The Coming Universal Background Check Legislation
BY Herschel Smith
Bill/Issue: HR 1446, HR 8, Untitled Senate Bill
Position: Strongly Opposed
Summary: These bills are all designed to implement a nationwide registry of your firearms, setting the stage for gun confiscation.
The floodgates have opened on gun registry legislation, with three bills introduced in one day designed to force Universal Background Checks on gun transfers. And one of these anti-gun bills – HR 8 – already has support from Republicans.
Due to Democrat control of the House, Senate and White House, this should be a RED ALERT for gun owners. Indeed, there are even reports that these bills could be moved to a full vote sometime NEXT WEEK!
That’s right, Nancy Pelosi and her cronies are prepared to move these anti-gun bills through at lightning speed, shortening a process that normally takes months into just a few days or perhaps even hours. Therefore, it is URGENT that you take action.
Republicans and Democrats are prepared to work TOGETHER in order to force registration of your guns in preparation for possible ATF action, confiscations and more. We CANNOT let them get away with this collusion.
So continuing this line of discussion, what they’re saying is that republicans are preparing to be a sellout (but what else is new?).
… sadly, GOA has received reports from pro-gun congressmen that some Republicans are looking to “clean up” the bill and make it palatable.
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This is where the Pelosi-backed H.R. 8 comes in: It would require Brady Checks through dealers — and 4473’s — on virtually every private firearms transaction in the country.
And guess what? Now they will have a national gun registry that will tell them who you are, where you live, and what guns you own.
As I’ve said, I expect at least Rubio, Romney, Cornyn, Murkowski and Collins to jump in on this in the Senate, and it will probably be impossible to stop this in the House.
Of course, this is the holy grail for the controllers. AR-15s are small potatoes compared to a national gun registry.
Until passage of the bill, person-to-person transfers are legal, and thus form 4473 does not constitute a national gun registry. We’ve had our debates on this, and of course form 4473 is an infringement, but UBC is where the controllers want all of this to go.
You stand warned.
On March 8, 2021 at 10:17 pm, Ozark Redneck said:
Amen Brother, emails will be sent…
On March 9, 2021 at 9:04 am, Bill Buppert said:
FFL gun dealers are non-funded BATFE field offices so I haven’t used a LGS or big box store for weapons purchases since 1992.
May I also suggest that the 4473 localized at dealers, data vacuumed during periodic inspections and surrendered when an FFL goes out of business are all kept by the Feds; the de facto registry already exists for any 4473 gun purchases.
When a NICS check is performed, there is a connection between a weapon and the person applying for it yielding more association matrices for possession.
On March 9, 2021 at 9:24 am, Ned2 said:
Does anyone really believe every 4473 ever filled out isn’t in a database somewhere?
They already have a record of every firearm you’ve ever bought, every box of ammo bought with a credit card etc etc…
When I lived in Maryland, we busted Brian Frosh for keeping records of all State Police firearm purchase background checks even though they were supposed to be destroyed. Nothing happened to him, even though a law was blatantly broken.
This bill just legalizes what they’re already doing.
On March 9, 2021 at 10:37 am, Frank Clarke said:
There is no solution that does not involve loud noises.
On March 9, 2021 at 11:56 am, Andrew said:
Ned2’s point notwithstanding.
If you ever bought a gun at a dealer that closed, all those records got picked up and shipped to the BatMen.
If, for any reason, you bought a Blaster at a Dealer that changed “Numbers”, same thing.
A large local FunShop bought out another (merged) and a friend of mine worked there at the time.
All the records they had accumulated since they started selling guns got picked up.
Now if you remember an article in Vice they “pinky swear” the BatMen claim isn’t a registry, just a “file cabinet of boxes to search in”.
But remember a phone call is made to the Fibbies to “ask if so and so is okay to take this home now or in 3 days”.
Also, another “bill” lets the “instant/3 day check” turn into 10 days, and if no answer then one must actually file an appeal, which could take another 10 or so days.
On March 9, 2021 at 8:06 pm, SGT.BAG said:
If the government makes you a criminal, strive to become the best criminal you can
possibly be.
Tempus Fugit
On March 9, 2021 at 9:32 pm, Brad said:
I’m a California 07 FFL. A manufacturer opposed to a brick and mortar gun store. Kamel Toe Harris was the head of CalDoj for 4 years. So I’m confident in saying I know where they’re headed with the big clamp down. They will extend the back ground checks to 10 days. A cooling off period. They’re going to clamp down on available pistols. Institute the drop test. (What a freaken joke). Aluminum Modular Weapons, yea, the will go with the featureless criteria. Which is a total joke. If they do go the path of California, for God sake do not register your firearm as an assault weapon. The immediate impact is it takes you 57 seconds to swap a pistol grip. I can give you that featureless criteria if you want. But trust me when I say this, these idiot don’t know shit about guns, and a featureless AR is just as effective as a normal AR.