Weak Gun Rights Tea
BY Herschel Smith4 years ago
Via David Codrea, this from Sonny Perdue.
With our rights at risk at the ballot box, Georgians must keep Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the Senate.
The left is out to make every lawful gun owner a radical when the opposite is true. We are normal Americans who enjoy the outdoors and want to protect our families. We saw this summer what happens when the left doesn’t get what they want, they resort to ransacking their neighborhoods and taking what isn’t theirs. Small business owners and property owners were the victims. We can’t let that happen again. They have the constitutional right to protect what is theirs.
And as an avid sportsman, I cannot imagine a Georgia where we cannot enjoy that outdoor bounty we are blessed with in this state. With the direction the radical Democrats are heading, if they win the Senate, who knows what kind of new restrictions our state’s sportsmen could be in store for. Georgia will start looking like California and it will take you months to get a gun if you’re lucky. The way it starts is with burdensome regulations on legal purchases and then it is slippery slope to outright bans like they tried in the past. Whether you’re more of a winged animal hunter or you enjoy sitting in a deer stand, spend some time thinking about what it would be for that right to be curtailed.
As any free market supporter knows, bans don’t do anything but hurt the people they are trying to protect. The Peach State has long been a place where legal, responsible gun owners have felt that their right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment was protected. Coupled with the fact that our state is unrivaled in its enthusiasm to help out the businesses that call Georgia home, it is no surprise that the firearms industry has given back to Georgians in terms of employment, tax dollars, and direct economic impact. This will all be erased if Perdue and Loeffler aren’t in the Senate.
The firearms community has been a staple for our economy for decades. Georgia is home to six major firearms manufacturers and thousands of small family-owned businesses.
Yea Sonny, one of those companies is Daniel Defense, and they sell guns that would be used to defy tyrants. They can be used to hunt, but they can be used for other necessary things too.
What if, using your defense of sportsmen, someone argues to shut down Daniel Defense because their main staple isn’t seen out in the field hunting turkeys?
You’re going to have to do better than this, you see. The second amendment isn’t at all about hunting.
On January 5, 2021 at 8:11 am, Fred said:
If you’ve placed the hope of keeping your rights on two senators then you’ve already lost them. The faster the Republican party dies the faster freemen can get about the business of preserve their own duties unto Holy God. The Republican wing of the progressive party government will not help you. It already has no power. Your country is run by an oligarchical handful of people many of whom are not even Americans.
Just like the NRA, the Republican Party must die before men will stand upon the foundations of liberty in Christ Jesus.
The greatest evidence of the need for the death of Republican Party is the SCOTUS. What exactly is the point of having all those “conservatives” on the bench if they consistently rule in favor of progressive communism.
On January 5, 2021 at 9:11 am, blake said:
The GOP had the Senate, House and the White House, and did nothing to secure the rights of Americans.
Now, at the eleventh hour, we’re supposed to believe the GA election matters?
On January 5, 2021 at 10:50 am, Ned said:
So an in-your-face election theft took place two months ago, and now Georgian Republicans are supposed to support Rino candidates – by voting on the very same hackable Dominion machines.
On January 5, 2021 at 12:56 pm, George 1 said:
The GOP establishment’s answer to vote fraud is to Vote Harder. Literally.
On January 5, 2021 at 2:35 pm, I R A Darth Aggie said:
“Now, at the eleventh hour, we’re supposed to believe the GA election matters?”
Do you think it doesn’t? I see very dark days should the Dems get full control of FedGov.
“Georgian Republicans are supposed to support Rino candidates – by voting on the very same hackable Dominion machines”
Well, Rino is better than commie sympathizers. I hope that someone does hack those Dominion machines, and add 11 billion votes.
On January 5, 2021 at 3:12 pm, Fred said:
A Rino IS a commie a sympathizer.
On January 5, 2021 at 3:58 pm, blake said:
@Darth–the senate override the veto of the NDAA, 80 to 12.
But sure, tell me how keeping the Senate is important.
On January 5, 2021 at 5:44 pm, Mack said:
I’m the one that gave that lead to David.
Perdue also was a no-show at the Georgia rally.
He is a Never-Us’er.
On January 5, 2021 at 10:26 pm, Uniparty Über Alles said:
Don’t be alarmed, comrade kommissar Pence will count the votes on a Dominion machine.
Maybe the CCP will land the Trojan horse in Georgia with the assistance of a fifth column of quisling traitorous slime.
Hollywood makes many straight to DVD dollar bin movies in the glorious people’s republic of Georgia and they fundamentally transformed it for the good of the collective along with the Zuckerborg of Fakebook.
Be ready for anything and truth is always stranger than fiction.
On January 6, 2021 at 3:01 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
@Fred: “A Rino IS a commie a sympathizer.”
Enh, a Republican is a commie sympathizer; a RINO is an actual commie who’s uncomfortable admitting it.