Election Corruption In Pennsylvania And Georgia
BY Herschel Smith
HARRISBURG, Pa. (WJAC) — A group of Republican lawmakers say they’ve performed an extensive analysis of election day data and they’ve found “troubling” discrepancies.
According to State Rep. Frank Ryan (R-Lebanon), 17 lawmakers sponsored and participated in the analysis.
Ryan, who is a certified public accountant, says they discovered discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and total number of voters who voted in the 2020 General Election which is making them question how the results could have been certified by Gov. Tom Wolf and Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar.
According to Ryan, the analysis compared official county election results to the total number of voters who voted Nov. 3, as recorded by the Department of State.
Ryan says they found that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicated that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted.
Don’t expect the Pennsylvania AG or the Secretary of State to do anything about that. Elections matter, and these positions are held by criminals.
Not to be outdone, after pulling their pants down and showing their ass to the world, the democrats haven’t just done it in Georgia, they’re still doing it.
A judge in Georgia ruled on Monday that two of the state’s counties cannot invalidate voting registrations based on unverified change of address data.
“Defendants are enjoined from removing any challenged voters in Ben Hill and Muscogee Counties from the registration lists on the basis of National Change of Address data,” U.S. District Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner wrote in an order, according to Reuters.
Abrams Gardner is the sister of former Democratic candidate for governor and voting rights activist Stacey Abrams.
Sister of Stacey Abrams has thus declared that you can “move” from California to Georgia for a week and vote.
With communists so ensconced in positions of local and state authority, there’s nothing that can be done to stop this with the cowardice in the state legislatures.
Good, honest, clear-headed, leadership with backbone would be needed at the national level. Too bad we don’t have any of that.
On December 30, 2020 at 12:18 am, Faustpatrone said:
“The whole fabric of society will go to wrack if we really lay hands of reform on our rotten institutions. From top to bottom the whole system is a fraud, all of us know it, laborers and capitalists alike, and all of us are consenting parties to it.” — Henry Adams, American historian, 1838–1918
On December 30, 2020 at 5:09 am, Joe Blow said:
This is why it will come to War.
It may take the form of a few skirmishes quickly suppressed, or full on bosnia+rwanda×cambodia. But war IS whats coming.
Whats coming can’t be stopped anymore. Sure, the Dems _could_ back down and beg for life in prison… but they’re not going to. They are reaching for the brass ring, and will not stop unless you shoot them in the face. Full court press. Throw your normalcy bias out the f’cking window, we ARE in the middle of a communist coup!
On December 30, 2020 at 7:54 am, ragman said:
Why wouldn’t the communists win in GA? Same early voting, same machines, same crooks counting the votes. Turn out the lights, the party’s over!
On December 30, 2020 at 11:29 am, Frank Clarke said:
The GOP has long been an invertebrate life-form. It appears all those Republican votes were the real “wasted votes”.
On December 30, 2020 at 12:41 pm, Curtis said:
Nothing surprising about this. I have lived in PA for over 50 years and it has been corrupt for that long at least, and much longer than that I am certain. Philthydelphia is a $hithole and dangerous as can be and yet they don’t want you to be armed when you HAVE to go there for jury duty. The trouble is, that this has happened over a protracted period of time, say since about the 1930’s when the “Frankfurt School” (of Communism) moved from Germany to Columbia University and from there all over the US and nothing was done to stanch the flow of their influence. Sadly, McCarthy tried, but was publicly hung (figuratively) for his trouble. Now we all get to pay for the stupidity of the generations of Americans before us.