I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
“Applicants are likely to succeed on the merits of their free exercise claim; they are irreparably harmed by the loss of free exercise rights ‘for even minimal periods of time’; andthe State has not shown that ‘public health would be imperiled’ by employing less restrictive measures,” the Supreme Court ruled. “Accordingly, applicants are entitled to an injunction pending appeal.”
[ … ]
… “even if the government withdraws or modifies a COVID restriction in the course of litigation, that does not necessarily moot the case. And so long as a case is not moot, litigants otherwise entitled to emergency injunctive relief remain entitled to such relief where the applicants ‘remain under a constant threat’ that government officials will use their power to reinstate the challenged restrictions.”
Whatever. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time. Any decision that doesn’t recognize the God-given right and duty of Christians to worship completely free from hindrance by the state is still weak.
The really interesting thing to me is this bit: ” … litigants otherwise entitled to emergency injunctive relief remain entitled to such relief where the applicants ‘remain under a constant threat’ that government officials will use their power to reinstate the challenged restrictions.”
And no, that wasn’t what the Supreme Court said when they dismissed the case of NY Rifle and Pistol Association against NY on the basis of removal of the restrictions on travel, thus making the claims moot.
Because rules are for little people, and consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
Biden Adviser Richmond: Republicans Need to Stop Hiding Behind Second Amendment — It’s Not Meant for ‘Weapons of War’ [More]
The second amendment isn’t the source of anything for me. The Almighty God of the Holy Scriptures grants the right and even duty of self defense and protection of my family, whether from criminals with badges or without.
I don’t hide anywhere you can see. I find refuge under the wings of the Lord, whose pinions cover me from evildoers like you (Psalm 91:4).
And yes, I believe that, and yes, the Scriptures speak eternal truth.
Chris Costa is doing some cool stuff and with the recent focus on 45-70, revolvers, and now the Sharps carbine, and I like the direction of his channel.
I have to tell you. I’ve never had more fun shooting than when I sighted in my muzzle loader a few months ago. You build your own cartridge. Men have done it for centuries.
But good Lord, you’d better clean (and clean, and clean) that muzzle loader, and soon after shooting it!
After they arrived the officers were approached by an off duty PFPA officer who stated that he had fired his service weapon at suspects, saying they fled after not obeying his commands when he confronted them for what he believed was an in-progress car break-in.
The two victims, Williams and Johnson, were transported to Prince George Hospital where they later died from gunshot wounds, the Takoma Park Police said.
In Tennessee versus Garner, the Supreme Court has said that people fleeing the scene (even if known that it was the scene of a crime, in the particular case, escaped inmates) cannot be subject to lethal force.
You cannot shoot people for fleeing. It couldn’t be clearer.
Not that this man cared about due process, but the point is that by taking a life, you deprive that person of their due process rights. You’ve become judge, jury and executioner.
"No amendment to the Constitution is absolute. You can't yell 'fire' in a crowded movie theater and call it freedom of speech. From the beginning, you couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own." pic.twitter.com/shOkaXmLqH
Among the actions Biden will take will be to direct the Department of Justice to begin, within 30 days, the process of requiring buyers of so-called ghost guns — homemade or makeshift firearms that lack serial numbers — to undergo background checks and, within 60 days, regulating concealed assault-style firearms, according to the White House.
Biden will announce that the Justice Department will pursue two new regulations: one to curb the proliferation of so-called ghost guns, weapons that lack serial numbers and, in some cases, can be constructed at home; and a second that would regulate stabilizing braces, accessories that can be used to make pistols more like rifles.
The Politico article is muddled, perhaps the NPR article a little clearer. I assume that the regulation will be that no lower receivers can be sold without being serialized, regardless of the stage of completeness. Nothing is stated about what they might do about upper receivers, if anything. How this might affect the sale of components and parts (trigger assemblies, springs, detents, BCGs, etc.) isn’t currently known. Clearly, this is unlawful and unconstitutional.
The presumed second component of this appears to be that they wish to regulate the full assembly of pistol stabilizing braces – when installed on guns barrels shorter than 16″ – as an SBR. Also quite clearly, this is unlawful and unconstitutional. It also affects at least hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions, of gun owners.
I don’t expect compliance with any new regulations of this sort by gun owners, but the magic sauce is in what manufacturers must do. But you already know that, and so do they.