Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

The AR-15 Is The Best

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

Because it just is.  It’s the best battle rifle ever invented.  The AK isn’t even a close contender.  Due to DoD stupidity concerning rifle cleaning, bad instructions and training to troops, and ammunition powders strictly forbidden by Eugene Stoner, it didn’t start out that way.

But there is no question today, and my own son’s life depended on the gun (and he had the utmost confidence in it). Also, ask SpecOps why they rejected the SCAR and went back to a “proven” firearm like the AR.

The Worship Of The State Is The Worship Of Force

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

Ludwig von Mises, via JWR.

“The worship of the state is the worship of force. There is no more dangerous menace to civilization than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men. The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.”

HPS remark: When man governs unbiblically, he wishes to supplant the law of God with his own rules, he wishes to supplant the divine decree of God with his own decisions, and he attempts to usurp the role of the sovereign of the universe.

From Soft Liberalism to Iron-Fisted Leftism in Today’s U.S. Military

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

Newsweek (from a Marine Corps officer).

How did we get here? The truth is that today’s military is running on the fumes of our vastly superior forefathers and the ever-shrinking proportion of each branch that still does truly heroic work and accomplishes truly extraordinary feats. The rest is a bloated military-industrial complex given over to Fortune 500-style corporate progressivism.

And if it’s bad in the Marine Corps, imagine how much worse it is in the other services.

America’s enemies are laughing at us. Frankly, we deserve it. But it doesn’t need to be this way. To get back on top, our military must reject “extremism” training, reverse all the progressive policies enacted over the past several years, return to a true meritocracy and focus exclusively on the only thing that matters: winning wars.

The entire commentary is worth a read.  The most interesting aspect of the commentary is the comments.  Here’s a sample below.

Did Newsweek seriously publish this? If an author is so lacking in honorable integrity regarding facts that he fails to understand what the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are, then he has no business opining on extremism. If he thinks that discriminating against gay people is acceptable, he might want to be reminded of the officers from previous generations who said that integrating black people was also ‘correctness run amok’. If he feel offended by facts? The Marines are better off without him. Oh, Army Ranger and combat veteran here, and I can’t recall defeating an enemy I was too obstinate to even acknowledge existing. This was deeply irresponsible.

God help the people of Texas if this article was written by a senior official in charge of justice. Sounds like he really believes it, God help the  USMC Reserve. Beliefs like this are reasons why the military should stand down.

More right wing extremist nazi (sic) propaganda. What do you want to bet that this rube supported little Donny’s attemped (sic) coup d’etat and attempt to convert our constitutional democracy into a fascist dictatorship!

And on the comments go.

You see, nearly half of America has now bought into the progressive agenda, hates God, hates the family, hates differences between the genders and tries to eradicate them, and hates America.

I know this can seem a sad commentary on the state of the nation, and indeed it is.  But this is all good.  This is a necessary fall the nation is taking.  The diminishing of the trusted and core elements of the society is good.

It’s necessary because people need to have that trust stripped away – America needs to repent.  Americans need to feel threatened.  America needs to see lost wars, and no, not to rag-headed goat herders in fourth world countries who live in the fifth century A.D.  America needs to see lost wars to near-peer states.

The wicked will continue in their direction until the consequences make it so uncomfortable it forces them to ask, “How did we get here?”

This is all part of the road to recovery – or the road to the end of the American experiment.  Either way, the development is a good and necessary thing.

Paul Harrell: Top 5 Tips For Wilderness Survival

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

Oh good.  Another protracted Paul Harrell story.  Get a cup of coffee and sit back.

A great horned owl evicting a raccoon from the owl nest

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

Tell WiscoDave he needs to get control of his pets. That raccoon could get hurt.

A Confused Little Girl Adds To Her Judgment

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

We will all answer for what we say and what we believe.  This girl has added to her judgment.

If one takes this patronizing argument at face value, one must also accept that gun buyers, too, are at risk of making impulsive decisions they might regret—hurting other people. But there is an important difference between these two categories of ostensibly regrettable decisions: Only one brings harm to others. One decision leads to the termination of one’s own pregnancy, and the other to the murder of breathing, life-living, outside-the-womb human beings.

There are few clearer statements of a society’s values than this: We place more trust in the self-knowledge and decision-making skills of a would-be mass murderer than we do in a pregnant woman. To put it another way, in Georgia, it is easier for a man to gain the capacity to maim and kill other people’s bodies than for a woman to obtain medical care for her own.

On Wednesday, Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds said that Long “gave no indicators that this was racially motivated.” Instead, law enforcement officials said, Long claims he is addicted to sex, and the spas were a “temptation he wanted to eliminate.” This attempt to disentangle race from sex and gender, and racism from misogyny, is wrongheaded and futile. The fact that Long targeted Asian-owned spas, and that the majority of his victims were Asian women, is no coincidence; the “temptation” he cites—and his decision to visit violence upon the particular people and places he blamed for it—didn’t come from nowhere. However Long explains himself, the devaluing and hypersexualization of Asian women and their labor are essential context for his crimes.

She has no idea what the motivation was for the shooting.  She’s just making that up, and she’s paid to be offended.

On the other hand, by treating the unborn as not worthy of life and not even created and designed by God, she may as well throw children into the fire for Molech.

The Infallible Courts

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

High priests of law, garbed in black robes according to the liturgy.

Judge Silberman wrote a dissent challenging not only how the majority applied New York Times Co. v. Sullivan to the case before it but also challenging the entirety of the Supreme Court decision. It’s this last aspect that makes Silberman’s dissent noteworthy.

Silberman points out that “Justice Thomas has already persuasively demonstrated that New York Times was a policy-driven decision masquerading as constitutional law. *** As with the rest of the opinion, the actual malice requirement was simply cut from whole cloth.”

Although Silberman acknowledges the difficulty inherently in overruling “landmark” cases, he has come to see the 57-year-old New York Times opinion as “a threat to American Democracy. It must go.” And then Silberman goes into overdrive defending the Constitution.

He makes plain his disdain for Justice Kennedy’s contention that “criticism of the Court is tantamount to an attack on the Constitution.” Instead, “I readily admit that I have little regard for holdings of the Court that dress up policymaking in constitutional garb.” It’s that kind of dissimulation that is “the real attack on the Constitution.” Indeed, “[t]he notion that the Court should somehow act in a policy role as a Council of Revision is illegitimate.”

I have only one correction I would make.  I don’t have “little regard” for such legal antics.  I have no regard for it.

So just to make clear, I consider all such decisions to be illegitimate, judges and justices who do that sort of thing to be usurpers, impostors and tyrants, and all of their decisions illegitimate – even those decisions which benefit me.  I don’t need them or want them.  To me they are all clowns and carnival barkers, pretending authority and wisdom, and when God sits in the heavens and mocks them, I follow suit here on earth.

Is that clear enough for you, Mr. Kennedy?

Hysterical Opposition To S.C Open Carry

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

Over the weekend we linked a hysterical piece opposing open carry in S.C.  He recapitulates his points and gets even more hysterical.

“This is sending a message that these legislators and myself stand with the citizens of South Carolina to protect our constitutional freedoms,” Cox said this week.

Double hogwash.  Citizens currently can legally purchase guns. Not having open carry does not impinge on their freedoms.  Rather, they just have to follow reasonable rules — just as they do if they want to drive cars or live in a civilized society.

We might be tempted to explain that driving cars isn’t mentioned in the constitution, or to correct his wording (“impinged” isn’t the right choice of wording).

That would miss the point.  Rules are all “reasonable” if he agrees with them.  Even the act of living requires his rules.

He is a controller.  He is god.

Collectivist Rant Against South Carolina Open Carry

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 12 months ago

South Carolina has their collectivists too.

What South Carolina legislators do not need to do is to expand the pervasiveness of guns.  Already on the books are processes and procedures for citizens who want to be armed to get concealed weapons permits if they want more security.

But is that good enough?  Apparently not.  Hours after the Atlanta slaughter, South Carolina House members threw caution to the wind and passed a bill that will thrust handguns into the open.

S.C. Rep. Phillip Lowe, R-Florence, actually had the gall to say on the House floor this week that open carry was needed because of South Carolina’s heat.  Opening his jacket at the podium, he said when someone with a concealed weapons permit was carrying a gun they would violate the permit if they took off the jacket because it was hot … and that’s why open carry was needed.

Really? Was he serious?  In my book, if you have a concealed permit and you want to carry, you should put up with a little sweat as the price to pay to feel safe.  Guns that are out in the open are much more dangerous than one locked away at home.

And right there in the final paragraph he explains his psychological problem, the one that really requires professional help to ameliorate.

First he explains that he understands that people carry concealed weapons.  Then he contrasts that with weapons remaining and locked away at home.  You see, to him, if he can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.

This is a mental dysfunction, and he understands that it is, but in order to help himself, he’s willing to sacrifice your liberties.  He refers to “my book.”  That’s his book of rules for everyone.

And you know what I’ve observed about people who have rules for everybody else.  The desire to control others is the signal pathology of the wicked.

Because The American Judicial System Hates God

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 12 months ago


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that a Washington school district can ban a former coach from praying on the field after football games.

Joseph Kennedy, the school’s former football coach, sued the Bremerton School District after alleging his rights were violated when the district banned him from praying in the middle of the football field after games ended, according to the court’s ruling.

“Kennedy’s attempt to draw nationwide attention to his challenge to the District showed that he was not engaging in private prayer,” the three-judge panel ruled. “Instead, he was engaging in the public speech of an overtly religious nature while performing his job duties.”

Next up, hatred for the traditional family.

A New York City judge has removed a 6-year-old girl from her mother because she did not wear a mask while dropping her off outside of the school.

In a shocking and egregious move, the court also told Dr. Epstein that in order to get short supervised visits with her child — she will have to wear a mask inside her own home.

Those who hate God pay with their souls.  And systems of government that hate God pay with the collapse of society.

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