Why Do People Still Believe Cops Are There For Personal Protection?
BY Herschel Smith
Warren v. District of Columbia
Enough said. Read the cases. No court in the land will decide a case assuming cops are there for personal protection, and the idiot commentator should be fired.
On July 6, 2021 at 11:04 pm, George 1 said:
The commentator is a full blown moron. The Cop is just following the new progressive deadly force policy. Deadly force is only to be used on white people.
On July 6, 2021 at 11:58 pm, 41mag said:
Cop knew he’d be Chauvin the 2nd.
Idiot woman should have never gone back to the other idiot.
On July 7, 2021 at 1:02 am, Chas said:
why the hell should a white cop protect a black woman from a black man. Fuck them. No matter what the cop does, he is wrong. He did the right thing, walked away..
On July 7, 2021 at 3:30 am, Show Me said:
White cop, Chas? Better get your eyes checked. (Looks Asian, sounds like a black man; but most of society seems to sound like hood rats these days, so what’s new.)
As for the commentator; he’s just another deluded lefty, for whom no amount of cognitive dissonance will shake him from his, well, delusions. They are totally immune to actual rational, objective analysis.
On July 7, 2021 at 6:12 am, CT Ginger said:
The two main things cops DON’T do is “serve and protect”.
On July 7, 2021 at 7:40 am, Milton said:
People believe that cops are there for their personal protection because…
Ignorant bastards like the one on the video above keep telling them so. Aaand, they trust, but do not verify.
On July 7, 2021 at 9:39 am, Fred said:
Also, why do people still believe that news card readers and commentators are morons or simply ignorant. They are paid agents of the State whose job it is to purposefully deceive you into relying on the State to the point of religious servitude. The cop AND the commenter did exactly what is required of them: to try and make you afraid while simultaneously servile.
On July 7, 2021 at 10:49 am, Archer said:
Cops are sworn to “serve and protect” the community. At the best of times, that means the town/city — society at large. At worst, that means the politicians who try to run the place.
It does NOT mean they “serve and protect” individual people. (Unless there’s a specifically-negotiated and -contracted duty to that individual. If you’re not a high-profile celebrity or foreign dignitary, good luck with that.)
The cop made the right call. He was obligated to respond, and he did. He showed up.
What he’s NOT obligated to do is kick the BLM/Antifa/ACAB hornets’ nest by shooting another “unarmed black man who was just turning his life around”, with the additional complication that said “unarmed black man” was “killed in his own home”, possibly “in front of his wife/girlfriend and kids” (if they have any).
It doesn’t matter that the cop was likely not white; I didn’t get a good look, but based on his facial profile and voice, I’d guess he’s at least part Hispanic (Show Me above thinks Asian, which is also possible). Doesn’t matter: He’s in a police uniform, he’s “white” by default.
It also doesn’t matter that the guy had a gun. Once the news commentators get the story, they’ll suppress the video — and that “little detail” — so they can tell whatever story they want. And the story they prefer is “racist white cop executes unarmed black man in is own home”.
The common question in both points: Does the narrative get adjusted to match the facts, or do the “facts” get adjusted to match The Narrative [TM]?
A couple final points/rhetoricals:
– For all the talk about “ongoing internal investigation”, at most he’ll be reprimanded for violating an unwritten policy that says that in any dom-dis (domestic disturbance) call, the parties get separated. Which one leaves and whether they’re arrested or detained or just physically separated to “cool off” is up to the responding officer(s), but someone always leaves wearing handcuffs.
– The logo on the video is a stylized “TYT”. Would that be “The Young Turks”? The Turks are a known far-left activist group created by Cenk Uygur. Anything they post should be taken with a large grain of salt — and maybe a slice of lime and a shot of tequila.
– If the black man HAD been shot by the officer, what’s the over/under that within the next year the woman would be suing the officer and department for wrongfully killing her husband/boyfriend/partner/baby-daddy?
On July 7, 2021 at 9:30 pm, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:
Cops are never your friend. Cops are never to be trusted. Cops are never to be called. Cops shoot whop they’re told to shoot, beat who they’re told to beat. They dug, dumb, hired muscles for the evil people running this shithole nation.
They’re not your pals, they’re not the good guys, they’re just a street gang with slightly better training, official backing and a dress code.
The cops will come for the guns, and they won’t ask any questions when told to do so. They’ll be the first enemies we fight when FUSA goes hell-mode, and people have better learn and learn fast that these clowns are, at best, your sworn enemies.
Most will be so much worse than that…
On July 8, 2021 at 2:59 pm, Torcer said:
Remember all of this when the Anti-liberty Left tells you that you don’t need a gun because the police will protect you.