way since, if he had had normal wits about him he would have recognized the danger to (what is left of) his life expectancy in light of what happened to Supreme Court Justice Scalia. It is should be obvious even to the most dense individuals that the plan is to off JB and replace him with Kamala at the first available opportunity. We will then experience an influx of “cultural enrichment” from India, Pakistan, Somalia, Africa, Haiti, and so on and all of these enrichers will vote Democrat and all will receive EBT cards, ObamaPhones, GetOutOfJailFreeCards, and a plethora of other freebees that I cannot call to mind at the moment which all of us will pay for either from our pay checks or from our Social Security or Medicare Insurance and in other ways, such as the good jobs that should have gone to our children going to these imports.
You know, in all of this mess, I have heard people lambasting Trump for “not doing enough” to drain the Swamp, that he didn’t pick the right people, or that he wasted four years when he could have spent the time more productively so as to assure himself of another 4 years. But all that is Malarkey.
The swamp can’t be drained. Politically, the swamp is “from sea to shining sea”. It wouldn’t have mattered Who the Hell he picked, they were all connected or they would all have been sell outs- they all turned out to be, didn’t they? “Oh, but Trump was a terrible judge of character” you say. So who should he have picked that would have gone up against that great Leviathan and sacrificed themselves and their careers for Donald? Trump, it turns out, was one man against against a country that had a secretly installed communist government. We saw evidence of this during the past year when with the demonstrations by Antifa and busloads of obvious communist activists making their power known- it was an open threat, with no real response to them from police or military and obvious if tacit approval of local governments.
I actually feel sorry for Trump, and if I were him, I would take my money, and family and leave for another country that would be glad to have both.
On December 16, 2020 at 6:10 pm, eamon said:
Funny how the forensic evidence i.e. crime-scene photos, videos, autopsy reports never surfaced.
No evidence. Didn’t happen.
On December 16, 2020 at 9:52 pm, Randolph Scott said:
“.what if the “event” was a successful assassination of JB?
I would clap my hands and eventually go piss on his grave, then salt it.
On December 16, 2020 at 10:36 pm, Tom762 said:
RE; video.
3 hours of stuff that will never be paid attention to by anyone who matters.
Proves my point. What if everything you have ever been told, is a lie?
On December 18, 2020 at 7:26 am, SGT.BAG said:
If the Government makes you a criminal, endeavour to become the best criminal possible……