Continuing Analysis Of 2020 Election Fraud
BY Herschel Smith
For the most comprehensive analysis I can provide you, see the 2020 Election Fraud tag. For today’s installment, see the following.
Peter Navarro wrote a report assessing the sweep of fraud. It must have gotten some traction, causing a certain Philip Bump to answer it in a Washington Post article. He writes “The goal of Navarro’s document was largely to elevate unfounded suspicion by creating a catalogue of various false claims about the election, many of which have been similarly elevated by Trump.” So the CIA’s blog is in the tank for Biden, as you can see. I recall another president who wanted to reign in the CIA. He was assassinated.
The Epoch Times did a documentary entitled “Who’s Stealing America?”
Capital Research Center wrote an analysis entitled Did the Center for Voter Information Intervene Illegally in the 2020 Election?
Dominion Whistleblower: “90% of the people working there (in Detroit) were in on the fraud going on.”
That’s enough for today. Readers can add in the comments.
On December 20, 2020 at 11:16 pm, John said:
“What kind of government did you give us, Mr. Franklin? A Republic madam, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT.”
On December 20, 2020 at 11:36 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
Here’s something you ought to have a look at – His suggested solution of elections is no longer valid after the fake elections last month – the bit about the counting software connecting with websites overseas. That’s called proof-of-concept for *every* election *everywhere* unless paper ballots counted by hand in public before observers, with vote totals using tally marks are used. If electronics intervene in *any* step, it’s a fake election. From here on out. Consent of the governed is gone, as dead as can be.
So this election is pretty much the end point, the blatancy and openness of the fraud just serves to put you on notice.
On December 21, 2020 at 8:16 am, Wes said:
Sad times; one used to be able to reliably figure that NYT was Langley’s mouthpiece and WaPo was reserved for the FBI. Maybe they’re having a little tiff, although common motive can’t be discounted.
On December 21, 2020 at 10:27 am, blake said:
What always amuses me is those who say, “No evidence,” when asked to provide supporting facts for their assertion, always return to “No evidence.”
On December 21, 2020 at 10:51 am, snuffy said:
Not sure where I saw this, but the gist of it was, “start arresting those at the bottom of the food chain, the actual ones who were working in the counting rooms, and just like street level drug dealers, when their choice is cooperate or face 10 to 20 in the graybar hotel, the dominos start to tumble.”
On December 21, 2020 at 11:18 am, Fred said:
Trump is still at it. He sounds like an idiot. He’s still tweeting every few hours about how people cheated on the election. Uh, that’s a Federal felony there, Spanky. So, since you are the nations top federal law enforcement officer as the chief executive, take some US Marshals and go arrest them and charge them or shut up. Seriously he sounds like he has brain damage or something.
The guy is perhaps the weakest US president ever, certainly in my lifetime. But what’s surprising about that? America is a nation of cowards and weak and ineffective men who can’t be the head of themselves, their wife, their family, their church. Pathetic. America has serious leadership problems at all levels.
On December 21, 2020 at 12:26 pm, Ned said:
Thanks for the words of encouragement Fred.
I’m recovering from a surgery and lifting hard at the gym 4 days a week with my wife preparing physically and mentally for whatever’s coming. Also continuing to go to our church – which is not cucked.
What are you doing during this time besides flaming us all?
When are you going to step up into a leadership position – or do you have too much contempt for all your weak and ineffective lessors to lead us by your exemplary example?
On December 21, 2020 at 4:54 pm, Steg said:
There is a rally January 6th in DC. People are not taking this sitting down, and we are organizing.
On December 21, 2020 at 7:27 pm, Ned2 said:
Forest or trees, what are you looking at?
Do you want to help or are you just giving up?