TNR Argues For Expanding And Increasing The Power Of The ATF
BY Herschel Smith4 years ago
Almost everyone agrees that the ATF is in trouble. But this obscure federal agency may be President-elect Joe Biden’s best chance at having a real impact on gun policy—if he takes the opportunity to restore the beleaguered agency’s reputation and revive its mission. In fact, experts told The New Republic that the ATF may be Biden’s best bet at leaving a mark on federal gun policy without having to rely on an intransigent Congress. All agreed that the bureau has faced significant problems over the years, but they outlined a series of proposals they said Biden could push to breathe new life into the bureau and address gun violence.
They argue for focus on pistol braces, 80% lower receivers, audits of FFLs, etc. I would surmise that even if the democrats don’t get the senate, they’ll peel off a few senators (e.g., Toomey, Cornyn come to mind) and get universal background checks. If they grab the senate, of course, all bets are off. There will be a renewed AWB, magazine capacity limits, etc.
All progressives are really totalitarians, and the sons and daughters of hippies weren’t reall liberal. They were communists all along. When the parents don’t believe in anything at all, the children don’t stop believing in God. They just replace the God of the bible with the god of the state.
On December 27, 2020 at 6:03 pm, blake said:
Herschel, the Senate and the House won’t matter.
They’ll shut up and let whatever agency go rogue and create any rules or laws they like. That way, Congress avoids any responsibility for the actions of these agencies.
Or, at least, that’s the way congress will try to spin things.
On December 28, 2020 at 10:42 am, Longbow said:
“…and address gun violence.”
This paragraph was well written disinformation. The technique is to weave a fabric of truth with one thread of a lie sewn in the middle. If you buy the whole cloth, you buy the lie also.
None of these proposals are about addressing crime in any way. It is ALL about power, nothing else.
On December 28, 2020 at 10:51 am, Fred said:
This is propaganda. The government of the United States is illegitimate. Ignore it and all of its rules. The ATF is illegal, and run by the same sodomites, perverts, Zionists, pedos, and freaks than run all of the new order. They are false, illegitimate, evil, despotists and they will fail. Don’t be afraid of them. They have no power. Their god is false, and weak, and a petty little fraud.
There’s what a few thousand of them? Ooh, they’re going to write a piece of paper that says I should do something, ooh.
yOu HaVe To FoLlOw My RuLeS. cOmE oN gUyS; i MaDe A rUlE.
I don’t listen to bed wetters.