Socialism Around The World In 60 Seconds
BY Herschel Smith
In Mexico.
Violent clashes between rival Mexican criminal groups – and their alleged allies in the security forces – are escalating ahead of mid-term elections in June, triggering a string of political assassinations and the forced displacement of thousands.
State and federal security forces have actively colluded with – and even fought alongside – the warring factions, according to local civilians, civil society activists and gunmen from various factions.
But as well as engaging in pitched gun battles, criminal factions are also confronting each other on the electoral field.
“All the [criminal] groups are trying to make gains right now,” said a Michoacán political consultant with first-hand knowledge of how arrangements are brokered between organized crime and political candidates.
In Venezuela.
Venezuela’s authoritarian president, Nicolas Maduro, has managed to stay in power for eight years despite remaining profoundly unpopular, overseeing a spectacular economic collapse and facing years of opposition efforts to dislodge him. There’s little doubt Maduro has outplayed his opponents, and yet, his hold on the country is more tenuous than it seems.
The democratic opposition has indeed failed to remove him. But under Maduro, Venezuela is increasingly becoming a land of militias, warlords and criminal gangs. As they gradually divide the country into fiefdoms, the state’s footprint is steadily shrinking. The government’s sway beyond the capital city is significantly less than one might expect in a country whose regime has monopolized political power. …
In Colombia.
The port city of Buenaventura, on Colombia’s Pacific coast, has long been infamous as the “capital of horror”, with a history of brutal killings and “casas de pique”, or chop houses, where bodies were dismembered and dumped in the sea.
And from Portland, Oregon.
A disabled war veteran in Portland said he was hospitalized for serious injuries after a group of Black Lives Matter (BLM) agitators attacked and beat him last week.
Joe Hall, 53, said that BLM protesters allegedly armed with rifles surrounded his car when he exited his work truck, Fox 12 in Portland reported. Hall said he was driving through the area after finishing a job to his next one, and the crowd stopped his work truck as they blocked the road—a common tactic used by the Marxist group.
“All of a sudden these agitators come out, screaming, pounding on my truck,” Hall told the Fox station, adding that when he tried to drive around the group, he stopped because he thought he hit something with his vehicle.
“By this time I’ve got five people surrounding my vehicle, AR-15s, AK-47s,” Hall, who served in the Marine Corps and Army, recalled. “I pulled my .38 out of my right pocket and pointed it at the ground and told them if a weapon points at me again, I will shoot to eliminate the threat.”
Hall said that someone then tackled him and grabbed his pistol before the group started kicking and hitting him, according to the station.
Describing his injuries, the veteran said he suffered a “partially collapsed left lung” along with broken ribs, a broken collarbone, head trauma, and spinal injuries.
Don’t get out of your car, but do get out of the wasteland of Portland.
Socialism is the destroyer of nations. Socialism in America is reason enough – as if you needed any other reasons – to keep possession of your weapons.
On May 9, 2021 at 10:31 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Re: Portland
Do none of the local radio stations give traffic reports about where the commies are blocking roads?
On May 10, 2021 at 6:47 am, Mark Matis said:
Never forget Reginald Denny!!!
On May 10, 2021 at 11:15 am, Brad said:
The Feds are currently paying people more money to stay home and not work than what they would earn at a job. That’s Socialism. It’s here.
On May 10, 2021 at 11:59 am, MTHead said:
And something we should also note is that none of those countries are stopping China from doing whatever they want to do. And won’t be anytime in the future.
On May 10, 2021 at 7:04 pm, Archer said:
@Chris Mallory:
No. The Portland area traffic reports only cover the highways and a couple major streets. Antifa tends to block downtown roads and intersections; the news stations don’t monitor those unless there’s a reason to send a van crew…
… and they don’t send van crews to “mostly peaceful protests” anymore; the news crews just get assaulted (and the police don’t intervene, and even if they do the “protesters” are back on the street in a couple hours). The news stations learned that lesson before the terrorists started arming up.
The truly bizarre thing, though, is that the news stations still cover the “protesters” in a positive light and are extremely critical of police. Go figure.
On May 10, 2021 at 8:31 pm, Torcer said:
Venezuela To Introduce One Million Bolivar Banknote
6 March 2021
The Central Bank of Venezuela’s new notes were launched as hyperinflation and US sanctions continue to cripple the economy of the oil-producing nation.
As inflation skyrockets, the biggest bill is worth just US $0.52 cents.
On May 12, 2021 at 1:35 am, Hudson H Luce said:
The only thing crippling the economy of Venezuela is that crook Maduro and his buddies, who are raking in billions while people with four year university degrees in IT get $10 per month. Doctors do better, they get $20 per month. I saw an interview with two refugees from Venezuela who showed up on the southern border, both spoke perfect English, one without a trace of an accent. Educated people are getting the hell out of there, I knew one guy who walked 100 miles to get to Ecuador, 4 year IT degree and the highest wage offer he got was $5 per month – he ended up doing computer/phone repair for $10 per month, under the table, before he got out…