Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more] Deplatformed

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

I learned today at was down, and currently if you go to their site you get their backup website.

Ammoland gives a little more detail. Backup Site [is now] Live, Switching to First Amendment Friendly Site Registrar On Monday, January 11, 2021, I received notice from our site registrar that had violated their terms of service and that would be shut down immediately. The registrar’s decision to de- platform was final and no method to appeal was offered.

It remains unclear specifically what content allegedly violated the registrar’s terms of service. However, I am happy to report that we have found a new, First Amendment-friendly site registrar and we have begun the process of transitioning to the new registrar. We expect the switchover to take up to 5 days. During that time, our famous “” URL will not be usable. Once the switchover is complete, will be fully restored to normal function. In the meantime, I welcome freedom lovers and firearm enthusiasts to visit us at our temporary URL: We will post on the backup site when the normal has been completely restored.  ~ Juan Avila, President & Co-Founder,

I’m just keeping you posted.  These are the initial shots over the bow.  More to come.

Go Daddy (whomever that is) is responsible.  I consider it to be an unwise decision.

How To Survive For Three Days In The Wilderness

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Field & Stream.

Even seasoned outdoorsmen are not immune to woods shock-the fear that accompanies spatial disorientation. You have to control the urge to panic and maintain some sense of inner peace. People who are lost progress from confusion to denial. They bend their mental map of where they think they are until it conforms to visible landmarks or their compass needle, and then they carry forward until they finally wake up to what their senses are trying to tell them that they’re lost. This is when panic hits. If you can recognize the sequence, you and a better chance of resisting the impulse to take those next potentially fatal steps.

Stop walking and establish a home base. If daylight permits, you can make forays to try to find a vantage, but mark a trail for your return. If you can’t regain your bearings after short walks in several directions, return to your home base and make camp, preferably in a lee with an overhead canopy.

I think this is the most important advice.  The other parts (about waiting for rescue) are debatable.

In fact, I wouldn’t even begin forays from home base.  If you’re lost and you know it, stop.  Set up camp.

Build a debris hut, lean to, or some sort of survival shelter, and begin collecting deadfall for firewood.

Better yet, it may end up being a wet night and you may die from exposure.  I’ve always recommended at least the following (even on a day hike): rubberized poncho, 550 cordage, flashlight, fire starter, large knife (or hatchet), pistol, parka, energy bars and potable water.

Water and food keep you alive and give you energy.  The poncho and paracord give you shelter from the rain.  The parka keeps you warm, the knife or hatchet gives you the ability to cut wood, and the fire starter prevents you from having to make fire by primitive means (or fail to do that because of dampness).  The pistol is for predators.

With these simple preparations, your chances of survival go up exponentially.  If you really want to be prepared, a cup for boiling water would be the final step in your preparations.

AR-15 Stoppage Clearance

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Banned But Still Active And Necessary

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

First up is VCDL.  Nothing has affected their web site, but their Facebook page is gone.  Permanently, I would guess.  I don’t know if they’re seeking a replacement.

Second, 2A Sanctuary Groups is being censored.  They now have a MeWe page.

The President Of The Southern Baptist Convention Is A Farce

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

By way of brief education, the Roman Catholics believe in seven sacraments.  Reformed churches believe in two sacraments, baptism and the Lord’s supper.  They are considered sacraments, not ordinances.  Baptists believe in two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s supper.  They are ordinances, not sacraments, in the baptist tradition.  The point is not to start a complex discussion of these issues but to provide a brief primer on the subject.

Don’t miss what’s happening here.  A man with a ThD in theology, who is president of the Southern Baptist Convention, has told you that he considers “submission to earthly leaders” an ordinance of the church.

Are you a member of an SBC church?  Does any part of your tithe money go to the SBC?

On a related note, I would be willing to debate Mr. Greear at any time, at any venue of his choosing, as to the what he considers to be his new ordinance of the church, and the basis on which he adds this.  Of course, Mr. Greear would never accept such an offer to debate.

We Never Really Believed In Freedom And Liberty, That Was Only A Lie

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago


That Didn’t Take Long

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago


“To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.”

Also see

Violence Gets You Nothing!

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

So says Glenn Beck.  Jim Treacher piles on at Instapundit.  Mark Levin wants the perpetrators to be prosecuted, demands it, screams it at his audience.  There is no end to the parade of “conservatives” joining the chorus of outrage and demands for retribution.

This will be brief, but I must say that as I’ve had time to think about it, I don’t really care what happened in Washington, D.C., except that a good woman perished.  I don’t really care if it was a false flag event, I don’t care what was or wasn’t accomplished.  I wouldn’t care if the capital building had been burned to the ground.  I don’t do business there, and any shutdown of the business of the controllers can’t help but be good for the liberty of America.

But what I do care about is the rank, despicable, repulsive hypocrisy of those who enjoy the liberty bought for them by the blood, sweat, tears, toil, labor and in some cases the lives of better men who risked everything to purchase that independence from tyranny – but then who demand that the very tactics they chose to obtain that independence, absolutely necessary tactics as proven by the fact that the king had dispatched his armies, are never acceptable, bring nothing good, never accomplish anything worthy, and are to be avoided at all costs.

Such were the arguments in the continental congress, with the state of S.C. being the last to concede (because they knew that the Southern port of Charleston would be a foci of any campaign against the colonies and that S.C. would pay a terrible cost).  Those arguments failed even for the delegates from S.C.

Violence against King George didn’t accomplish anything good, until it did, and liberty was purchased and freedom won.  Spare me the moralistic preening, screaming outrages, and demands for justice.  Those demands should have been proffered over the 2020 election fraud rather than the people who rebelled against that national crime.

And if you wish to criticize what happened at the capital, spare me your complaints about the next four years.  I’m not interested in hearing them.  Shut up and take it.  You lost your moral justification with your claims that violence gets you nothing.  Violence brought an end to the Islamic occupation of Europe, where little girls were raped and turned into sex slaves, boys were forced to become Islamic hoodlums, women were raped and then killed, and all of this happened in front of the men who were then tortured and killed.

Your threshold for invoking violence may or may not be the equivalent of mine or anyone else, but don’t tell me that violence gets you nothing and then reach for a gun when a criminal busts in your door to harm your family.

Charges Dropped Against First Kenosha Shooter Who Fired Into Air

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Concealed Nation.

On October 13, 2020, the Gateway Pundit broke the story that the person who fired the first shot the night Kyle Rittenhouse was forced to defend his life, Joshua Ziminski, was arrested and charged.

The man who fired the first shots from behind Kyle Rittenhouse during the fatal incident in Kenosha has been charged.

Joshua Ziminski, 35, has been charged with disorderly conduct and use of a dangerous weapon for firing his weapon during the incident on August 25.

On the face of it, that would appear to bolster Rittenhouse’s self-defense claim. He was being attacked at the time by Joseph Rosenbaum and someone fired a gun. Sane people would accepted that he had reasonable cause to fear for his life. Apparently the prosecutors think so as well.

The only charge that remains is disorderly conduct; the felony recklessly endangering safety charge for firing the handgun will not proceed. Having to argue in one case that Ziminski fired the first shot that night might have proved embarrassing while trying to prosecute the Rittenhouse case, where their story is that Kyle started all the trouble. So Ziminski’s inconvenient gun charge has simply gone away.

Also an oddity in the Ziminski situation: the lack of any charges for possession of a firearm. Per a Wisconsin Right Now report, Ziminski has multiple convictions for violating harassment orders, which may make him a prohibited person for domestic violence. He also has a 2005 marijuana conviction which definitely gave him prohibited status.

The Ziminski charging document, as seen above, makes it clear that not only do the police have video evidence of Ziminski in possession of a firearm, but Ziminski and his wife both admitted that he had a gun. Other people have been convicted of unlawful possession on weaker evidence, but the Wisconsin prosecutors cannot admit that a bad guy had and used a gun that night before Rittenhouse did.

It appears that the prosecutors prefer to let a violent criminal off rather than lose the chance to persecute Kyle Rittenhouse.

The people who made this decision are called “Officers of the court.”  They swore oaths, promised to serve justice, and will one day be judged by God for their actions.

But for now, they’d rather stick it to the only one there that night who did the right thing.  Because darkness is light and light is darkness.

2020 Election Corruption In Georgia

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago


It’s magic!  Just like what happened in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona.

Funny how this happens.

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