Update On South Carolina Open Carry
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 9 months ago
Anti-gun violence activists have voiced their concerns about public safety. Lynn Pownall with Moms Demand Action says she doesn’t like the idea of people walking around downtown Aiken with visible guns. “I can’t imagine going downtown to walk around and seeing people openly carrying weapons,” she said. “How does law enforcement tell a good guy with a gun from a bad guy with a gun when everyone’s carrying a gun?”
The South Carolina State Legislature is set to adjourn on May 13. So far, neither bill has been scheduled for a vote. Fox 54 reached out to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Luke Rankin for comment, but have not heard back.
First of all, that’s an idiotic objection. Her problem is psychological. The fact of a weapon not being visible means nothing concerning whether an individual has a weapon or is a “bad guy.”
Second, this is the page for Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Luke Rankin. The future may look bleak for open carry in South Carolina. It appears that Luke Rankin has pulled open carry before and is possibly anti-gun.
Perhaps Luke Rankin needs to meet the same fate as Larry Martin and be ejected from the S.C. Senate. So what gives, Luke? Where do we stand? Why hasn’t action been taken?
Here is his place of employment and here is his contact page. Are you a gun controller, Luke?
On April 22, 2021 at 7:56 am, Longbow said:
““How does law enforcement tell a good guy with a gun from a bad guy with a gun when everyone’s carrying a gun?””
Easy. The man who is minding his own business, harming no one and committing no crime, is the “good guy”.
Terrified, screeching, howling harridans not withstanding.
On April 22, 2021 at 2:23 pm, Kick Ass said:
That stood out for me, too.
I’m comfortable with concealed in most cases.
Good holsters & loose clothing help a lot.
How do obese people handle, say, having the hammer digging into your soft fleshy parts?
Maybe I don’t really want that answered.
On April 22, 2021 at 7:56 pm, Marshall said:
I wrote a message to senator Rankin on his contact page urging him to pass both the open carry and constitutional carry bills out of his committee. I also mentioned that if he allowed these popular bills to die in his committee that I would gladly support anyone who decided to primary him during the next election. It may take awhile, but eventually we can/must purge these anti-gun representatives from elective office. Those who oppose the free exercise of our fundamental rights don’t deserve to hold any public office down to and including dog catcher.