BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 10 months ago
Via friends David Codrea and Len Savage, nearly 400 million checks since its inception 20 years ago.
That doesn’t include concealed carry checks (where the certification suffices in lieu of the check) or before NICS.
BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 10 months ago
I cannot embed the video. Go to reddit/Hunting to check it out.
That boar was intent on an attack. The notion that wild pigs are all “runners” now and won’t charge is clearly false. A pig tusk can cut a femoral artery and cause death in minutes.
He had an AR pattern rifle shooting 300 BO, with a standard capacity magazine.
But hey, who needs standard capacity magazines anyway? He could have just let the pig kill him. PETA would have loved that. Maybe not so much though when they invade their yards and kill their pets and tear up their lawns and gore their children.
You do the math. They reach maturity in several years, have three or four litters every year, 12 pigs per litter.
Even if you’re not intent on hunting, carry a large bore handgun when in the bush.
BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 10 months ago
Remember what he says in this idiotic tweet.
Now watch this video.
In order to enjoy the liberties and freedom God granted, we need to follow the declarations of the tyrants in charge.
Admitted to by the buffoon and the controller in the video. And never forget what this – masks, lockdowns, business and school closings – was all about.