Pee Dee deputies prepare for McMaster to sign open carry bill
BY Herschel Smith
McMaster has already signed the bill into law, but this report prior to signing the bill is interesting.
Major Nunn said the grace period will be a time for law enforcement agencies to come up with ‘policies and procedures on how to deal with folks carrying hand guns openly.’
Here’s how you “deal” with those “folks.” You ignore them, just as if they were concealing a handgun. Pretend you can’t see it, because it will be legal.
I hope that helps.
On May 18, 2021 at 11:08 pm, George 1 said:
“Policies and procedures”? What a bunch of feminized drama queens.
On May 19, 2021 at 5:26 am, Wes said:
Our small ‘city’ PD has dealt with this in exactly the way suggested, to the result that there are seldom calls about it through the central dispatch because the public is more aware than before. “Seldom” would be defined as I haven’t heard anything in close to 2 years and my scanner is on A LOT.
A call comes in categorized as “Suspicious” the query is what is suspicious about it. Absent any other conduct they do not respond and dispatch is advised to tell the caller that because there’s no law being broken. (In fact, there is no law, since the statutes in my state are mute on the topic, as is proper.)
You train the public, the flailing of arms will go away. The required ingredient is a department that is made up of peace oficers, vs. law enforcement officers.
On May 19, 2021 at 5:36 am, Mark Matis said:
So, Wes, do you actually think the shithole hive dwellers can be “trained”???
On May 19, 2021 at 7:48 am, Cederq said:
Wes, what state would that be? Not that I am trying to upset your opsec. It sounds like the state I want to be in.
On May 19, 2021 at 8:16 am, Herschel Smith said:
I live in NC. No LEO here pays any attention to open carry. They’re used to it. I’ve been openly carrying for years and never been stopped, questioned or even really so much as looked at (to the best of my knowledge).
On May 19, 2021 at 10:24 am, Longbow said:
Oooo! Oooo! Let me decide how I FEEL about this!
On May 19, 2021 at 1:29 pm, Mack said:
“o LEO here pays any attention to open carry. They’re used to it.”
That’s exactly right, Herschel. Same in VA.
SC needs to conform to reality.
On May 19, 2021 at 11:03 pm, The Wretched Dog said:
Indiana is peculiar in that neither open-carry nor concealed carry is legal – without a pistol permit. In other words, our permit system is just that, a permit; open or concealed is not specified.
But in our larger cities cops tend to freak out if you carry openly, often demanding to see your permit. My experience in small towns is different. I have been carrying more openly of late, and I have yet to be confronted; most of the time I doubt very many folk even notice. I did have one guy at the Ford dealership notice and comment, but it was only to ask: “What kind of 1911 is that?” We had a nice chat.
On May 19, 2021 at 11:15 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I assume that someone has challenged the cops in Indiana on the fact that demanding to see a permit for openly carrying is discriminatory treatment and not in line with being a so-called “Terry stop?”
Stop and identify is not constitutional. In spite of the fact that some states have such laws, including stupid NY.
On May 20, 2021 at 6:19 am, Wes said:
@Mark Matis @Cederq
Sirs, given the masses in the hives that still cling to their masks like a 3-yo clings to a woobie I hold no optimism about educating everyone else. I can only speak for the ~9k-size spread-out town where I live in western WI. The county is similar and the Sheriff is of that same mindset. I’d imagine in the People’s Enclave of Madison or Milwaukee it’s a different dynamic. The state is like many, where a couple of hives try to drive policy for the whole state. The catch-phrase “local local local” matters.
To be honest, much of the impetus to (finally) adopt a shall-issue concealed statute came from the offended suburbanites who cried to their representatives to have the brutish people cover those offensive guns up! Almost a Streisand Effect thing. It was a long energy-sapping slog for the CC law though.
On May 20, 2021 at 10:45 am, Geoff said:
Exactly the way it is in North Carolina. Open Carry is legal with NO Permit. I shop in Tabor City and Whiteville for taxable goods if I’m going to be buying big ticket items or lots of gardening supplies at once. The Sales Tax is lower and Whiteville isn’t much farther than going to Conway or North Myrtle Beach.
There is no “grace period” on the law. The 90 days was was written into the Bill. SOP. They could have made it effective immediately or any number of days after signing. 90 days is the maximum allowed by law.