The Killing Of Ashli Babbit
BY Herschel Smith
Via WRSA, this shot should be an important reckoning.
Via WRSA, this shot should be an important reckoning.
On January 6, 2021 at 11:26 pm, George 1 said:
Rest in Peace Ashli. Praying for you and your family.
You will be remembered.
On January 7, 2021 at 12:17 am, Fred said:
“The wicked shall be turned into hell,
and all the nations that forget God.” – Psalm 9:17
We can know a few things that are certain. God judges men and nations, and judges empires into the dustbin of history, especially those that forget Him. The problem with America is that she deserves everything that’s coming. We can make a long train of abuses against others of us; but God has His own list from which there is likely no escape any more. I’ve no particular revelation of God but His revealed Law and word, which are clear. All sin, ultimately, is against God and though He is longsuffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish, His grace abounding unto forgiveness, He does not suffer in silence forever. He will answer. There will be recompense, a judgement.
“Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; Who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.” 1 Corinthians 1:21-22
Before the killing starts I beseech you to know also; your eternal fate at the hand of Holy God, who by His wisdom knows your sin, and your need of salvation. The most important preparation of all is the heart of a man with God. You can be sealed unto the day of redemption in Christ Jesus, who being not only the Son of God, but God the Son gave Himself to die on the cross taking the full wrath that you deserve not only for your past transgressions but for those still to come, and He was buried, but, being God the Son; death and hell could not hold Him; he rose from the dead the third day accourding to the scriptures proving in Him; that He alone has the keys of death and of hell.
You must be established in Christ. Get this settled today; “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” You can receive the Spirit of God to literally and actually inhabit your heart and soul, being made a new creation in Christ, and securing the salvation of your soul being sealed, by God, through the blood sacrifice of Jesus, having His mark, never fearing men or death again. Amen.
“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:”
The road to hell is wide, smooth, and easy. The road to the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord is a single lane narrow path; only may a man enter in by Him.
On January 7, 2021 at 12:24 am, Herschel Smith said:
I was just listening to a Q&A with John MacArthur and R.C. Sproul today, and John said of the ridiculous signs you see at churches today, “Try posting a sign that says, ‘God is angry with the wicked every day’. See how that works out for your church growth program.”
On January 7, 2021 at 12:56 am, Brad said:
How many Antifa or BLM have LE shot and killed? How many Patriots have LE shot and killed. This poor woman should be a rallying cry for us. I for one have had it.
On January 7, 2021 at 2:37 am, Hudson H Luce said:
Here’s video of the actual shooting, the victim posed no cognizable threat –
On January 7, 2021 at 7:45 am, luke2236 said:
OK…now why arent White people burning cities and rioting??!?!? negroes jews and communists do it, why cant/shouldnt we?
NATURALLY the murderer will be arrested, tried and convicted too.
Where were all those paid thugs [police] when antifa etc were rioting? Why werent they murdering them and pushing them off of balconies?
Wake up – you live in occupied territory, and have for over 150 years. (((they))) are just getting bold enough to think they can get by with whatever they want now. And it looks like theyre right.
On January 7, 2021 at 9:27 am, Longbow said:
This COULD BE the second “Shot herd ’round the world…”
In 2005, I was traveling around the Irish Republic. Just before I crossed over into Northern Ireland, I stopped at a pub for a biscuit and beer. Hanging above the bar, were flags bearing Bobby Sands’ image. After all that time, his memory hadn’t faded and still meant something to those people.
Ashli Babbit should be remembered as dearly.
On January 7, 2021 at 9:43 am, Thomas Madere said:
I captured pictures from my TV during Laura Ingram’s show when she was discussing the woman killed in the Capital.
Two plain clothes officers are seen pointing what appears to be Glock 17 or 19 at a window or door. Reports was she was shot through a window. Their fingers appear to be on the trigger which to me is breaking finger discipline in that situation. The pic are a little blurry but you can see their fingers on the trigger. I carry a Glock and my finger touches the front of the trigger guard when straight and I don’t have exceptionally large hands. I index a straight finger on the take down latch. This may have lead to an inadvertent discharge that killed the woman. I would enclose the pictures but I see no way to attach them to the comment.
On January 7, 2021 at 10:25 am, Fred said:
Herschel, yeah, the preacher where I go said he wants a government so small it would make jefferson blush (or something like that). But he wants a robust fascist nazi national governmental agency to deal with these church signs. Heh.
On January 7, 2021 at 11:05 am, John said:
“First Blood.”
On January 7, 2021 at 11:32 am, Bob in NC said:
We are done…
The protests yesterday will seal Trump’s demise. Congress now has the votes to impeach him- or use the 25th Amendment. Trump will bear the full blame for what happened yesterday, but he does bear some responsibility for it- I think it is another example of the one great weakness f his presidency- his inability to accurately judge people and what they might do. It has happened with his picks for advisers, and I think has been the single most important factor in his undoing.
What we saw yesterday was twofold; it was a clear message about just how feckless the government is, and how deep the corruption runs. There is not a single part of it that has remained true to it’s mission. The other thing is the behavior of law enforcement and the military- a reminder that they are beholden to their paymasters, and I’m estimating 80-90% will side with the powers that be, because as the economy finally blows up, they all have families to support.
The communists now have total leverage to deliver the death blow to the republic, and they will:-destroy the borders of the nation that others gave their lives to defend-use that immigration as a weapon to end the voting power of citizens, overwhelm communities and turn the nation into a one-party state…which is basically what we are now, as there is virtually no difference between Republicans and Democrats. In a one party state, there will not be another legitimate election, because it isn’t needed.
They will complete the transfer & control of US sovereignty to global organizations
They will increase their attacks on individual freedoms and completely shred the Constitution. I expect several Amendments to be added.
On the other side, there are many millions who say “No” and after yesterday I am convinced they will take up arms to fight. I used to think it would be a more gradual process of prolonged violence ahead, but now I am thinking that the tyrants, drunk with power, will use all force necessary to quickly crush any rebellion. This will succeed only in the pointless loss of lives, and in opening the door fully for our foreign enemies to complete our subjugation, and make us part of the NWO.
We have to remind ourselves that is ultimately a spiritual war. As I have said to others , I really believe that what is happening is God telling his people here that his patience with America is ended after many chances to repent and return to him, so now he is shaking the dust off his feet.
So what to do?
1. Continue/ increase our focus on God, drawing nearer to him, praying specifically for the wisdom, grace and strength to fight the spiritual battles, and for his protection. I will also keep trying to wake up my unsaved family members, and my friends, and share the gospel with whoever I can.
2. Prepare for God’s judgement on America to begin in full. I believe this has to include a great shaking of his church, to purge it of false teachers, Godless congregations, and sunshine believers, because his bride is not ready. And, though true Christians will not be judged guilty for America’s sins, we will suffer the collateral damage, including serious and severe persecution and martyrdom, before we are taken home.
3 . Prepare for complete economic collapse which will be inevitable as the leftists will have no check against their socialist agenda, and America’s independent financial power must be folded into the NWO. So eliminating nonessential purchase to conserve funds as the misery spreads is a good idea.
4. Stay as safe as possible in the times ahead – I won’t take up arms to fight for America for several reasons, but I’ll sum it up by saying it is not worth my life to fight for a dead country. The forces at work in this country are rooted in evil. This is a spiritual battle and cannot be overcome in the natural realm. Of course, if violence comes to my street, or if the government tries to disarm or force vaccinate me, etc. I will fight.
On January 7, 2021 at 11:45 am, Mack said:
I was listening yesterday to Chuck Crismier in RVA.
“Are you pusillanimous?”
He said this is “contemptible cowardice.”
In his list he included Pence. Worth listening to.
On January 7, 2021 at 12:06 pm, Mack said:
Have you read the new book “The Fighting Bunch” — it’s worth a review.
Powerful relevance to today.
God forbid any GOP’er would agree with the Battle of Athens.
Or Erick Erickson.
On January 7, 2021 at 12:07 pm, Mack said:
I really wish you had an EDIT feature ***Herschel***.
At least got the name Erick correct.
On January 7, 2021 at 1:41 pm, Ned said:
So can we all shoot female trespassers in the back of the neck now? Or is that tactic reserved for police in DC?
Looks like the shot was so close the cop was trying for a head shot and didn’t understand his POI was lower at that range.
On January 7, 2021 at 1:44 pm, George 1 said:
Ned, it has already been taken down. Maybe this one will last a little while.
On January 7, 2021 at 2:17 pm, Ned said:
That’s a better video George. Shows she was killed by Cop with a Glock and not the guy that I initially thought shot her.
On January 8, 2021 at 2:36 pm, ApoloDoc said:
Some outstanding comments by fellow believers, I would saybi find myself wondering as to next steps as well. It is time for me to do more writing than simply posting in comments. Getting into the Word & prayer even more deeply is always good. I guess it comes down to reconciling my priorities with God… as His priorities must rule.
We certainly are deserving of His rebuke for our moral collapse. I think the hard part is “what if” when, in reality, the political process has been corrupted for decades. We were never going to be able to ‘vote’ an answer. Kennedy pushed against the System, they took care of him. 20 years after his election, another outsider was elected, and they spent very little two before the son of a close friend of the VP attempted to kill Reagan. He was never the same after that. Now we have had the 3rd outsider elected President, and rather than physically kill him, they have sought his political destruction from BEFORE Day 1.
Down to the final “box” my friends.