Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Open Carry Bill Heads To The South Carolina House Floor

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

News from South Carolina.

A bill that would allow people to carry guns without concealing them in South Carolina is heading to the House floor.

The House Judiciary Committee approved so-called open carry of weapons for people who already have a concealed-weapons permit by a 16-8 vote Tuesday.

South Carolina is one of only five states without open carry, joining atypical partners such as California, Florida, Illinois and New York.

The committee ignored amendments by Democrats that would remove the ban on weapons at the Statehouse and would refine rules on weapons at public events like festivals.

The bill is enthusiastically backed by many Republicans and conservatives, who said it makes sense to let people carry the weapons they can already have in a visible holster. Laws against pointing a gun at someone or threating someone with a gun without a legal reason would remain on the books.

Of course laws against assault will remain on the books, just like laws against brandishing.  Why does that even need to be stated?

Now.  Since the committees have apparently taken their job seriously and refused to allow this bill to perish in committee like it always seems to do, the real struggle begins.

From here on we take names and make lists.  Every member of the House will have to cast a vote, since as I understand it, turning this bill over from committee constitutes a motion and second.  It’s a live bill.

Oh, there are still parliamentary tricks that could be played, like someone could make a substitute motion to do something like send it back to the committee to study this more, or some such nonsense.  But that also requires a vote by every member of the House.

So we take names, and no one gets to hide behind the fact that there is no live bill to vote on.  That horse has left the barn.

It’s time to ramp up the comms to House members, and after that, members of the senate.  They need to hear from people, especially if you live in South Carolina.  I frequently visit relatives in South Carolina and so I should have a say, but they won’t listen to me like they would from my readers in South Carolina.

Get busy.

The Digital Gulag For Gun Owners

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

Matt Bracken.

I believe that Team Tyranny won’t have to do much door-to-door gun confiscation. I think that a few show-piece gun confiscation raids using overwhelming force at 4AM (that are designed for network TV audiences) will be sufficient. Instead, they’ll just send citizens a notice by text, email and registered snail-mail that they already know what newly-illegal guns they possess. This list will be based on AI programs scraping and data-mining your social media history, credit card purchases, and all past FFL sales records, which surely will be collected as part of the new law.

All of this information will be knitted together much the way that the IRS does business. I borrowed this paradigm from “Old Curmudgeon” on a Free Republic thread: “Have you noticed how the IRS manages to enforce the tax laws? Every taxable transaction is documented by multiple parties so that one party’s failure to report will be revealed by the another party’s paperwork. Then the person who violated the tax law is made an example of, a horrible example, causing reasonable people to be very afraid of the IRS. They will use a similar method to end gun ownership.”

And don’t think for a minute that they won’t get all the gun sales records, once they pass their “Emergency Measures To Prevent Domestic Terrorism Act.”

So how will they plan to separate you from your now-illegal guns? You’ll be notified that next Thursday at 9AM is your designated time to appear at a certain address, perhaps your local police station, or perhaps a big-box store parking lot, with said newly-illegal firearms and ammo magazines. Current Covid vaccine distribution gives them a model for this new system. Instead of going to get a Covid shot, you’ll be going to turn in the newly banned guns on the list.

Many people will refuse to do so. A week later, they will be totally disappeared from social media. Digitally disappeared. This makes it hard to complain about your treatment.

If you send an email about your situation to your local news station, they will automatically get a warning email just ahead of yours, or your email will be contained inside of a red flashing “warning box.” This is how the CCP keeps the comrades in line in Communist China. ChiCom programmers are already working with silicon valley to get Team Tyranny, both government and private sector, up to speed on these protocols.

You’ll get more official warnings to turn in the newly illegal guns that they know you have. Serial numbers won’t matter much, they’ll have your own prior social media “confessions,” along with those proud pictures you posted at the range, along with your credit card history, etc. You bought ten P-Mags, a chest rig, a “drop-in” trigger and a new buffer spring? They know you have an AR. And you can assume that the sales records of FFL dealers will all be collected under the new “emergency” gun control law.

You still won’t comply? You’re doxed at work. Your company “can’t take the risk” of employing you after they get secret back-channel warnings from the DHS. You and your wife the school teacher or nurse will be unemployed. How are you going to pay your mortgage? Your kids’ tuition bill? Your car payment? Again, as a DHS-suspected “domestic terror threat” you can’t get the local news to touch the story.

Next step: your ATM card is frozen. Then your credit cards. Then your bank drops you. Still a hard case? Your electricity arrives intermittently. Then it stops altogether. Then your water is cut off. The local news will still not touch your story, since they have been warned about the dangerous domestic terror threat from people like you.

If this obtained, I suspect it would catalyze an entirely new set of problems for the controllers that would be both magnificent and terrible in its dreadfulness.

Remember unintended consequences.  And remember that there are multiple hundreds of millions of guns in America.

God Is “No Concern Of This Congress”

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago


There were a lot of powerful arguments against the Equality Act, but Rep. Greg Steube (R-Fla.) resorted to the ultimate authority: the Bible. During an intense debate on the House floor, the Florida representative said it was time for his colleagues to hear the truth about the transgender issue. But Democrats aren’t interested in the truth — or God. And far-Left radical Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) didn’t mind saying so.

“‘A woman must not wear men’s clothing nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this,'” Steube read from Deuteronomy 22:5. But let’s be clear, he said. “It’s not clothing or personal style that offends God, but rather the use of one’s appearance to act out or take on a sexual identity different from the one biologically assigned by God at birth.” What’s happening when men, women, and children do that, Steube said, is that “they’re making a statement that God didn’t know what He was doing when he created them.” And if Congress supports that — by passing extreme transgender bills like the Equality Act — then this country is “go[ing] directly against what is laid out in scripture.”

Democrats, irate that the Florida congressman dared to quote the word of God on the House floor, unleashed on Steube. Everyone from Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) to Katherine Clark (D-Mass.), shamed him for being transphobic and intolerant. But it was Congressman Nadler’s response that was the most shocking and revealing. “Mr. Steube,” he said pointedly, “what any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.”

God scoffs at his arrogance.

It sounds like it might be time for imprecatory prayers against this man.

The LEAD Act

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago


One such bill is HR 405, the LEAD Act, introduced by Ted Lieu, a congressman from California (no surprise, a Democrat). In this case LEAD stands for Lead Endangers Animals Daily, and it bans the use of traditional ammunition on lands that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service has jurisdiction over. For a first offense, there is a $500 fine, with additional offenses leading to fines from $1,000 to $5,000.

… a box of 25 non-toxic shotgun shells runs for over $40 at Assuming you’d have enough proficiency and confidence in a shotgun/shell combo after firing 250 rounds, that’s $400 before one single “for real” use. By comparison, a box of 25 traditional shells runs for about $13 at that same site. Assuming the same 250 rounds for proficiency and confidence, that is a difference of $270 – enough to buy a FMK semiauto pistol from Sportsman’s Guide (following all state and federal laws, of course).

First any land managed by the US Fish and Wildlife “Service,” tomorrow everywhere.

They’ll do anything to make the shooting sports as expensive as possible.  This is one of many such controller bills that are sure to darken the skies over the next couple of years.

The Reason Behind The Lockdowns

BY Herschel Smith
4 years ago

Instapundit posted this on the lockdowns, but all of the links are broken.  Shocker.

But via WRSA, this video explains the entire issue.

You’ve been had.

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