Do You Need A Red Dot Sight On Your Carry Pistol?

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago


  1. On May 25, 2021 at 9:29 pm, CA said:

    In candor, even w big-gap rear sights and a bright front sight, my pistol eyes have put in their retirement papers.

    Would be very interested in what folks in similar states of decay have done to max their handgun abilities.

  2. On May 25, 2021 at 10:11 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Good Ophthalmologists can correct a whole lot of bad eye problems, boss man.

    My vision is 20/200 or worse in both eyes. I am near sighted enough to need progressive lenses. And yet, with the right practice at looking through the right part of the lens (something that becomes intuitive after about a week from getting the glasses), I can see 20/20 or thereabouts regardless of distance.

    I’ve worn those glasses for years and years. Wearing sun glasses is a different story. The sports glasses can’t take the progressive lens geometry, and so I can only see clearly at distance when wearing sun glasses.

  3. On May 25, 2021 at 11:51 pm, George 1 said:

    I am in the same boat being nearsighted with a little astigmatism. I can no longer get a sharp front sight picture with a pistol unless I tilt my head back and use the bottom of the progressive lenses. I can still do OK by not being so concerned about seeing a really sharp front sight focus and instead “concentrate” on the front sight even though it is slightly out of focus.

    I have a RDS on a Glock 19 that I am currently experimenting with. At first I could not find the dot as explained in the video. The more draws I make the better I seem to get but I am still not what I would call competent with the red dot. I think with some more work I will be able to use the RDS system though.

    The dot on the RDS is not totally crisp to my sight due to the same eye issues I have with iron sights. I think that being able to concentrate on the target instead of the front sight will make up for that as I become (hopefully) better at using the system.

    Assuming I can continue to improve with the RDS it looks like it will eventually lead to faster and more accurate shooting for me versus iron sights. Only time will tell.

  4. On May 26, 2021 at 7:10 am, Wes said:

    Our host hit the X regarding what a GOOD optometrist can do for you. I have a healthy dose of astig and, for a long time, 20/200 in one eye. I have an eyedoc that is OCD about mitigating such things; he confessed to me that he actually found it refreshing someone would take such an interest beyond the usual “which is better, 2 or 3?” regime.

    His work (and others can do it) got me a progressive Rx that let me run the table in my category one year and has served me well. I’m of a certain vintage that the whole mechanics of pistol shooting spends too much time finding a red dot & works better with traditional sights. If pistol shooting is your thing don’t be afraid to show & tell what the focal distance is that’s important to you, so you can pick out a dust speck in the anti-glare serrations of your front sight.

    One thing my eyedoc confessed to me involves tolerance stacking in your lenses. When they’re are turning dials during your appointment they (optometrists) are “allowed” a certain amount of slop in the value they end up with for your Rx. To really tweak this, get on that final dial yourself with his/her guidance & make it the best you can. Take a break occasionally with your eyes while doing this to avoid letting your brain make something clearer than it really is.

    The second part is that, along with allowed slop in the Rx, the lab making the lens also has permissible tolerances. You don’t have to be an engineer to realize if the Doc is off so much ‘this way’ and the lab can be off so much ‘that way’ (opposite direction) they are both right but you are NOT going to be happy with the result. When you finish your eyedoc appointment, have him write on the notes for the lab to “Make Exact.”

  5. On May 26, 2021 at 8:19 am, ArmyArmstrong said:

    Well… you have definitely hit on a sore subject. Progressives are now a fact of life and trying to focus on the sights and the target have been a problem. So I am now on the wagon to solve that issue. I just received my HoloSun yesterday and am getting the ball rolling. Wes, I appreciate the input on the exam and glasses.

  6. On May 26, 2021 at 9:02 am, billrla said:

    Seems to me that, with most defensive shootings within a short radius of less than 10 feet, shooters would do well to learn how to hit a target within less than 10 feet, instinctively. That said, shooters have all sorts of reasons for wanting to sight their pistols for different targets at different distances.

  7. On May 26, 2021 at 9:07 am, Thomas Madere said:

    Most of my life I wore contact lens and my doc proscribed the left lens for distance vision and the right lens for just close enough to see the front sight, works perfectly. The brain merges the two different images as one. I am sure the same could be done with spectacles.

  8. On May 26, 2021 at 9:39 am, Fred said:

    As annoying to some as the circle can be on a red dot that has one, aquiring a target is much faster and simpler. Holosun makes red dots on which one can turn the circle on or off. The initial outlay of cost for one may be worth finding if you run better with the circle on or off. I prefer the cicle on although I confess to use that for close area protection only on a rifle as of now. If/when I went with a red dot on an EDC I would run with the cicle on. You have to practice aquiring the sight picture while you and/or it are moving. The circle is your freind anywhere outside the comfy indoor range. Although I don’t have blue-green confusion (do they still call it that?) I prefer the red to the green dot.

  9. On May 26, 2021 at 11:08 am, Thomas said:

    Primary Arms has a Holosun model with the ACSS reticle which makes dot pickup a lot easier.

  10. On May 26, 2021 at 1:18 pm, Gary L Griffiths said:

    As I turned 72 last year, my progressive bifocals began obstructing my sight picture on my Sig P-365. For AZ LEOSA qualification, the course starts with 7 rds on a reduced silhouette at 25 yds, and I was having great difficulty getting more than 1 or 2 hits in the “center mass” ring. I had my choice, basically, of having a good sight picture on a completely blurred mass, or looking at a sharp target with completely blurred sights. I bought a Springfield XD target pistol and put a Holosun green dot optic with 2-MOA or Circle-Dot reticle on it, and the first time I fired it I fired a perfect score! I then acquired a Springfield Hellcat optics-ready pistol, and put a Swampfox Sentinel 3-MOA Red Dot on it. I was able to shoot it almost as well as the XD, but had trouble many times finding the dot. I found I had to line up the original pistol sights (co-witnessed) THEN acquire and center the red dot. I didn’t have this problem with the Holosun when using the Circle-Dot, as it pretty much popped up when I got it even approximately lined up. Acquiring a good sight picture was quick and easy, and although the Circle-Dot was a little blurry, if I centered it on the silhouette, I got consistent center-mass hits at all ranges. I am currently in the process of acquiring a Swampfox Kingslayer Green Circle-Dot sight to see if it gives me the faster sight acquisition that the Holosun does on my XD.

  11. On May 26, 2021 at 2:21 pm, Brad said:

    I’ve put in to much time and done to many reps trying to develop a natural point of aim to throw something new into the mix. I have Dawson Precision comp sights on all my pistols so I have the same sight pic. Beside, it seems like just something else that might fail.

  12. On May 26, 2021 at 3:45 pm, Geoff said:

    I don’t shoot my pistol at ridiculous ranges like 50 or 100 yards. And it’s tough to find a holster that will accommodate a sight like that. Pistols are for up close to maybe 25 yards. Don’t waster your money unless you’re a competition shooter.

  13. On May 26, 2021 at 3:54 pm, Thomas Anderson said:

    Yea, my aged ēyes and floaters suck.

    Check out Center Axis Relock (CAR) system and what looks like its’ predecesor, something called the PAUL system … Platform Aligned Unitized and Level

    For spicey engagēments at 20′ or less, solid delivery. Beyond that range, you can transition to aimed fire.

    Train train train, including dry fire


  14. On May 26, 2021 at 4:18 pm, =TW= said:

    I doubt I will spring for a slide mounted red dot, but I DO appreciate a fiber optic front and wide-slot rear sight these days.
    I’m fortunate to have a gun-friendly optometrist. He set me up with dedicated shooting glasses, taking into account shooting posture, distance, and astigmatism correction.
    Distance correction is set just beyond front sights (rather than infinity as for everyday glasses.) This allows me to clearly see the front sight, with acceptable view of target at iron sight distances, with rifle or handgun.
    Optical center is set at upper left of my dominant eye (right) lens, accounting for head position while tucked into the gun. This is not common practice, and makes a BIG difference, maybe half the battle.
    Seriously- check your glasses for this.
    These adjustments work with conventional scope reticles and with red dots as well.
    Bifocal inserts are positioned as normal to allow reading fine print, reloading etc.

  15. On May 29, 2021 at 4:40 pm, Ohio Guy said:

    Well, it started as a want. Now, it’s become a need. Hope that helps. OG

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