Conservatives Remember What Can Happen When You Lose
BY Herschel Smith4 years ago
Via WRSA, this remarkable summary on the stakes.
Right after chow one morning, we had a lecture that I dimly recall was on the topic of “Urban Warfare.” I remember the major teaching the class had a last name resembling a line on an eye chart. I was only 19 back then. Officers and NCO’s in those days always used some kind of “hook” at the beginning of their lectures to engage the audience. Jokes were common. Some used film clips. Others read book passages or newspaper articles.
This major read us a story written by an eyewitness to the Sack of Constantinople. For a few minutes that morning, we listened as blood ran in the streets and children were slaughtered in front of their parents. Shrieking mothers were gang raped alongside their daughters before all of them were brutally decapitated. Old men were drug down the streets by their white beards for sport. Books representing thousands of years of accumulated knowledge were burned. Some of the greatest art in the world was despoiled in a frenzy of hate and violence.
When he finished reading, the major asked us what the moral of the story was. Marines in the audience ventured various guesses. The major seemed increasingly annoyed by their efforts. Finally, he closed the book sharply and said, “The moral of the story is – don’t f**king lose.”
I was remarking to someone just today that Christians were impaled on stakes, lit on fire, and their burning bodies served as street lights in the Roman empire (not ironically, Christianity had completely taken the Roman empire by the time of the Council of Nicea, 325 A.D.). Christians today in China meet in underground churches and try to keep from view of the CCP.
Christians in Uganda under Idi Amin were tortured. At the time of the Mohammedan invasions of Europe, men were forced to watch as Muslim bandits raped their daughters, killed their wives, and turned their sons into Muslim bandits, right before killing the men.
That happened until Christians learned to fight back. Don’t be such a fool as to think it can’t happen where you live. In fact, plan for it.
On December 27, 2020 at 9:02 pm, John said:
I’ll toss in the slaughter of the Armenians by the Turks.
On December 27, 2020 at 11:45 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
It’s going to be *incredibly* difficult to overcome the “That’s not who we are! We obey the law! We can’t sink to their level! This is not the hill to die on!” mentality that has absolutely ruled the American Right for decades. The most likely course of action for the bulk of “our” side is going to be demonstrating their moral superiority by forming orderly lines for the trains.
On December 28, 2020 at 10:40 am, Fred said:
I hope I’m wrong but there are probably less than a million men in America today who hear the Master’s voice. The American Church is already converted to the State religion, secular humanism. They will do nothing. You need a plan doesn’t include them.
On December 28, 2020 at 1:19 pm, Bob in NC said:
The same kinds of things are happening today in places like Nigeria.
On December 28, 2020 at 6:38 pm, ApoloDoc said:
I am not so pessimistic as you, Fred, but agree that much of American “churchianity” does not involve knowing the Lamb. When I find people who do not know nor desire to know His Word, who find it a ‘chore’ to attend worship, and those who are more concerned for THEIR FEELINGS than God’s view of our worship of Him … well, they best have PLENTY of Nomex underwear!
He came in peace, riding on a donkey. He will return on a WAR HORSE. The “wimpy Jesus” idea is so bizarre, but then the drift from Biblical Christianity over 2k years has been quite extreme. Mainline denominations are shrinking, yet conservative churches preaching the Word grow.