I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
Watch. Short video. Note well his answer. Notions of right and wrong, what it means to be loyal and true to your oaths and vows, and rights before God, come not from the Almighty, but the supreme court, that gaggle of black robed Druids who ignore everything good and want to stay in the martini circles inside the beltway.
He’s not at all hesitant or embarrassed at his answer.
Early in the morning around 3am on March 24, 1603, Queen Elizabeth I died after ruling over England for more than four decades.
Her successor was proclaimed only hours later– James Charles Stuart, who at the time was serving as King of Scotland.
James was known as a religious hardliner. He became obsessed with hunting down witches during his reign in Scotland, and even personally supervised the torture and execution of young women who had been accused of witchcraft.
And almost immediately upon being crowned King of England, he issued harsh warnings to anyone who wasn’t strictly following the faith.
England had established its own church back in 1534– known as the Church of England– and James (as the titular head of the Church) made it clear that he would not tolerate any religious dissent.
Yet there was a growing movement of people across England who had become disillusioned with the Church. They believed in the principal tenants of Christianity, but they didn’t believe in the Church’s rituals, politics, or hierarchy.
These people called themselves Separatists, and they were forced to gather and worship in secret.
One large group of separatists was based in the small town of Gainsborough in central England. Coincidentally, one of them was my great-great++ grandfather, a local noblemen who held secret worship services in his home.
They were eventually caught. And in late 1607, the Separatists had to flee England.
This was no small task at the time; emigrating required a special permit, which they were unable to acquire.
But eventually the Separatists were able to sneak into Amsterdam, which had a great deal more freedom. And after gathering people and resources over the next decade, they ultimately hired a ship– the Mayflower– and sailed across the ocean to build a new life for themselves.
I thought of this story when I read a few days ago about various religious groups in the US and United Kingdom being forced to gather in secret to hold worship services.
One group in England congregates in a barn. Another gathers in open fields, the location of which is revealed by SMS only an hour before the services begin.
This sounds like some underground church service in China or North Korea… or the harsh restrictions under King James more than 400 years ago.
As one churchgoer told the Guardian newspaper, “The fact that we have to sneak around to worship God, in fear of criminal prosecution, is alarming.”
Well we have plenty of witches in America today but no one willing to end the witchcraft. At any rate, there is much danger for the church in the foreseeable future. The coming months will be a time of testing, and the false church will fade and fall away. Many already have.
The true church will survive, and even grow, because it is recognized as true. Christians in China have been praying for this very thing for the church in America – a time of testing to drive the dross from the silver and to build our faith.
“Save Our Democracy!” Kimball proclaims. “It has a ring to it. I hope team Trump will consider organizing a bunch of them now, today.”
It does have a ring to it, one that falls flat with those who pay attention to such matters. We are a republic, not a democracy. The “D”-word appears nowhere in the Declaration of Independence, and more importantly, nowhere in the Constitution, which instead proclaims “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”
[ … ]
Recognizing the dangers of mob rule, our Bill of Rights defined some of the areas where the individual would be immune to the will of the collective. That means no matter how many of us disagree with you, we cannot lawfully use force to shut you up, to suppress your political views, or to make you worship in the way WE see fit. We cannot break into your house and search your property without cause and a legal warrant. We cannot torture you into confessing to a crime. Barring behaviors on your part to disqualify yourself, we cannot strip you of your ability to keep and bear arms (which, if you think about it, is useless unless you’re also locked up). No matter how many of us vote on it.
Democracy is as much tyranny as is a despot in the seat of potentate. Either way, rights are infringed.
Rights are decreed by the Almighty, not given, granted, issued, or otherwise permitted by any piece of paper or man. Man tries to occupy the chair of the Almighty when he presumes to decide rights.
Do not locate the source of your rights (and duties) in man or anything he writes or declares. Mankind’s edicts are only valid inasmuch as they follow the laws of the sovereign Lord of the universe.
This is why I am a “Christian libertarian,” not a “Libertarian.” True liberty is found only in God and following His commands, as we were taught by R. J. Rushdoony.
This web site is a comprehensive catalog of 2020 election fraud. Added to this you can survey my 2020 Election Fraud tag with links to videos, articles, lawsuits by Lin Wood, and other information.
Postal subcontractor Jesse Morgan on Oct. 21 moved 144,000-288,000 completed mail-in ballots from Bethpage, New York, to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where his trailer holding the ballots disappears.
Postal subcontractor Nathan Pease is told by two separate postal workers on two separate occasions that the USPS in Wisconsin was gathering over 100,000 ballots on the morning of Nov. 4 to backdate the ballots so that the ballots would be counted even if they arrived after the statutory deadline.
Computer expert Gregory Stenstrom of Pennsylvania witnessed a vendor of Dominion machines and local election officials download and update counting machines in violation of election system protocol and the comingling of machine jump drives in violation of election protocols and rendering audits impossible without direct forensic access to the machines.
Postal workers in Traverse City, Michigan; Coraopolis, Pennsylvania; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, indicate widespread malfeasance in the Postal Service including backdating ballots, ordering that Trump mail be interdicted to be placed in the ‘Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail’ bin, and emphasizing that Biden mail be delivered on time.
Via David Codrea, Democrat Operatives in MI & GA Changed Military Ballots. Cataloging the malfeasance and corruption is honestly rather tiresome and monotonous. Simply stated, one tends to run out of steam. This could become a regular column each day, or every other day, but I would have to rely on reader input since there is just too much information.
Here a truck driver testifies, and just below that a Dominion IT employee (or contractor) testifies before the Michigan Senate.
The question with all of this is as follows: Will it make any difference?
The DoJ won’t come to Trump’s aid, the Congress is silent and Mitch McConnell is looking forward to finding ways of working with “president elect Biden” (in his own words). Election boards and local pols in states, counties or cities continue unabated erasing evidence, certifying votes, awarding electors, and in Georgia preparing to continue with the theft in hopes of winning the Senate.
There are stories, to be sure. Gina Haspel is dead, or under arrest and being interrogated, or something. There was a fire fight between active duty SpecOps and former SpecOps (now contractors for the CIA) in Frankfurt, Germany, and our side owns the servers. We have all the evidence we need. Trump is just biding his time because he loves America and doesn’t want to see the country in civil war.
And on and on it goes. Meanwhile, a full one month after the election, Trump’s campaign doesn’t look like a winning team sitting back and waiting for the right moment to drop server evidence. One … month … after … the … election …Trump’s campaign is claiming in court that Wisconsin counted 221 thousand illegal votes, eleven times Biden’s margin (lawsuit here).
Trump and his team were profoundly unprepared for the fight. Trump’s weakness – the one that will probably be his undoing – is that he is a poor judge of character and surrounded himself with deep state actors and beltway vipers from literally day one.
Consider the roster: Reince Priebus, Kelly, Mattis, McMaster, and Sessions (this is a partial list). He left Comey and McCabe in power for far too long, and when he finally rid himself of Comey and McCabe, he appointed Chris Wray. He tried to appoint a known gun controller named Chuck Canterbury to head the ATF, and only recently nominated Chad Wolf to head the DHS, who believes that white supremacists are the most persistent threat in America.
In order to have stopped all of this, Trump would had to have started in earnest on day one of his administration rooting out the deep state and ferreting out corruption, surrounding himself with good people, and preparing for the fight sure to come in 2020.
Rather than do that, rather than study the CVs of the people he hired to fill important posts, he spent his time tweeting. Rather than rooting out the deep state, Trump may in fact prove to be its most prized victim.
My wife asked me tonight, “But who could he had surrounded himself with to avoid the affects of the deep state?” I answered, “Okay, here’s an idea. Empty the FN factory down the road in Columbia, S.C., and fill every important job in the FedGov with mechanics. Tell the mechanics to kill the deep state. Watch them work.”
Alas, it was not meant to be, and I strongly suspect that the stories of servers, gun fights, and supreme court saviors are just that. Stories. And I suspect that the black robed Druids on the supreme court will look the other way and claim that it’s a state problem.