Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Let Me See Your Papers!

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Soldiering via the police.  Let me see your papers!  Where has that expression been used before?

Toronto PD: The Best And Brightest

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

I’m sure everyone feels safer with that #off the streets.

The Walker Open Carry AR Case Is Accepted For Oral Argument At The Fourth Circuit

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

West Virginia civil rights attorney.

Breaking news just this afternoon: the Walker case has been accepted for oral argument by the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, tentatively set for March 8 through March 12, 2021. This is the case with the video showing my client, Michael Walker, walking down the side of a public roadway in Putnam County, West Virginia, on his way coyote hunting. The video is at the link.

This is good news, being that we’re the ones appealing. Most appeals are decided with a written order and no oral argument. The ones with a good likelihood of success, or which are important issues of law, are generally set for oral argument.

I’ve been following this case for a while now, and the Fourth Circuit had better be consistent with their ruling in U.S. v. Nathaniel Black.  If they don’t, then they’re siding with a black man and leaving the white man at the mercy of tyrannical LEOs.

Yea, in Black, “Officer Strayer stated that although it is legal in North Carolina for a person to openly carry a firearm, in his years in the Eastway Division, he had never seen anyone do it.”

Well, officer Strayer is an idiot, poorly trained in the law, and lacks the temperament to be a LEO.  I live in N.C.  I see open carry all the time.  I do open carry.  I’ve seen kids open carry in uptown Charlotte before, walked right by them, nodded at them.  Strayer needs to get out more.

By the way, Mr. Walker was under absolutely no legal or moral obligation to provide the LEO with ID.  None.  He was under absolutely no legal or moral obligation to supply an answer for where he was going or what he was doing, or even why he was carrying a long gun.  None.

The only failure in this case was (a) the LEO who stopped him, and (b) the dispatcher who failed to fisk the caller to find out exactly what crime was being alleged.  They missed a great educational opportunity to teach the public the West Virginia law.

If they can’t do even that, then what good are they?  Why do they draw a paycheck?

Weak Gun Rights Tea

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

Via David Codrea, this from Sonny Perdue.

With our rights at risk at the ballot box, Georgians must keep Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the Senate.

The left is out to make every lawful gun owner a radical when the opposite is true. We are normal Americans who enjoy the outdoors and want to protect our families. We saw this summer what happens when the left doesn’t get what they want, they resort to ransacking their neighborhoods and taking what isn’t theirs. Small business owners and property owners were the victims. We can’t let that happen again. They have the constitutional right to protect what is theirs.

And as an avid sportsman, I cannot imagine a Georgia where we cannot enjoy that outdoor bounty we are blessed with in this state. With the direction the radical Democrats are heading, if they win the Senate, who knows what kind of new restrictions our state’s sportsmen could be in store for. Georgia will start looking like California and it will take you months to get a gun if you’re lucky. The way it starts is with burdensome regulations on legal purchases and then it is slippery slope to outright bans like they tried in the past. Whether you’re more of a winged animal hunter or you enjoy sitting in a deer stand, spend some time thinking about what it would be for that right to be curtailed.

As any free market supporter knows, bans don’t do anything but hurt the people they are trying to protect. The Peach State has long been a place where legal, responsible gun owners have felt that their right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment was protected. Coupled with the fact that our state is unrivaled in its enthusiasm to help out the businesses that call Georgia home, it is no surprise that the firearms industry has given back to Georgians in terms of employment, tax dollars, and direct economic impact. This will all be erased if Perdue and Loeffler aren’t in the Senate.

The firearms community has been a staple for our economy for decades. Georgia is home to six major firearms manufacturers and thousands of small family-owned businesses.

Yea Sonny, one of those companies is Daniel Defense, and they sell guns that would be used to defy tyrants.  They can be used to hunt, but they can be used for other necessary things too.

What if, using your defense of sportsmen, someone argues to shut down Daniel Defense because their main staple isn’t seen out in the field hunting turkeys?

You’re going to have to do better than this, you see.  The second amendment isn’t at all about hunting.

State Going After Christian Leaders Individually

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

News from North of the border.

Yesterday evening, all six of the elders of Trinity Bible Chapel were charged under Section 10.1 of the Reopening Ontario Act (ROA) for holding church services on Sunday, December 27. We are peaceful family men seeking to pastorally care for our families and our church in sincere obedience to God. We are not criminals. Officers from the Waterloo Region Police Service (WRPS) showed up at each of our homes last night at roughly 8pm and gave us each a summons to court. While other pastors in Ontario have faced similar charges under the ROA for holding church services, to our knowledge this is the first time that each and every member of an entire elders board has been charged for gathering a church to worship. Although we know of officers within the WRPS who personally disagree with these charges, it appears the WRPS is trying to make an example of us. For years we have taught our children to respect police, and now our children and grandchildren are witness to their fathers and grandfathers receiving charges from police for worshipping Christ with our church. It is a dark day for Waterloo Region and Ontario.

Since we decided to re-open the church in June, implementing various COVID protocols in our services, we have not had a single outbreak traced back to our church. We thank God for that.  Instead, we have heard a plethora of stories from many of our congregants about how they were negatively affected spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially during the first lockdown. On December 3, we informed our governing authorities that we cannot shut down the church again in an open letter entitled, “Here we Stand: The Church Must Meet.”[1] Not one of our officials replied with an attempt to work with us.  Our church community has become a vital refuge for hundreds of people during these times of despair. Our government is destroying our society to prevent the spread of a virus with a fraction of a fractional death rate.[2] This is evil. Nowhere does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee freedom from risk or virus, but it does protect the freedom of conscience, religion, belief, and assembly.[3] These are unlawful laws, a violation of God given rights, a contravention of Section 176 of the Criminal Code, and an infringement of the Charter.

We have ancestors who fought in wars to protect us from state abuses of this nature, and many of our families fled police states that eerily resemble what we are being subjected to at the present. Our high school teachers, parents, and grandparents warned us against governments that act this way.

While we seek to honour and pray for our governing officials, we are also grieved over the apparent hypocrisy and arbitrary applications of law. Several politicians have been caught violating their own laws by visiting cottages, hosting gatherings, or jaunting to warmer climates. Our very own Chief of Police, Brian Larkin, publicly endorsed much larger public gatherings in June. While Ontarians were restricted to outdoor gatherings of 5 or less persons, the Chief of Police offered the “full support” to a protest in which the “crowd may have been between 12,000 and 20,000 strong.”[4] Chief Larkin explained to participants, even as they contravened lockdown orders, that police “will ensure you have the support needed to practice your democratic right and have your voice heard.”[5]  The arbitrary rule of law is dangerous even as it is contrary to our inherited values.

Our Saviour shed His blood to purchase the church, and therefore deeming the church “unessential” is tantamount to deeming the blood of Christ unessential, which is a public act of blasphemy.

Yes it is of course blasphemous, what they’re doing.  Jesus is Lord.  The state must bow to king Jesus.

But while I don’t take issue with this pastor’s heart, I think he may misunderstand things.  When the state declares you a criminal, you’re a criminal.  Embrace it.  You’re a peaceable man, and maybe that’s what you mean.  But you’re now a criminal.

Be a criminal for Christ.  I’ve said before that pastors who defy the state must be ready to put his hands behind his back, be cuffed, and sent to prison.  Either that or fight back.

This tactic represents the next step in statism.  It isn’t just the church, administratively, or corporately.  The church isn’t just fined, or doors nailed shut.  They are going after Christians individually and personally.

Be prepared.  They are engaged in warfare against you.

Antifa Seizes North Portland Residential Neighborhood

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

From a reader, this report from Portland (which you will not hear from the legacy media, at least, not honestly).

A group of guards watch the entrance to a barricaded section of road in North Portland. They’re armed, masked, and dressed in black—from their balaclavas to their boots to their bulletproof vests. It’s intimidating, but they’re also laughing with each other, which gives the barricade a feeling similar to entering a nightclub. Can you walk in or will the bouncer tell you to scram?

It’s actually a site of protest and siege: what the guards will later name the Red House Eviction Defense, or RHED. It takes the shape of a series of street obstructions that cut off three blocks of road from regular car and foot traffic. At the center of the blockades stands the Kinney family home—known as the “Red House on Mississippi”—home to a Black Afro-Indigenous family for three generations.

For six days, the activists guarding the gates have defied City Hall, chased off police, and captured national attention by occupying these blocks in a campaign to defend the three-bedroom house from seizure due to foreclosure.

They argue the foreclosure resulted from confusing, predatory lending practices and is the latest case of racist gentrification in the historically Black neighborhood of Albina. They also entered a fraught Kinney family legal saga that included reports of animal abuse on the property and the eldest son’s assertion that he is a “sovereign citizen” outside the reach of the U.S. court system.

The eviction defense was a remarkable escalation in activist tactics—the seizing of a residential neighborhood by an armed resistance to the legal system. By Dec. 13, it appeared to have worked: The Kinney family raised enough money to buy back the house, and Mayor Ted Wheeler brokered a deal to remove the barricades.

For five nights, Portland’s attention was fixed on this intersection. It was easy enough to walk through, but the armed guards deterred many. On any given night there were between 100 and 200 people inside the campground. We were two of them.

On this night, the blockade is brand new. Mississippi is blocked at its intersection with North Skidmore by tall, improvised fences of wood, furniture and scrap metal. Farther in, similar structures stand, suggesting fortifications for tactical retreat. Czech hedgehogs (six-armed metal posts that are difficult to drive over) and spike strips (planks with nails sticking through them) lie scattered across the asphalt to impede barricade-busting vehicles. There are more blockades to the east and to the west, one block out on either side, with checkpoints at every entry.

Expecting a morning raid by Portland police, a small crowd begins to gather before dawn by an inner barricade. Most of the activists are still asleep, many on miscellaneous mattresses close to the barricades.

Some of the awake activists are making coffee, surrounded by helmeted members of Portland’s independent press, who have covered protests for months. A figure in black approaches the press. “If you don’t want your camera smashed, you should leave,” he says.

Moments later, a water bottle flies over the barricade, slamming into one journalist’s backpack. Another bottle follows but misses.

Realize that the police were in retreat because they are under no legal obligation to defend or protect the residents in this neighborhood.

Also realize that if any of the residents were intent on stopping this, they waited far too late.  Allowing them to become ensconced gives Antifa the tactical edge.  The residents were thus unable to resist in any meaningful way.

Then again, most residents of Portland elected the officials who put up with, and even defend, these thugs.  So most of them are communists, and wouldn’t choose to defend their neighborhood anyway.

Even if a patriot lived there, he is essentially alone.  It matters where you live, and it matters who your neighbors are.

And tactical planning matters.  You cannot resists thugs who have body armor and AR-15s if you don’t have body armor and AR-15s.  And you cannot resist them well unless you can fight from behind pre-built cover and concealment (or at least, cover and concealment that you know exists because of prior scouting).

There are lots of lessons for us all.

Terraforming The South

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

It’s the ultimate goal, the golden chalice.

Andrew Lu moved to Georgia in 2017. By 2018, he was canvassing for Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial campaign.

The 35-year-old, who was working in Oakland, California, before the move, said he was a registered Republican until his early 20s. But even when he had a change of heart politically, he says he usually didn’t vote.

That changed when he came to the East Coast.

“Since I’m no longer in California, I can’t hide behind, ‘Oh, it’s a blue state,'” Lu, who grew up in Los Angeles, said. “Now I have to put my words into action.”

This influx of people coming into our state from not only across the country but across the globe, has only sort of underscored Georgia as this (cosmopolitan) melting pot, gathering place, in the Deep South.”

Add to this the hundreds of thousands of new people moving from New York to North Carolina.  It’s too easy to assume that they will have figured out that it’s the communist policies they’ve implemented where they were that fouled their nest, so they’d better refrain from such things in the future if they want to retain a clean nest this time.

Too easy, and incorrect.  I’m reminded of a note I received just today from someone, who told this story.

It seems a tarantula is eyeing a swollen stream, trying to figure out how to get across, because he will surely drown if he attempts to cross it.   Along comes a frog, and is about to enter the water, so the tarantula asks the frog if he may ride across on the frog’s back.  The frog says, you will sting me and i will die.   No, i won’t says the tarantula, then i would drown and die, too.   That would make no sense.   I promise not to sting you, and when we get to the other side, I will hop off, and we will go our separate ways.

So, the frog say, o.k.   They get about half way across the stream, and the tarantula cannot restrain himself any more and stings the frog on the back and on his nose.  As he dies, the frog says, why did you do that, now I die, and you surely will die as well.

The tarantula looks the frog in the eyes, and says, I could not refrain, because you see, I am a tarantula.

A communist is a communist and will never change his ways.

New York Bill Would Let Governor Imprison And Forcibly Medicate People Suspected Of Illness

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

The Federalist.

The New York assembly is considering a bill that would allow government officials such as Gov. Andrew Cuomo and health commissioners to “detain or remove” individuals that they deem a risk to public health.

The bill, first introduced by Democrat New York State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry, grants power to Cuomo and state health officials to forcibly confine any individual who is considered a danger due to a contagious disease or a suspected case of that disease to either a medical facility or another type of space appointed by the governor.

“The governor or his or her delegee may, in his or her discretion, issue and seek enforcement of any other orders that he or she determines are necessary or appropriate to prevent dissemination or transmission of contagious diseases or other illnesses that may pose a threat to the public health,” the bill states.

New York is merely the testing ground for this.  If they come for you and you choose not to take their vaccine, you will have to shoot them in the face.

“Amen and Awomen”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

“How dumb are these people?”

Low-IQ nitwit.  Imbecile.  Moron.  Dullard.  Dolt.  Dope.

Why We Believe Defiance to Tyranny is Obedience to God

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 2 months ago

From Pastor Jeff Durbin.  No complaints about the length of the sermon.  If you don’t want the study time, don’t comment.

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