Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Justice Department seeks to build large conspiracy case against Oath Keepers for Capitol riot

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago


The Justice Department and FBI are gathering evidence to try to build a large conspiracy indictment against members of the Oath Keepers for their roles in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, according to people familiar with the matter, but the group’s sometimes fractious and fantasy-laden internal workings may complicate efforts to bring such a case.

So these actions (via Ken) make a little more sense.

Joshua James was arrested this week and is being charged in connection to the violent events of January 6th in Washington D.C.

Joshua James is an Iraq War veteran. He was wounded in a bomb blast in Iraq. And Joshua is being held by the FBI without bail.

Joshua is the breadwinner in his family. He receives retirement pay from the military. He has three young children including a 3-year-old.

The FBI lured him out of his home in Alabama by pretending to be a customer needing a pressure washing.

Then an Army armored vehicle with a turret on top, 2 FBI vans, 6 FBI vehicles, 3 local police and sheriff’s vehicles pulled up and ransacked their home.

I bolded the important stuff.  FedGov is doing exactly what you should expect them to.  The problem of course is that their sycophants, local LEOs, accompanied them, probably aided them, and watched while they violated his rights (he is being held without bail after having broken no laws).

What they should have done is demand to know why these agents were in their county to begin with, examined their case, and then threatened them with arrest if they didn’t leave the county.

Folks, this is all local.  Know the people around you.  Make sure that the people in important posts are ones that you approve.

Marines: In Quo Et Vos

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

Where did you go?

A U.S. Marine Corps unit’s Twitter account says it “messed up” in its comments while responding to Fox News host Tucker Carlson as part of a debate over his commentary about social justice initiatives in the U.S. Armed Forces.

The official account for the II Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group used a pejorative on social media in responding to Carlson’s recent statements on how the military should be focused more on adversaries and less on culture issues.

The Marines shared a picture of a female soldier carrying a male one and tagged Carlson, writing that the photo showed “what it looks like in today’s armed forces.”

“Get right before you get left, boomer,” the account said, using a word widely considered a pejorative term.

After intense pushback for using an official military account to slam a private citizen, the Marines unit wrote in tweets: “We are human and we messed up. What was intended as a tweet in support of our female Marines and sisters serving in uniform was clearly not aligned with our standard practices or an appropriate representation of the Marine Corps. We will do better and serve the people.

“We can do better and we will collectively take a knee, review our procedures and get back in the fight. Our focus is to train, fight and win and we have a hard time doing that without your support.”

[ … ]

Military leaders realize “there’s much, much more work to be done to ensure that women’s leadership is recognized and we have more diverse leaders” and that “all women feel safe and respected in our military,” Biden said. “Some of it is relatively straightforward work where we’re making good progress designing body armor that fits women properly; tailoring combat uniforms for women; creating maternity flight suits; updating—updating requirements for their hairstyles.”

After playing the clip, Carlson told viewers: “So we’ve got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits. Pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It’s a mockery of the U.S. Military. While China’s military becomes more masculine as it’s assembled the world’s largest navy, our military needs to become, as Joe Biden says, more feminine, whatever feminine means anymore since men and women no longer exist. The bottom line is, it’s out of control, and the Pentagon is going along with this.”

The segment drew criticism from Pentagon press secretary John Kirby, who told reporters that “the diversity of our military is one of our greatest strengths.”

“We are better and more effective not only when we represent the American people—all the American people—but also, when we have the moral courage to include other perspectives and ideas into our decision-making; perspectives that, as the secretary himself noted Monday, are based on lived experience.

[ … ]

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin “shares the revulsion of so many others to what Mr. Carlson said in his opening statement,” according to the press secretary.

Here is the post and some responses.  The tweet sounds like a high school girl wrote it.

So aside from the notion of diversity being a strength in, say, mathematics or engineering or computer science or whatever, where physics governs processes, which I don’t think can be proven (but this is a difference discussion), let’s pose a challenge problem to the Marines.

Prove that diversity is a strength in the US Marine Corps?  Prove it.  Demonstrate categorically that sameness, the one intended end of all of the training my own son went through to ensure common goals, common tactics, techniques and procedures, and common devotion to duty and orders, shouldn’t have really been the goal after all.

Prove categorically that the US Marine Corps, who won multiple world wars, who has served honorably in countless other engagements, and who is the most feared strike and expeditionary force on earth, wasn’t really as good as they could be and would have been better with more diversity.

Oh, I see, you can’t.  You’re just aping the actions and parroting the words of the controllers and current administration.  If you’re not, and you really believe that diversity is a strength, you aren’t fit to lead because you can’t prove what you’re saying.

If you’re just aping the actions of your superiors, then you’re liars.

It isn’t necessary to rehearse the experience of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan where they placed women in combat roles and found a disproportionate number of lower extremity injuries, or the experience of Marine Corps infantry officer’s course at Quantico where every woman thus far has had several hip injuries or pelvic fractures.

We all know the truth regardless of the focus group wording you parrot.  Repeat after me: There is no way that a woman can do the same physical things a man does.  God designed it that way.

How far the Marine Corps has fallen.  Shameful, loathsome and contemptible.  I think your future adversaries will think the same thing.

Worshiping False Gods

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago


Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new ethnic studies curriculum that seeks to root out “white supremacy,” “colonization,” and the various evils of American culture. The curriculum aims to reverse Christianity’s alleged “theocide” against Native American gods by leading students in a chant to various indigenous deities, including the Aztec god of human sacrifice. This horrific chant arguably violates the First Amendment, but it also exposes the true ugliness of “woke” supremacy.

The Discovery Institute’s Christopher Rufo exposed the new curriculum in City Journal and published the full documents on his blog.

R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the curriculum’s material on early American history. The curriculum cites Cuauhtin’s book Rethinking Ethnic Studies, in which he argues that the United States was founded on “Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.”

The ethnic studies curriculum claims that whites began “grabbing the land,” “hatching hierarchies,” and “developing for Europe/whiteness,” which created “excess wealth” that “became the basis for the capitalist economy.” This white “hegemony” continues to the present, and it allegedly subjects minorities to “socialization, domestication, and ‘zombification.’”

The curriculum singles out Christianity for particular demonization. Cuauhtin claimed that white Christians committed “theocide” by killing indigenous gods while replacing tribal cults with Christianity. White settlers established a regime of “colonially, dehumanization, and genocide,” characterized by the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic Indegeneity and humanity.”

Cuauhtin, whomever this is, is an idiot.  That sounds like a second grader wrote it.

As for worshiping the false god of human sacrifice, eh, no change.  America has been doing that ever since the days of Margaret Sanger via abortion.

Romans 1:18-21 comes to mind.  And the only true God scoffs at them.

Tacticool Never Changes

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

Via reddit/Firearms.

I don’t know anything about this machine other than the picture. I do know that at one time I recalled seeing an old oil-fed lantern used by a Boy Scout master who managed “Camp Old Indian.”  It had a mirror and used that to focus the (admittedly weak beam) of light.

But light it was, and when batteries die, oil is still around.  I never found a replica of this old oil lantern.  I’d buy it if I could find it.

.44 Special VS .45 ACP Buffalo Bore Barnes TAC-XP

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

Hmm … I have three comments.

First, I’m very impressed with the expansion of the Buffalo Bore PD ammunition.

Second, I’m not sure I’d claim that Buffalo Bore didn’t use +P brass on this round until they confirm that.

Third, as for the so-called “Glock Smile” (a term which I’ve never heard before), I’ve shot Buffalo Bore ammunition as well as Double Tap ammunition in 1911s and never seen this before, including with 450 SMC (Short Magnum Cartridges, super hot .45 ACP cartridges from Double Tap with a rifle primer versus a pistol primer), rated at 1120 FPS for a 230 gr. bullet.  I’ve Never seen it before.  Maybe it’s called “Glock Smile” because of the way it seats in the chamber?

I don’t know.  I don’t do Glocks.

UBC Passes The U.S. House

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

UBC passes the U.S. House as we all knew it would.  What happens now is anybody’s guess.

Sham writers are pushing the same cockamamie stories all over the place to try to help this along, and at least one commenter believes it stands to be defeated in the senate.

Schumer also said he doubts he’ll get the 10 turn coat Republicans that he needs for the bill to get to the Senate floor.

That’s not the story the communists tell.

Under current Senate rules, 60 votes are necessary to overcome a filibuster, and the Democrats control the evenly divided chamber only by virtue of Vice President Kamala Harris’s ability to cast tie-breaking votes as the presiding officer of the Senate. Murphy thinks getting 10 members of McConnell’s caucus to oppose a gun-control filibuster is possible. 

“You know, his members have expressed to me over the past several years that they want to get right on this issue. So I don’t think we should accept that there aren’t 60 votes in the Senate for universal background checks,” Murphy said. “So much has changed. The political power of the anti-gun-violence movement is infinitely stronger. The NRA is a shell of itself. And so I’ve had a lot of Republican members come to me and express their willingness to take a new look.”

Anyway, here are the turncoats.

Vern Buchanan (FL)
Brian Fitzpatrick (PA)
Maria Salazar (FL)
Andrew Garbarino (NY)
Chris Smith (NJ)
Fred Upton (MI)
Carlos Gimenez (FL)
Adam Kinzinger (IL)

I notice that three of them are from Florida, and two of those are Hispanic/Latino.  I bring this up because it pertains to immigration, political proclivities and maintenance of our liberties.

Gun Legislation In The North Carolina House

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

In the mail:

Today, the House passed House Bill 134 by a vote of 72-44. The bill expands the ability of citizens to defend themselves and their loved ones while attending religious worship. This is similar to the Senate Bill 43 that the Senate recently passed.

House Bill 134 allows law-abiding citizens who hold a concealed handgun permit to carry a handgun to defend themselves and their loved ones when attending religious worship taking place on private property that is both a school, and place of worship, if it does not prohibit firearms. This empowers private property owners to set their own security policy, rather than the state imposing a one-size-fits-all solution. In 2019, an armed citizen defended his church against an individual in Texas. This worshiper, Jack Wilson, was able to take action because of similar, NRA-backed legislation in Texas.

Last year, a similar bill, the 2nd Amendment Preservation Act, passed both chambers with bipartisan majorities after stalling the year before. It moved through the legislative process quickly last year because of strong leadership demonstrated in both chambers. Unfortunately, Governor Roy Cooper chose to veto this critical bill, and the General Assembly was unable to override it.

Roy Cooper is a dick.  I know this.  It happens every time the idiots in NC elect a democrat to the governor’s office.  It’s bad when they elect a republican (Pat McCrory gave us toll roads).  It’s simple awful when a democrat is elected.

The guns in churches bill (attached to church schools that is, because it’s already legal to carry in church) will be vetoed by Cooper, and the legislature won’t be able to override it.  Anyway, don’t worry about what’s legal when it comes to your family’s safety.

Cooper also said this.

“I expect Republican leadership in our North Carolina legislature to follow a lot of other state legislatures in using this ‘big lie’ of voter fraud as an excuse for laws that suppress the vote,” Cooper, a Democrat, said during a POLITICO Live event. “Let’s just get real about it: These laws are intended to discourage people from voting.”

“The good thing about having enough Democrats in my state legislature to uphold a veto is that we can stop some of those things,” Cooper said on Thursday. “It’s going to fall on the states in order to fight that off.”

And thus you know where he stands.  His wife is an even worse person than he is – if that seems possible. Reviews The Henry X-Model .45-70

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

South Carolina Second Amendment Sanctuary Bill

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

News from South Carolina.

Six South Carolina senators want to make the state a Second Amendment Sanctuary, according to pre-filed legislation in Columbia.

Sens. Shane Massey, Rex Rice, Josh Kimbrell, Tom Corbin, Dwight Loftis and Tom Young filed the bill on Feb. 18.

In the bill, the senators write that they and the other members of the state general assemble find that the “Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual’s right to ‘keep and bear arms'” and that the right may not be infringed upon.

In order to protect that right in South Carolina, the lawmakers want the state attorney general to review any federal law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation related to the Second Amendment that might come down. Then, they want the attorney general to “issue a written opinion of its constitutionality.”

If the attorney general finds that the federal law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation related to the Second Amendment is unconstitutional, the state senators have a plan to stop the enforcement of it in South Carolina.

Those plans include:

  • not giving any public funds, personnel or property from the state to the implementation, regulation, or enforcement of that federal law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation;
  • not letting any official, agent or employee of the state, or any political subdivision of it, enforce or attempt to enforce that federal law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation.

If anyone were to take legal action against South Carolina for not following the federal law, the lawmakers write in the bill that the attorney general shall will defend the case.

Many counties in South Carolina have become their own second amendment sanctuaries, including Horry County.

Kershaw County was the first county in South Carolina to become one.

This isn’t just weak tea, it’s pathetic.  Honestly, you’d think that a state like South Carolina, where they supposedly value liberty, could do better than this given what other states have done and are doing.

There should be no need to turn to a lawyer for an assessment.  That’s what weaklings and fearful men do.  If they want S.C. to be a 2A sanctuary state, then just declare it so.

Furthermore, it’s meaningless unless they not only prohibit agents of the state from participating in confiscatory laws or other infringements, but dispatch state agents to arrest FedGov agents who try to do the same thing.

On top of that, I won’t believe a word they have to say until they decriminalize open carry in South Carolina.

Michael Yon On The Immigrant Wave

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

Bad news.

Tomorrow, if all goes well, we will be in the Panamanian jungle with a naked tribe. Literally. We’ve been researching the migration crush here in Colombia. Apparently, 2-4 million Venezuelans have swarmed into Colombia. Nobody know the real numbers.

Other neighborhood countries such as Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, are experiencing similar from Venezuela. And now with Biden policy, they’ll be marching north, joined by migrations from around Asia, Africa, Middle East, Cuba, other Caribbean countries such as Haiti, and also from other South American countries.

As they march north, they will be joined by some Panamanians, and large numbers or Nicaraguans, Salvadorians, Hondurans, and finally Mexicans. And you shall see the flood. It’s coming. It’s building. Our border, relatively open, while American fuel and food prices rocket. At this rate we soon will adopt millions — most speak no lick of English — even while homeless camps swell around America.

This is just an FYSA. I am beyond the frontline. On deep reconnoissance. Deeper still, I have spent considerable years in many of the countries they come from. They need help but we must help them in place — but first we must guard our own wellspring whence we produce the wealth to help. (When oxygen masks drop — pull our own masks first. Otherwise, we become another casualty, another burden.)

Soon, we will need more pedestrian crossing signs in America. This mass migration will not stop at Texas.

Listen to me.

This is serious.

While the New York Times had multiple reporters covering some nobody in England, Michael Yon is taking pictures, interviewing people, studying the human landscape, and issuing real warnings.

Because legacy media sucks, and Michael Yon doesn’t.  Michael is a real journalist and researcher, while the legacy media is nothing more than lies, hysteria and entertainment.

And America will suffer greatly for the theft of an election.

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