Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation Opposed To Permitless Carry Legislation
BY Herschel Smith
“We don’t have any issue, and support the underlying policy that those that are legally permissible to carry possess a firearm and to defend themselves. What we think, though, is that the permit process allows us to actually do that by knowing if that person is lawful,” Musice said.
He added that 63,000 Tennesseans are considered “mentally defective,” meaning they cannot legally own a firearm for public safety reasons. Musice said when somebody wants to get a handgun in Tennessee right now, that point is checked to ensure that dangerous individuals, illegal immigrants, felons or mentally incapable people do not carry guns.
As for illegal immigrants, stop them at the border. That’s the right solution.
As for “mentally defective,” maybe that’s too many. Maybe you should purge the rolls. And I’d be worried more about the mental defects working in the TBI.
On March 5, 2021 at 5:58 pm, Fred said:
This statement is carefully crafted to scare “right” “wing” “republican” “christians” of which none in the that majority voting block are at all right of center, know anything about what a republic is, and less than 2 percent would go to a cross without renouncing Christ.
Spit on the whole thing, all houses.
Any livng being can be declared mentally defective. I agree, purge those rolls. Note how they’re statement talks of buying a gun. If they can’t pass a TBI (TN doesn’t use NICS) check now, constitutional carry doesn’t change their (in)ability to get a firearm.
tHe StAtE iS pRoTeCtInG mE fRoM mEnTaL dEfEcTiVeS.
On March 5, 2021 at 7:59 pm, Archer said:
“What we think, though, is that the permit process allows us to actually do that by knowing if that person is lawful,” Musice said.
Translation: “We want Joe Public to do our work for us by making him carry proof-of-innocence documents we can demand at any time, instead of us having to show probable cause or reasonable articulable suspicion to stop him in the first place. We have a hard time articulating traffic violations, let alone suspicions regarding the lawful carry and use of firearms.”
On March 5, 2021 at 8:04 pm, Archer said:
As a follow-up, regarding the permit process letting LEOs “know that person is lawful”, I lost count of anti-gun people who were against all forms of carry, even permitted, because of some variation of, “Every gun owner is law-abiding … until they’re not,” or “Innocent just means you haven’t been caught yet.”
On March 6, 2021 at 5:12 pm, Deserttrek said:
Yet everyone is supposed to blindly back the blue
On March 6, 2021 at 9:29 pm, Sisu said:
This “permit / licensing process” (regardless of state) if it is to be maintained / instituted as new / revised law needs to include a “certain, known protocol” for all LEOs to follow without exception when they decide they are in such circumstances (the citizenry needs to know the specific set of factors also) where it is appropriate to inquire as to an individual’s possession of a “firearm” or other “tool” which might be considered a “lethal weapon”.
Such protocol must always assume and be consistent with the basic principle that the individual so identified (unless a “lawful, court issued warrant” has been issued) is “lawfully in possession of a weapon” and is “innocent until proven guilty”. …
“Justifiable cause”, “professional judgement”, “suspicion”, … all need to be subordinate to the “individual’s right to exist”.
“Qualified” and “absolute” immunity and the idea that the LEO’s safety is paramount to the individual’s existence, i.e., that LEOs only have a duty to the “public at large” needs to be abandon – we have lived with the latter and it is not working for the “majority of those that are the ‘of, by and for’ …”.
On March 9, 2021 at 12:31 pm, Ron W said:
Article I, Section 26 of the Tennessee DECLARATION of Rights DEMANDS permitless carry. It is a DECLARED to keep and carry arms for self defense in Tennesee and it is UNLAWFUL for the government to require a permit, license, payment or background check to exercise that right or any right!! Government officials wether elected, appointed or hired work UNDER the delegated powers of the People and are subservient to them in their positions.