The LEAD Act
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 10 months ago
One such bill is HR 405, the LEAD Act, introduced by Ted Lieu, a congressman from California (no surprise, a Democrat). In this case LEAD stands for Lead Endangers Animals Daily, and it bans the use of traditional ammunition on lands that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has jurisdiction over. For a first offense, there is a $500 fine, with additional offenses leading to fines from $1,000 to $5,000.
… a box of 25 non-toxic shotgun shells runs for over $40 at Assuming you’d have enough proficiency and confidence in a shotgun/shell combo after firing 250 rounds, that’s $400 before one single “for real” use. By comparison, a box of 25 traditional shells runs for about $13 at that same site. Assuming the same 250 rounds for proficiency and confidence, that is a difference of $270 – enough to buy a FMK semiauto pistol from Sportsman’s Guide (following all state and federal laws, of course).
First any land managed by the US Fish and Wildlife “Service,” tomorrow everywhere.
They’ll do anything to make the shooting sports as expensive as possible. This is one of many such controller bills that are sure to darken the skies over the next couple of years.
On March 2, 2021 at 7:47 am, Levi Garrett said:
Lead does indeed Endanger Animals Daily…especially when travelling at 3,000 fps. I enjoy hunting, and while I haven’t looked at specific research studies on lead ingestion in wild animals, I can’t help but think that it really isn’t that grave of an issue for wildlife overall. Not that it doesn’t ever occur, but, it really seems like a non-issue in the grand scheme of wildlife and habitat management. “It’s for the animals” they say. It sounds an awful lot like “It’s for the children” and all the control-freak legislation passed under that veil. It’s just another attempt to make hunting and shooting more difficult for the average man or woman.
On March 2, 2021 at 9:47 am, cj crane said:
Mr. Garrettt, you’re absolutely right in that this proposed law is all about gun control. Lead shot has been banned in waterfowl hunting for decades on the off chance that puddle ducks might ingest lead pellets that supposedly could effect their reproductive capabilities. While waterfowl wounded by less effective non-toxic shotshells fly off and die without being recovered and accounted in the hunter’s bag limit. What kills more, ingested lead pellets or fatal wounds? Since this whole controversy started with condors in CA the science is going to be thin and the feelings laid on thick.
On March 2, 2021 at 11:19 am, Frank Clarke said:
Ted Lieu? Isn’t he in prison?
Oh, I see. It’s California. Never mind…
On March 2, 2021 at 12:35 pm, Fred said:
Also consider, 1 Samuel 13:9. You adversary knows this verse. Lead is abundant, cheap, and easy to work.
On March 2, 2021 at 5:57 pm, John said:
They Neverstop. If they win your grandchildren will curse you.
On March 2, 2021 at 7:17 pm, Levi Garrett said:
@cj crane,
You are correct. Like most things touted as being “eco friendly” there are unintended consequences to mandating lead substitutes in shot shells for waterfowl. I would bet that more waterfowl are crippled or otherwise lost due to the relatively crappy ballistics of steel shot versus the harder-hitting lead. Of course there are effective non-toxic alternatives to the widely-used steel shot such as bismuth or tungsten, but they cost an arm and a leg. It just seemed like astronomically small odds that either a dabbling duck or scavenging eagle would find and inadvertently ingest any spent lead. There is a similar push to move toward (expensive) lead substitutes in the fishing industry as well for similar reasons. I still think it’s all a cover for nefarious ulterior motives. It’s somehow okay to worry about the health of the poor eagles while we fill our “food” with health-destroying artificial ingredients, ingest prescription meds by the train load, and give puberty blockers to children.
On March 3, 2021 at 7:56 am, Elmo said:
Frank Clarke-
Perhaps you were thinking of gunrunner Leland Yee. And yes, he was in prison. He was released last June.
As far as Ted Lieu is concerned, the only thing he’s ever been guilty of is utter ignorance and a severe shortage of functioning brain cells. Which makes him eminently qualified to represent his equally ignorant constituents from La-La Land.
On March 6, 2021 at 9:08 am, Sanders said:
Yeah, the instructions on my new Beretta shotgun specify to use the most open choke possible when shooting steel shot. What that translates to is a wider pattern and less pellets hitting the bird, which results in more wounded birds than killed birds. When I’m bird hunting, I’m using a full choke to get the most of my shot column for the fastest, most humane kill.