Geniuses Work At The DoD
BY Herschel Smith
Via WiscoDave.
Pentagon approves two drones made in China for use by U.S. military.
— DEFCONWarningSystem (@DEFCONWSALERTS) June 2, 2021
What more is there to say, really?
Via WiscoDave.
Pentagon approves two drones made in China for use by U.S. military.
— DEFCONWarningSystem (@DEFCONWSALERTS) June 2, 2021
What more is there to say, really?
On June 2, 2021 at 9:28 pm, 21stCenturyCassandra said:
As long as The Big Guy™ gets his 10%.
On June 2, 2021 at 10:29 pm, JST said:
Their intention is to use them on us. So no strategic downside. Kisses the ass of their true owners as well.
On June 2, 2021 at 10:53 pm, Rainman said:
JST is right.
Those drones are meant to spy on Americans, not the China men. And I’m guessing the China men have a back door so they can see who America is spying on…
On June 3, 2021 at 8:10 am, Scurvy said:
Along the lines of imbedded code and circuits in motherboards, an interview with Patrick Colbeck about the election audit of PA voting with Dave at the X22Report reveals that some of the voting machines had a cellular phone chip placed on the motherboard that negated the need for any physical connection to a router to access the internet.
I’m not a EE but I suspect it would be simple enough to design in benigne enough looking circuitry that would send a second date stream to the CCP for their review.
On June 3, 2021 at 11:49 am, Mcbawls said:
@scurvy I am an EE specializing in firmware and you’re right it would be trivial to add these things to voting machine hardware and software. Trivial for a government enterprise anyway. The only thing that would get in the way is oversight by knowledgeable state authorities tasked with doing detailed hardware and software reviews of the product. Even that doesn’t matter because they would show you ‘x’ and deliver ‘y’ and unless you evaluated the circuit board and embedded firmware of each and every machine you would get hosed.
On June 3, 2021 at 1:31 pm, Torcer said:
What would the national socialist left be doing differently if they were really trying to destroy the country?
On June 3, 2021 at 1:59 pm, scott s. said:
Doing some searching, it appears this is in reference to a 2020 ban on US use of Chinese drones which put DJI in a tough spot. Interior Dept had 500 DJI drones which were grounded due to the ban. This finding apparently allows Interior to use these drones. Of course, we have no idea of how these drones were evaluated.