Ordered To Stop Preaching The Gospel
BY Herschel Smith
In the land to the North (via WiscoDave).
A pastor in Edmonton, Canada was just tried, sentenced, and jailed for refusing to follow government pandemic mandates.
Pastor James Coates of GraceLife Church was charged and arrested after last Sunday’s service with repeatedly failing to follow mask and 15% capacity mandates.
His crime? Hosting 300 maskless people who voluntarily gathered inside to worship God, taking a willing 99% chance of surviving a virus to obey their Savior’s command to gather and build the church.
Since being put in prison, he has been sitting “in isolation in a cell block.” Just a few days later, the government has already tried him and handed down a sentence to prison for his high crimes and treason against sCiEnCe.
His wife Erin said the government “went for the jugular” and “tried him in secret.” She also said he must promise to “not pastor anymore” in order to be released, but that he is unwilling to do so.
The survival rate is much higher than that. As for their little “secret” trial, how utterly absurd.
“Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.” Psalm 44:21
Someone is piling agony on top of agony for themselves in judgment one day soon. God will not be mocked. Nothing is secret – He knows everything and judges with a righteous judgment. There won’t even be a response from the accused on that awful day of judgment. The tyrant’s lips will be sealed, and they will be prostrate before the ruler of the universe, the real judge, not a pretend judge.
Of course, this may happen in time too. As always, ignore commands from the state when they conflict with the commands of God. Maybe a righteous prison break would be in order. Followed by an armed defense of the pastor’s home and family.
On February 19, 2021 at 1:14 pm, John said:
“Thoreau, upon being jailed for refusing to pay a poll tax that violated his conscience had a famous visitor. “Emerson visited Thoreau in jail and asked, “Henry, what are you doing in there?” Thoreau replied, “Waldo, the question is what are you doing out there?”
We ALL must become examples or lose to evil.
On February 20, 2021 at 12:16 am, John said:
24 hours with only one comment other than this to point it out that the lack is….disturbing.
On February 20, 2021 at 2:07 pm, Mike Sessler said:
I’ve been telling all my “progressive christians” (small ‘c’ on purpose) who are all for gun confiscation that the only reason they can still go to church is because we own guns. A lot of them. They mock me and say, “No one is coming for your damn guns. Now give up your ARs and ‘high capacity magazines.'” Well folks, once the 2nd is gone, the rest come crashing down around it. The imperial faggot in the north banned pretty much all guns last year. This year, pastors are thrown in jail.
All the people who chose ministry as a vocation are hiding in their basements right now doing “church” online and hoping that because they follow man rather than God, they will be “safe.” There will be a reckoning. And it ain’t going to be pretty.
On February 20, 2021 at 9:04 pm, luke2236 said:
Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you amerika…