Ammunition Availability
BY Herschel Smith
From WiscoDave.
If anyone wants to know what the temperature of the country feels like at the current moment, we just sold 300,000 rounds of 9mm ammunition in less than 15 minutes.@Timcast @sourpatchlyds @philthatremains @IanCrossland @AdamCrigler @iansmithfitness @MLChristiansen
— Fenix "Kulak" Ammunition (@FenixAmmunition) January 15, 2021
This isn’t helping availability or cost.
On January 15, 2021 at 1:14 pm, Ned2 said:
Wonder what he charged?
“Ammo, the currency for the new millennium” was a popular bumper sticker a few years ago.
On January 15, 2021 at 1:24 pm, Bram said:
Once a week I drive a circuit of the gunshops nearby. I haven’t found 9mm in a couple of months (haven’t shot any in over 6 months). .40 cal and .308 are around just more expensive than they should be. I’ve also seen some store totally sold out of .223 / 5.56 while others have piles of it.
12 gauge slug and buckshot is getting scare too.
On January 15, 2021 at 1:37 pm, Charley Waite said:
It is too bad that the proliferation on online bots for scooping up and hoarding ammo had made it almost impossible for average Joe to get anything other than scalped ammo. No way was 300,000 rounds ordered in 15 minutes without bots doing the ordering.
On January 15, 2021 at 1:40 pm, Tom said:
Picked up a 3 box bonanza of 300 WinMag the other day at 25bux a box! Felt like winning the lottery.
On January 15, 2021 at 2:25 pm, Not Joe Bidet said:
I haven’t seen common caliber ammo in any store in three months. I haven’t seen uncommon calibers since late October. Empty shelves. No firearms of any kinds in the racks.
The supplies that I had a year ago, I still have, and they were worth around 5K. They are now worth around 30K, if online prices for 5.56, 7.62, 9mm 45ACP and 22LR are to be believed.
You used to be able to buy a box of 00 buck for four bucks. Now it’s four bucks per shell.
Doing better than my retirement fund…
On January 15, 2021 at 2:43 pm, The Wretched Dog said:
May I suggest searching . If you find any of the vendors showing stock, order immediately. Your probability of success is markedly higher if you search in the wee hours of the morning: when availability is updated, before normal people are up and about. I am talking 2:00 – 3:00 in the morning, but then I am a night owl.
Scored a case of 9mm and another of .45 ACP last week by this method.
Yes, prices are outrageous – it is called supply and demand.
Note: I am neither a hoarder, nor a bot. Just a gut who likes to shoot and buys in bulk.
On January 15, 2021 at 2:51 pm, Fred said:
It IS helping availability, just not yours, right now. Heh.
Mr. Waite, bulk buyers can appear to be bot algos. It takes money to program a bot to enter card data and make a purchase, a lot of money, espically as there is no standardized entry purchase online form. Bot alerts to a human buyer? Very likely. Computer generated purchases? Doubful. Most agragators have an “alert me” function and since everybody leaves their government tracking device on 24/7 it’s not much to make that (those) purchases within even 1 minute of being alerted.
On January 15, 2021 at 4:14 pm, Arkindole said:
You dudes still laughing at us reloaders now?
At our range they changed the sign to read “Pick up your steel”.
Buy the way, the LC NATO 5.56 agency brass is marked “20”, so they’re getting it. I’m getting it after they leave.
On January 16, 2021 at 7:31 am, James R McKenna said:
I got the email from Fenix in the morning and by the time I got home from work it was all sold…..
On January 16, 2021 at 12:24 pm, Arthur Sido said:
FWIW Fenix actually has a functioning “email when back in stock” system but it goes fast.
On January 16, 2021 at 3:20 pm, WiscoDave said:
Just stopped at a local farm supply store to get feed. Shelves are bare. Hardly any 12ga game loads.
Was talking to two older gents about this. One had just been to a gun show. 9mm was $1/round but ammo was plentiful if you paid.
Young man that worked there overheard us. He walked over with some boxes he was going to put out. American Eagle 115gr 9mm.
$13.50 per box. Limit two.
Yes, I bought some.
On January 16, 2021 at 7:13 pm, blake said:
I ran across PMC Bronze in 45 ACP a few days ago. ~$1,100 per thousand. This is ammo I was buying for about 40 cents a round, including shipping about 8 months ago.
I also looked up some M1 Garand ammo. Cheapest I found, if I remember correctly, was about $2.00 a round.
I’m planning to go in to “replace what I shoot” mode so as to lessen the pain.
Boy, do I feel foolish not buying double what I bought a few months ago.
On January 17, 2021 at 8:19 am, Todd said:
I wonder what ammo runs at flea markets? The flea market vendors, last time ammo went nuts, would hang out at Walmart and buy everything out as it got out out, mostly 22, 9, and 223 as I recall. You couldn’t find ammo in Walmart as a normal person, but flea market had it marked up a lot most of the time.